Xdefiant Update 1.000.011 Patch Notes for PS5, PC & Xbox

Xdefiant update 1.000.011 is now available to download on PS5, PC and Xbox. According to the official Xdefiant 1.000.011 patch notes, the latest update brings faster weapon attachment unlocks, improved netcode, and weapon recoil adjustments. Additionally, Xdefiant version 1.000.011 also includes various bug fixes.

Recently, a Xdefiant day one patch was released with various tweaks and changes. Unfortunately, since the release, players have been experiencing network connection and server issues. Today’s Xdefiant patch 1.000.011 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Xdefiant Update 1.000.011 Patch Notes – June 18, 2024

Xdefiant version 1.000.008
Xdefiant version 1.000.011


  • Weapon Attachment Unlocks
    • Reduced XP required for primary weapons: 3,500 to 3,000
    • Reduced XP required for secondary weapons: 1,500 to 1,000
    • Changes are retroactive
  • Weapon Mastery Levels
    • Increased level requirements
    • Existing Bronze/Silver/Gold skins retained


  • Improved health reaction time when shot, reducing instances of being shot behind walls


  • MDR recoil normalized for players using the Firestorm skin


  • Fixed issue with players remaining standing after death under Libertad’s Medico Supremo ultra


  • Additional crash fixes


  • Season 1 patch releases on July 2
  • Possible spider-bot skill rework in the upcoming patch

Download the free Xdefiant version 1.000.011 on PlayStation 5, PC and Xbox Series X.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.