Elite Dangerous Odyssey Update 7.1 Patch Notes – Sep 24, 2021

Elite Dangerous update 7.1 (Sep 24, 2021) is now available to download for PC players. According to the official Elite Dangerous patch notes, the latest hotfix brings some minor changes and fixes to the game. Apart from this, Elite Dangerous Odyssey update 7.1 also includes performance improvements.

Previously, a big update addressed a number of issues and implement some quality of life improvements to the Galaxy. Elite Dangerous Horizons ‘Quality of Life’ update was also released

Unfortunately, since the last patch, some players are experiencing issues while playing the game. Today’s Elite Dangerous Odyssey patch 7.1 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

Elite Dangerous Patch Notes (Odyssey Update 7.1 ) – September 24, 2021

  • A fix has been implemented for where engineered weapons were….dealing extreme amounts of damage.
  • A fix has been implemented for the tutorial not starting when selecting ‘Start’ from the main menu.
  • Tritium collected in a legitimate way should no longer be marked as stolen .
  • Folk flying around in their ships (NPCs) can now be expected to spawn around settlements and planetary ports or in space locations that are close to planets.
    • Such as Conflict Zones& Resource Extraction Sites.
  • A fix has been implemented for Commanders receiving too many credits when selling commodities at a profit(between this and 100000000000 x damage multipliers, you’d think every day was your birthday).
  • An issue has been fixed whereby some players were receiving a “Commander Data” error when logging into the game after logging out, when embarked on an Apex Interstellar ship.
  • An issue has been fixed with insurance discounts being calculated incorrectly when remotely rebuying & transferring a destroyed ship(honestly beginning to think that the Elite Dangerous Galactical Finance Corp are on annual leave…).
  • Investigating Commanders who were unable to modify their suits or weapons.
    • Commanders should no longer have issues with engineering suits or weapons!
  • Reverted change to Data Ports that made downloading all forms of Data an illegal act.
    • Now, only data that is alarmed is illegal to download.
    • We’ve also reduced Data Transfer times by up to 75% following your thoughts and feedback.
  • THATfix has been implemented for engineered weapons dealing extreme amounts of damage.
  • A fix has been implemented for an issue where extremely large value combat bonds would be displayed incorrectly preventing hand-in.
  • Top bounties now display correctly in each system.
  • Improvements to material fragments, when mined from deposits, have been made – reducing the likelihood of them getting stuck inside asteroids.
  • A general stability fix has been implemented to prevent one of those illusive server crashes.

Download free Elite Dangerous Odyssey update 7.1 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.