How to Make an Outpost in Starfield

This guide will walk you through the steps to construct your very own outpost in Starfield.

How to Build an Outpost in Starfield

To embark on your journey into the cosmos and create an outpost in Starfield, you must follow these essential steps:

1. Build a Crew Station

To assign your crew to outposts, your first task is to construct a Crew Station. This crucial step sets the foundation for your interstellar operation.

2. Open the Structures Tab

Access the game menu and navigate to the “structures” tab. This will be your portal to constructing the outpost of your dreams.

3. Build an Outpost

Choose a location with flat terrain or ensure the proper height adjustment before building your outpost. A sturdy foundation is key.

4. Place an Outpost Beacon

Utilize the X button (Xbox) or the R key (PC) to carefully position your outpost beacon. Confirm its placement to solidify the construction of your outpost.

5. Link Outposts Together

For optimal efficiency, consider linking your outposts by constructing a Factory. This interconnection can streamline resource sharing and management.

For additional insights on outpost construction in Starfield, you can explore other sources for a deeper understanding of the process.

What resources are needed to build an outpost in Starfield

In the diverse and vast expanse of the Starfield universe, the resources needed to create an outpost can vary significantly based on location and player objectives. However, certain resources are universally essential for outpost construction:

  • Helium-3: This resource fuels virtually every aspect of your Starfield endeavors, making it a must-have resource for your outpost.
  • Iron: A common resource necessary for constructing structures and equipment for your outpost.
  • Nickel: Another fundamental resource for building outpost structures and equipment.
  • Aluminum: An essential material required for outpost construction.
  • Copper: A vital component in the creation of outpost structures and equipment.
  • Tungsten: Crucial for building outpost structures and equipment.

It’s worth noting that specific outpost goals and locations might require additional resources. For instance, wind turbine construction might necessitate cobalt.

How to link outposts together in Starfield

If you wish to link your outposts together in Starfield, follow these straightforward steps:

1. Build a Factory

To establish connections between your outposts, the first step is building a Factory.

2. Open the Structures Tab

Access the menu and navigate to the “structures” tab to continue the process.

3. Build a Cargo Link

From the Factory, extend a Cargo Link to the outpost you intend to connect with. This step lays the groundwork for efficient resource sharing.

4. Establish the Cargo Link

Interact with your console and select a different Cargo Link to create the connection.

5. Transfer Resources

Once the Cargo Link is established, you can seamlessly transfer resources between your linked outposts.

Keep in mind that the resources required to construct a Cargo Link may vary based on location and your specific objectives.

What are the benefits of building outposts in Starfield

Building outposts in Starfield offers a multitude of advantages:

  • Resource Gathering: Outposts enable efficient gathering of resources such as Helium-3, Iron, Nickel, Aluminum, Copper, and Tungsten. This resource influx enhances your gameplay experience.
  • Base of Operations: Outposts serve as strategic bases where you can rest, store items, and strategize your next interstellar moves. Customize your outposts to cater to your preferences and needs.
  • Crew Management: Your outposts can be manned by companions and NPCs who can handle various tasks while you explore the cosmos. Their skills can significantly impact your operations.
  • Linking Outposts: Establishing Cargo Links between your outposts offers streamlined resource sharing and management. This connectivity optimizes your outpost network.

Conclusion – September 11, 2023

Creating outposts in Starfield opens up a world of possibilities, from resource gathering to efficient crew management. The universe is yours to explore and conquer. For further in-depth knowledge about outpost construction in Starfield, consult additional sources and prepare for your celestial adventure.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.