SCUM Update 0.95 Patch Notes Details

A new SCUM update 0.95 is rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official SCUM patch notes, the latest update adds significant optimizations and new features. One major change is the activation system for bunkers, where only 2 out of 17 bunkers are active at a time, and they require keycards to activate.

Previously, a major SCUM update 0.9 added new changes including loot, hunting, cooking rework and more. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s SCUM update 0.9.500 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Read the official patch notes below.

SCUM 0.95 Patch Notes – December 14, 2023

  • Major optimizations have been implemented for both server and client performance.
  • Bunkers have undergone changes, with only 2 out of 17 bunkers being active at a time and requiring keycards for activation.
  • The Codex, a tutorial system, has been introduced to help new players understand the game.
  • Keybinding has been reworked, providing more flexibility for players.
  • The Rager, a new 6-seater vehicle, has been added.
  • Crafting has been reworked, with a more intuitive UI and options for easier crafting.
  • The horde system has been revamped, introducing different threat zones on the island.
  • Puppets can now trigger hordes through loud noises and player actions, and they can vault through windows and break doors.
  • NVIDIA GFX owners can benefit from DLSS 3.5 and NVIDIA Frame generation for improved performance.
  • New weapons, items, and clothing have been added.
  • Fixed the issue where wind did not affect bullet trajectory.
  • Fixed the issue where portable fridges could not take melee damage.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not equip weapons while in Kinglet in SP.
  • Fixed the issue where a locked Kinglet could still be entered.
  • Fixed the issue where some server settings had the wrong description.
  • Fixed the issue where the locked camera was jittery when in the passenger seat.
  • Fixed the issue where the inverted setting for airplane controls would not function.
  • Fixed some wrong descriptions and typos on item descriptions.
  • Fixed the issue where clothing items would sometimes get stuck to characters.
  • Fixed the issue where the Kinglet Duster would not spawn if another vehicle was near.
  • Fixed the issue where fame points sometimes did not affect traders.
  • Fixed the issue where players could steel steer a vehicle while getting out of it.
  • Fixed the issue where the wrong vehicle parts would take damage on collision.
  • Fixed the issue where vehicles would keep running after the battery was removed.
  • Fixed the issue where exiting vehicles near BB elements would get the player stuck.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not repair vehicle parts of the vehicle was tilted.
  • Fixed the issue where RPM SFX would sometimes not play correctly.
  • Fixed the issue where the cloud quality setting had no effect.
  • Fixed the issue where you could not place scopes on M249.
  • Fixed some of the icons.
  • Fixed the issues where improvised ropes would use durability when used for crafting.
  • Fixed the issue where destroying BB elements under vehicles would leave vehicles suspended in the air.
  • Fixed the issue where the wash eyes option was shoed on items that cannot be used to wash eyes.
  • Fixed the issue where placing an ingredient into a cooking slot and then putting it in the vicinity would bug cooking out.
  • Fixed the issue where you could build overlapping BB elements.
  • Fixed wrong grip animations on some items.
  • Fixed the issue where EMP grenades had effect in Safe zones.
  • Fixed the issue where uncrafting a bundle of dirty rags would give clean rags.

  • Servers in the server browser will now be colored from red to yellow to green depending on their FPS.
  • Packed items no longer have to be in inventory in order to be unpacked.
  • Brenner will now attack puppets in his path.
  • Fixed the issue where clothes gained durability when damaged in some cases.
  • Power generators audio will be lowered when entering focus mode.
  • Vehicles now take collision damage even without any passengers in them.
  • Increased fueling range on Kinglet Duster.
  • Airplane propeller can now kill puppets.
  • Increased number of usages on Threads and Wires.
  • Improved the reverse action on bikes and bicycles.
  • Vehicle being deleted due to going outside of world bounds is now an error that will appear in the log file.
  • Players involved in vehicle collisions now also take damage.
  • You can now craft nails and bolts.
  • Added more rope options on crafting #20 bow.
  • Reduced Improvised Tool Box usages.
  • Server logs will now display DEV tag next to commands entered by a Dev on a server.
  • Reduced wheelbarrow wobble.
  • Adjusted sizes of some items in inventory.
  • Rebalanced BB health and damage.
  • Reduced noise generation from bows and crossbows.
  • Raincoats are now repairable with duct tape.
  • Car batteries, Electrician tools, Toolboxes, Electrical repair kit no longer loose durability when used.
  • Nerfed exhaustion gain rate.
  • Chests no longer stay active in safe zones.
  • Removed AT4 HEDP and OG-7V ammo from the game.
  • Adjusted some crafting recipes.
  • Flags are no longer destroyed if their owner is deleted (new character) instead they will decay unless overtake is in place.
  • Cutting items into rags, rag strips and animal skins now takes the chopped item durability into account.
  • Server logs will now also contain the number of alive characters and zombies.
  • Animal skin quiver can now be crafted with human skin as well.
  • Added new facial poses for photo mode.
  • Fireworks now properly generate noise towards AI.
  • Weapons will now get destroyed if durability reaches 0.
  • Adjusted FP requirements for some items at traders.
  • Suicide puppets will no longer start their auto-explode timer until they enter combat mode.
  • Adjusted some buy/sell prices.

