Dying Light Update 1.43 Patch Notes (New Weapons & Fixes)

A new Dying Light update 1.43 (Final Hellraid Update) is now available to download on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Dying Light 1.43 patch notes, the latest update added new weapons, a reworked armory, and much more. Apart from this, Dying Light patch 1.43 also includes a number of tweaks and improvements to your dungeon experience.

This update is also rolling out on different editions.

Dying light update 1.29

Dying light update 1.34

Dying light update 1.36

Dying light update 1.40

Dying Light update 1.41

Dying Light Update 1.42

Previously, a big update added next gen console support for the game. Unfortunately, some players are still facing issues with the game.

Today’s Dying Light version 1.43 addresses a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Dying Light Patch 1.43 Notes – May 5, 2022


  • A new weapon has made it to the dungeon. Complete the Loaded for the Undead bounty, and wreak havoc in the temple like never before with Deathbringer—the one and only firearm available in Hellraid!
  • Enjoy the reworked armory. Now it will store all of your Hellraid weapons and items!
  • Discover new Crystal consumables in the Raid Mode! Each offers a unique, strong buff, but remember.
  • Purchase wands and the Shock Bearer in the Hellraid Shop, and carry them to Harran.
  • Complete bounties to get all thirteen new Hellraid weapon blueprints. You’ll craft them with Weapon Remnants found in the Hellraid chest.
  • Experience the Hellraid mode with improved balancing and smoother gameplay! Now the dungeon encounters are even more satisfying!

Be The Zombie Update

  • New Survivor Sense Spit
  • Items balanced
  • Various Buggs Nerfs and adjustments.
  • Knives (nests)

    Hits to kill: 30 ⇒ 25

  • Bleeding element (nests)

    Hits to kill: 2000 ⇒ 400

  • Throwing knives (nests)

    Hits to kill: 200 ⇒ 9

  • Tackle (Hunter):

    – Base tackle knockback (horizontal): 12m ⇒ 17m
    – Base tackle knockback (vertical): 6m ⇒ 6.5m

  • UV-Block

    Duration: 2.1s ⇒ 2.5s

  • Ground Pound (Hunter)

    – Cooldown: 1.5s ⇒ 1s
    – UV-Flashlight safety time: 1s ⇒ 0.8s

  • Ground Pound (Human)

    Height requirement to perform: 1.5m ⇒ 1.1m

  • Claw

    Knockback: 5 ⇒ 9

  • C4

    Lifetime: 25s ⇒ 50s

  • Flashlight

    Energy consume on start: 0.2 ⇒ 0.15

  • Arrows (nests)

    Hits to kill: 18 ⇒ 32

  • Bolts (nests)

    Hits to kill: 18 ⇒ 32

  • Tackle (nests)

    Hits to kill: 13 ⇒ 18

  • Mines (nests)

    Hits to kill: 5.5 ⇒ 200

  • Kick (nests)

    Hits to kill: 20 ⇒ 30

  • Dropkick (nests)

    Hits to kill: 7 ⇒ 14

  • Fists (nests)

    Hits to kill: 20 ⇒ 33

  • One-handed (nests)

    Hits to kill: 18 ⇒ 24

  • Heavy one-handed (nests)

    Hits to kill: 10 ⇒ 13

  • Heavy weapons (nests)

    – Hits to kill: 10 ⇒ 13
    – Charged hits to kill: 5 ⇒ 10

  • Buggy (nests)

    Hits to kill: 2 ⇒ 2.5
    [FIX] Now properly scales damage based on gamemode (2v1+)

  • Knockdown

    Knockdown invulnerability grace time between another: 1.5s ⇒ 0.6s
    (After recovering from a knockdown, you are invulnerable to it before being able to get knocked down again)

  • Charged slice

    Additional range when charge slicing: 0.3m ⇒ 0.15m

  • Pounce Shockwave

    Shockwave (pounce/tackle) knockback radius: 5m ⇒ 4.5m

  • Spits

    Spit explosion delay: 1s ⇒ 1.1s

  • Zaid’s flares

    Duration: 25s ⇒ 20s

Fire-explosive nest interaction [FIX]

No longer starts instantly depleting the brood’s health

Poison element (nests) [FIX]

Now properly scales damage based on gamemode (2v1+)

Freezing element (nests) [FIX]

Now properly scales damage based on gamemode (2v1+)

Fire element (nests) [FIX]

Now properly scales damage based on gamemode (2v1+)

Electric element (nests) [FIX]

Now properly scales damage based on gamemode (2v1+)

Impact element (nests) [FIX]

Now properly scales damage based on gamemode (2v1+)

Bleeding element (nests) [FIX]

Now properly scales damage based on gamemode (2v1+)

Hunter climbing [REMOVED]

Hunter can no longer climb on ledges, but can still climb on outer buildings

Toxic Spit

[FIX] Undetect Spots: no longer has open spots to avoid damage
– Damage: 30% DPS ⇒ 24% DPS (damage per second)
– Range: 6m ⇒ 4.5m


Every booster acts as a Night Hunter booster now in BtZ (excluding singular effect boosters): normalizing every booster(s).
The following properties below are the only buffs that will apply once you are inside a BTZ match.

Night Hunter Booster properties:

● +0.5 seconds faster health regeneration delay recovery
● +10% movement speed (old: 20%)
● +10% more damage
● +35% damage reduction (old: 50%)
● 105 second duration

Speed booster properties:

● +15% movement speed
● 120 second duration

Resistance booster properties:

● +50% damage reduction
● 120 second duration

Night Vision Booster properties:

● +10% more damage
● Night vision filter stays
● 120 second duration

Stamina Booster properties:

● +35% health restored upon drinking
● +1 second faster health regeneration delay recovery
● +1 second faster health regeneration
● +2 seconds faster Grappling Hook energy recovery
● +0.2 seconds faster Tackle cooldown
● +10 seconds increased Camouflage duration
● 120 second duration

Event Booster properties (halloween potion, etc.):

● Cosmetic effects potions are kept in BtZ with no additional changes
● Event items that give an actual effect to the human that buff the human, have their buffs removed and replaced with buffs from Night Hunter booster and their duration is set to 95 seconds
● Christmas items inherit buffs from singular boosters
● Eggnog inherts all buffs from Night Hunter booster with additional saturation effect applied

Survivor-Sense spit (rework)

Name: Survivor-Sense spit ⇒ Concussive Spit
Description: After a short delay, knocks down any enemy caught up in the radius, stunning them for a brief period.
Survivors can free themselves from a Pounce if they were to be Pounced while under the effects of this spit. Concussive Spit also interacts with environmental objects, blowing up the structure.
Spitsmashing with Concussive spit will disable enemy Survivor-Sense, blocking the enemy from tracking you on the minimap.


Banlist: these items will not be usable when a Be The Zombie match is activated. The following banned items from BTZ are:
– All easter egg items
– All Shields
– Last Wish
– Inmate Rifle
– Your First Wrench
– Deadeye Crossbow/Bow


Blast damage [REMOVED] Additional blast damage: humans no longer take extra additional damage when taking damage from a explosion

Download free Dying Light update 1.43 on Sony PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.