First Class Trouble Update 1.10 Patch Notes (v1.3.9) – February 21, 2022

First Class Trouble update 1.10 released on PC, PS4, and PS5(1.010.000). According to the official First Class Trouble game patch notes, the latest update added various tweaks and fixes to the game. Apart from this, today’s First Class Trouble version 1.10 also includes a long list of bug fixes and gameplay changes.

Previously, a major update added a new matchmaking feature and removed Unreal Engines default highlight method for buttons.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s First Class Trouble patch 1.10 will fix a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

What is new in First Class Trouble February 21 Update today?

  • Preparations for the Custom Games update!
  • Removed Lunar New Year decorations.
  • Redid the lighting in the Casino to make it a bit more vibrant.
  • Replaced the proximity scanner icons.
  • When escaping using the Escape Pod it will no longer say “you are dead” on the screen when on the voting screen.
  • Two Personoids should no longer be able to both use a syringe on the same person at the same time.
  • Increased the amount of overdose syringe stands in the Casino.
  • Lowered the amount of padlock spawns to two in the Casino.
  • Changed the Casino airlocks to each contain only one type of scanner.

What is fixed in First Class Trouble Update 1.3.9?

  • Fixed some overlap on some shirts that caused a hole in their necks.
  • Fixed that when you were pushed while using the symbol puzzle the UI would be stuck on your menu.
  • Removed the not in local chat message persisting on the main menu even though you are reconnected.
  • Fixed an issue where the menu music would often not start when entering the menu from the post match screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the Paper Plane trajectory would remain on screen.
  • Fixed an issue with a light ray being visible in the emergency voting room.
  • Fixed some lighting inconsistencies under the bridge on the C.A.I.N map.
  • Fixed that some pools in the resort did not have the proper water textures.
  • Fixed various clipping issues on all maps.
  • Fixed various floating items on all maps.
  • Fixed various gaps allowing the player to see outside the mapl on all maps.
  • Fixed various items having no, or wrong collision models on all maps.
  • Fixed various ghost/z-fighting assets on all maps.
  • Fixed various issues related to asset LOD settings on all maps.
  • Fixed various issues related to assets making the player able to get stuck on all maps.
  • Fixed various issues with assets displaying temporary or wrong material on all maps.
  • Fixed various issues with decals causing overlap on the characters on all maps.
  • Fixed various issues with hazards bleeding through walls on all maps.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the tooltip messages to be empty when force opening doors.

Download free First Class Trouble update 1.10 for PS4, PC, and Xbox.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.