New settings for Hordes and encounter manager:

  • scum.MaxAllowedCharacters=-1
    -Maximum number of characters allowed to be present in the world (including players)
  • scum.EncounterBaseCharacterAmountMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the base amount of character spawned in a given encounter.
  • scum.EncounterExtraCharacterPerPlayerMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the amount of extra character added to the base amount (per player)
  • scum.EncounterExtraCharacterPlayerCapMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the amount of players relevant to the encounter where no more extra character are added.
  • scum.EncounterTotalCharactersSpawnedMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the total amount of character spawned in a given encounter.
  • scum.EncounterCharacterRespawnTimeMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the encounter character respawn time.
  • scum.EncounterCharacterRespawnBatchSizeMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the encounter character respawn batch size.
  • scum.EncounterCharacterAggressiveSpawnChanceOverride=-1.000000
    -Override for encounter characters to spawn as already knowing the player’s position (for all encounter types).
  • scum.EncounterCharacterAINoiseResponseRadiusMultiplier=1.000000
    -Radius at which AI characters may hear another AI character’s noise (e.g. puppet scream).
  • scum.EncounterHordeGroupBaseCharacterAmountMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the base amount of horde group characters spawned in a given encounter.
  • scum.EncounterHordeGroupExtraCharacterPerPlayerMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the amount of extra horde group characters added to the base amount, per player.
  • scum.EncounterHordeGroupExtraCharacterPlayerCapMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the amount of players relevant to the horde encounter group where no more extra characters are added.
  • scum.EncounterHordeBaseCharacterAmountMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the base amount of horde characters spawned in a given encounter.
  • scum.EncounterHordeExtraCharacterPerPlayerMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the amount of extra horde characters added to the base amount, per player.
  • scum.EncounterHordeExtraCharacterPlayerCapMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the amount of players relevant to the horde encounter where no more extra characters are added.
  • scum.EncounterHordeActivationChanceMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the chance to activate the horde in a horde encounter.
  • scum.EncounterHordeNoiseCheckCooldownMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the horde activation noise check cooldown time.
  • scum.EncounterHordeSpawnDistanceMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the distance at which horde characters are spawned.
  • scum.EncounterHordeGroupRefillTimeMultiplier=1.000000
    -Multiplier for the time to refill horde group.
  • scum.EncounterCanRemoveLowPriorityCharacters=1
    -If enabled it will remove any inactive puppets or puppets further away from the player in order to spawn in new ones. (only if the limit is being reached)
  • scum.EncounterCanClampCharacterNumWhenOutOfResources=1
    -Can clamp encounter character base amount to min value after going over the limit.
  • scum.PuppetsCanOpenDoors=1
    -puppets can open or close doors
  • scum.PuppetsCanVaultWindows=1
    -puppets can vault through windows

Oher new settings:

  • scum.MaximumTimeForChestsInForbiddenZones=02: 00 :00
    -time that chests can be left in the specific zone
  • scum.MaxAllowedKillboxKeycards=1
    -maximum allowed number of killbox cards it combines the police stations and radiation zone killbox cards
  • scum.MaxAllowedKillboxKeycards_PoliceStation=1
    -maximum number of killbox cards obtainable from police stations
  • scum.MaxAllowedKillboxKeycards_RadiationZone=1
    -maximun number of killbox cards obtainable from radiation zone
  • scum.AbandonedBunkerMaxSimultaneouslyActive=2
    -maximum number of abandoned bunkers active at the same time
  • scum.AbandonedBunkerActiveDurationHours=24.000000
    -duration in hours for activity of the abandoned bunker once it switched from inactive state to active
  • scum.AbandonedBunkerKeyCardActiveDurationHours=2.000000
    -duration in hours for activity of the abandoned bunker that was unlocked with the killbox card

Renu specializes in Japanese games, from cult-classic JRPGs to niche indie titles. A lifelong fan of Japan’s gaming culture, she combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for storytelling. Follow her for updates on Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, and hidden gems.