Destiny 2 Update Patch Notes – Official

Bungie has released a new Destiny 2 update on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Destiny 2 patch notes, the latest update brings some tuning for abilities and Exotic armors in the Crucible. Apart from this, today’s Destiny 2 patch also includes various stability fixes.

Related: Destiny 2 servers are currently down for maintenance. Check Destiny 2 server status here.

Previously, a major update was released that added a new expansion to the game. Recently, a hotfix was also released.

Unfortunately, some players are still facing several issues. Today’s Destiny 2 patch will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Destiny 2 Patch Notes – April 26, 2022


  • Fixed an issue where killing a Hive Ghost was granting more than one revive token in activities.
  • Fixed an issue where Grandmaster The Lightblade and Birthplace of the Vile were not contributing to the Total Conquest Triumph.


  • Fixed an issue allowing players to exit the play area on Eternity.


  • Fixed an issue where killing the Envoys would not drop the Primeval’s shield.
  • Fixed an issue where the Primeval would not appear after  banking 100 Motes.



  • Synthoceps 
      • Fixed an issue where the Biotic Enhancements perk prevented shattering an encased player with an uncharged melee.
  • Renewal Grasps  
      • While equipped, Renewal Grasps now increases the base cooldown of the Duskfield Grenade from 62s to 152s.
      • The outgoing damage penalty applied to players affected by a  Renewal Grasps’ Duskfield Grenade has been reduced from 50% to 20%.
          • Damage unchanged vs. PvE targets.


  • Fixed an issue where The Summoner Auto Rifle on Saint-14’s rank reputation rewards is missing a Masterwork.


  • The Offensive Bulwark Void Aspect now grants 60% less bonus grenade energy regeneration in PvP game modes.
  • Titan Barricade’s base cooldown when the Bastion Void Aspect is equipped is now 82s, up from 53s.
      • This matches the recharge rate of Warlock Rift.
  • Skip Grenade impact damage reduced from 8 to 4. Skip Grenade tracking strength now begins to decrease after 1s, down to 50% strength after 3s .
  • Axion Bolt base cooldown increased from 91s to 152s.
  • Whisper of Chains now provides 15% bonus damage resistance against players when near a Stasis crystal, down from 25%.
      • Unchanged vs. PvE targets.


  • Stability and crash fixes.
      • Fixed a memory leak contributing to crashes and instability.
  • Reduced the text chat spam throttle to allow for more messages to be sent by a player before receiving the “You’re sending messages too quickly!” message.

Tuning for abilities and Exotic armors

  • Axion Bolt base cooldown increased from 91s to 152s.
  • Titan Barricade’s base cooldown when the Bastion Void Aspect is equipped is now 82s, up from 53s.
      • This matches the recharge rate of Warlock Rift.
  • Offensive Bulwark now provides 60% less bonus grenade energy regeneration in PvP game modes.
  • Whisper of Chains now provides 15% bonus damage resistance against players when near a Stasis crystal, down from 25%.
      • Unchanged vs. PvE targets.
  • Renewal Grasps
      • While equipped, Renewal Grasps increases the base cooldown of the Duskfield Grenade from 62s to 152s.
      • The outgoing damage penalty applied to player victims in the Renewal Grasps’ Duskfield Grenade reduced from 50% to 20%.
          • Damage unchanged vs. PvE targets.

Bug Fixes

  • The Summoner Auto Rifle from Saint-14’s reputation rewards is missing a Masterwork slot.
  • The Lightblade and the Birthplace of the Vile Grandmaster Nightfalls did not count towards the completion of the Total Conquest Triumph.
  • In Gambit, the Primeval’s shield sometimes did not successfully drop after defeating the Envoys.
  • Added stability and performance improvements.
  • Other minor fixes.

Stay tuned for the full patch notes.

Download free Destiny 2 patch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.