Most Dangerous Planets in Starfield

Most dangerous planets in Starfield present considerable risks and challenges with their extreme environments, violent weather patterns, and threatening planetary dangers. This article will highlight some of the most treacherous and perilous planets adventurous players may encounter while journeying through Starfield’s expansive cosmos.


What Makes a Planet Dangerous in Starfield?

Not all planets in Starfield’s universe will be safe to land on and explore. Certain worlds harbor potentially lethal conditions that can easily overwhelm unprepared travelers. So what exactly makes a planet dangerous? Some of the most common hazards include:

  • Extreme temperatures, both frigidly cold and scorchingly hot
  • High radiation levels emanating from stars or radioactive elements
  • Corrosive toxic atmospheres composed of deadly gases
  • Destructive superstorms with howling winds and lightning strikes
  • Ravenous indigenous creatures ready to consume explorers
  • Unstable terrain prone to quakes, geysers, and sinkholes
  • Low atmospheric pressure that causes suffocation
  • Lack of resources like water, air, food or shelter

Equipped with proper protective gear and caution, intrepid explorers may be able to survive even the most hostile worlds. But risk versus reward must be carefully weighed before stepping foot on one of Starfield’s most dangerous planets.

Which Are the Starfield Most Dangerous Planets?

With so many planets to choose from, which ones pose the biggest threats to players? Here are 5 of the most hazardous and dangerous planets confirmed so far in Starfield:

Mars– The Freezing Red Planet

As part of our own solar system explorable in Starfield, Mars presents many familiar dangers.

With an atmosphere thin in oxygen and temperatures averaging -81°F, exposure on the surface without a spacesuit will quickly lead to suffocation and freezing.

Frequent planet-wide dust storms also pose a hazard, obscuring vision while sandblasting structures and ships. High radiation levels provide yet another threat to those caught unprotected.

Nibiru– Planet of Death

Nicknamed “Planet X” in ancient astronomer texts, Nibiru merits its apocalyptic designation in Starfield.

Possessing an unstable radioactive core, it unleashes continuous pulses of lethal gamma radiation and particle storms. Its atmosphere is also polluted with corrosive radioactive clouds.

Attempting to explore unprotected would mean swift death in minutes. Nibiru is an irradiated dead world – approach at your own mortal peril.

Jemison– Planet of the Leeches

While not as immediately deadly as radiation exposure, Jemison still harbors considerable dangers in the form of its ravenous indigenous species.

Vast swamplands on Jemison teem with enormous blood-sucking leeches capable of fully draining a human in minutes. Their toxic saliva also induces paralysis in prey.

Thick fog banks reduce visibility, allowing the leeches ideal opportunities to ambush explorers.

Porrima IV-C– Planet of Storms

This volatile world lives up to its “Forbidden Planet” designation due to electrical superstorms of staggering strength.

Winds whip across the landscape at over 700 mph, generating planet-sized cyclones visible from orbit. lightning strikes discharge billions of joules with each ground-shaking impact.

Exposing un-insulated electronics to these storms ensures instant frying. Porrima IV-C’s storms should be avoided at all costs.

Volii Alpha– Planet of Quakes

The gravitational pull of Volii Alpha’s two moons makes this world seismically unstable, with constant quakes and volcanic eruptions. Fissure openings, sulfur geysers, and lava flows change the terrain unpredictably.

A region may be stable one hour and rent apart the next. Finding safe periods between quakes will be key to exploring and surviving here for long.

Surviving Dangerous Planets

Despite their considerable threats, dangerous planets may still hold appeal for daring explorers. So how can players improve their odds of surviving these hazardous worlds?

  • Prior research – Learn as much as possible about risks before landing
  • Hazard mods – Install protective modifications to your spacesuit and gear
  • Caution – Avoid obviously unstable terrain and storms when possible
  • Radiation meds – Carry anti-rad drugs to counter exposure sickness
  • Extra oxygen – Bring surplus O2 tanks in case backups are needed
  • Escape plans – Have contingency plans ready for rapid evacuation
  • Shielding – Make use of caves or structures for added protection
  • Orbital scans – Thoroughly scan from orbit before landing

With the right preparation and precautions, even deadly worlds can be braved for a time by intrepid spacefarers.

But the margin for error is slim – one small misstep could quickly spell disaster.


While offering great risks, Starfield’s dangerous planets also present opportunities for incredible discoveries and rewards. Frozen wastelands, irradiated dead worlds, stormy forbidden planets – these hazardous environments will push players’ survival skills to their limits.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.