Starfield Ship Building Guide: Tricks and Hacks

Starfield has an extensive ship-building system. You have the freedom to create the perfect ship to suit your playstyle – whether you want to be an intrepid explorer, a ruthless space pirate, or a savvy trader. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to build the ship of your dreams in Starfield.


Introduction to Starfield Ship Building

When building a new ship in Starfield, the first decision you’ll make is choosing the hull. The hull determines the basic size, shape, and capabilities of the ship. There are hulls optimized for combat, trading, exploration, and more.

Once you’ve picked a hull, it’s time to start adding modules. Modules allow you to customize the internals of your ship by adding new rooms, systems, and components. There are modules for just about everything, including:

  • Weapons:Add laser cannons, missile launchers, and more to boost your ship’s firepower.
  • Shields:Upgrade your defensive capabilities with stronger shields.
  • Engines:Increase your ship’s speed and maneuverability.
  • Power Plants:Upgrade your power plant to provide more energy for modules.
  • Fuel Tanks:Expand your range by increasing fuel storage.
  • Cargo Holds:Add cargo space for trading and salvaging.
  • Crew Quarters:Provide living space for your crew.
  • Laboratories:Research new technologies.
  • Hydroponics:Grow food for long voyages.

In addition to modules, you can also upgrade individual components like weapons, shields, and engines for improved performance. Specialized components tailored for combat, trading, or exploration will give your ship an extra edge.

Optimizing Ships for Different Roles

Building a Combat Ship

If you want to play as a space bounty hunter or pirate, you’ll need a ship specialized for combat.

For a combat vessel, you’ll want a hull that prioritizes speed and maneuverability over cargo capacity. The arrowhead and dagger hulls work well for this role.

Next, you’ll want to load up on weapons modules like laser cannons, rail guns, and missile launchers. Don’t be afraid to devote a majority of your internal space to firepower.

You’ll also need thick shield modules and high-end shield components to absorb enemy fire. Invest in the best shields you can afford.

Top-tier engine modules and engine components are also essential for keeping up with foes in a dogfight.

As for other modules, a fuel scoop allows you to replenish fuel from stars and gas giants so you can keep up the chase. Countermeasure modules like chaff and flares help evade enemy missiles and targeting systems.

Finally, a combat AI module will provide an automated turret gunner while a point defense system shoots down incoming missiles. With these modules, your ship will be a deadly force in space combat.

Building an Exploration Ship

For explorers looking to travel deep into uncharted space, optimizing jump range and sensors are key.

Exploration ships need large fuel tank modules to extend time between refueling. The expanded fuel tank and drop tank modules are ideal.

Upgraded hyperdrive modules like the long jump module also help maximize your jump range.

Advanced sensor modules such as the long range scanner and probe launcher allow you to detect points of interest from afar.

A research laboratory module lets you analyze anomalies and artifacts you encounter. The telescope module provides detailed scans of planets and stars.

For self-sufficiency, hydroponic module and water reclaimer allow you to grow your own food. The fuel scoop gathers fuel from gas giants.

With these modules, you’ll have the range, sensors, and resources for deep space exploration. Just don’t forget the shields and weapons for when the unknown starts shooting back.

Building a Trading Ship

If you aim to become an interstellar merchant, investing in cargo capacity is essential.

Trading ships need hulls that maximize interior space over speed. The freighter, galleon, and juggernaut hulls excel here.

Cargo hold modules are a trading ship’s bread and butter. Fill out all available module slots with cargo holds to get the highest capacity possible.

Engine modules that provide fuel efficiency like the plasma drive ensure you make the most of your fuel when carrying heavy cargo loads across systems.

Turret modules with point defense systems will help fend off pirates looking for easy cargo.

A trading AI module can help locate the most lucrative trade routes and best deals.

Finally, a fuel scoop, jump drive, and shield modules round out the essentials for a trading build. With these, you’ll have the cargo space and economy to corner the market.

Building a Mining Ship

To mine resources from planets and asteroids, you need specialized mining equipment.

Mining ships should use durable hulls designed for exposure like the tugboat or teamster.

Mining laser modules, surface drill modules, refinery modules, and cargo hold modules allow you to extract and store your mined resources.

A tractor beam module helps retrieve asteroid fragments floating in space. The point defense system shoots down debris hurtling toward your ship.

Thruster modules provide the rapid maneuvering needed to position yourself on asteroids. Shield modules absorb damage from collisions and space debris.

With these modules and some grit, you’ll be raking in income from across the Starfield.

Tips and Strategies for Starfield Ship Building

Whether you’re a veteran spaceship engineer or just starting out, these tips will help you excel at building ships in Starfield:

  • Consider your playstyle and priorities.Before starting a build, think about how you want to play and what’s most important – firepower? cargo capacity? jump range? Identify your needs.
  • Balance offensive and defensive modules.Don’t load up on guns without investing in shields and armor. A balanced build survives longer.
  • Mind power consumption.Check a module’s power draw before installing. Make sure your total power output supports all modules.
  • Reuse old module designs.When building a new ship, you can transfer installed modules from older ships to save credits.
  • Customize existing ships.You don’t have to start totally from scratch. Try customizing pre-made ships to speed up the design process.
  • Take ships for test flights.Try out new designs in safe areas first. Test flights expose flaws in ships before taking them into the danger zones.
  • Specialize ships for specific tasks.Having one multi-purpose ship is okay, but specialized ships optimized for combat, mining, trading excel in their roles.
  • Don’t neglect mobility.No matter the ship, invest in engines, hyperdrives, and fuel tanks. Mobility is essential for completing missions.
  • Leave room to scale up.If funds are tight, leave some module slots open for later. You can add better modules as you earn more credits.

Parts of a Ship in Starfield

When building ships in Starfield, it helps to understand the key parts that make up a ship:

  • Hull– The outer shell or frame of the ship which defines its basic size, shape, and stats.
  • Cockpit– The forward command module where the pilot controls the ship.
  • Thrusters– Positioned around the ship, thrusters propel the vessel through space.
  • Hyperdrive– The jump drive that enables faster-than-light travel between star systems.
  • Power Plant– The reactor that generates energy to power all ship systems.
  • Shield Generator– Projects protective energy shields around the ship to absorb damage.
  • Weapons– Offensive armaments like lasers, missiles, and rail guns used to attack enemies.
  • Fuel Tanks– Store fuel reserves for the thrusters and hyperdrive.
  • Engines– Rear-mounted primary engines provide forward thrust.
  • Modules– Optional internal compartments added during ship construction.
  • Components– Upgradable parts like weapons, engines, and shields that enhance performance.

Best Practices and Common Mistakes for Shipbuilders

Building capable ships takes planning and practice. Here are some best practices along with common mistakes to avoid:


  • Perform test flights to balance performance.
  • Install modules gradually as funds become available.
  • Specialize ships for specific roles like combat or exploration.
  • Consider your playstyle and priorities when deciding modules.
  • Review module power consumption before installing.
  • Use high-end components synced to your ship’s role.
  • Take advantage of module transfer to reuse good builds.


  • Neglect mobility by minimizing fuel, engines, and hyperdrives.
  • Outfit with guns but no shields or armor – suicide.
  • Maximize cargo at the expense of defenses – pirate bait.
  • Overload power capacity with too many high-draw modules.
  • Forget life support modules and crew quarters for long journeys.
  • Assume one ship can do everything equally well.

Final Ship Customization and Aesthetics

Once you’ve designed your ship’s internals by selecting the right hull and complement of modules, it’s time for final exterior customization and aesthetics. Here you can make your ship visually unique:

Paint Jobs – Choose a bold color scheme or sleek decals to personalize your ship’s look.

Ship ID – Assign a unique call sign or registration number identifier.

Decals – Apply decorative vinyl designs and logos for visual flair.

Nose Art – Add striking nose art decals for intimidation or self-expression.

Holograms – Display holographic designs on wings or the hull to turn heads.

Wake Signatures – Customize colorful plasma trail effects from engines.

Thruster Flames – Opt for exotic thruster flame colors like molten purple or icy blue.

Window Tint – Darken cockpit windows for privacy and reflectivity.

With limitless customization options, you can make your ship look as amazing as it performs. An eye-catching yet functional vessel will strike fear and envy across the galaxy.

Master Starship Design in Starfield – September 21, 2023

Building your own ship in Starfield lets you tailor the perfect vessel for your needs while expressing your style. Whether you want to blast bounties, haul cargo, or explore the unknown, the extensive ship building system empowers you to fulfill that vision. Master these ship building fundamentals, specialize for your needs, and customize aesthetically to construct legendary ships worthy of cruising Starfield in.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.