BG3 Zhentarim shipping crate is an interesting discovery in the game. This crate is located in the Zhentarim hideout in Waukeen’s Rest and contains a surprising cargo that ties into the central storyline. In this guide, we’ll cover the location of the Zhentarim shipping crate, what’s inside, and how it relates to the overall quest line.
About Zhentarim
The Zhentarim are a shadowy mercenary organization active across the Sword Coast. An early quest tasks the player with finding a missing Zhentarim shipment in Waukeen’s Rest. This leads to the discovery of the strange shipping crate and its unusual contents.
Where to Find the Zhentarim Shipping Crate
The Zhentarim crate is located in the Zhentarim hideout within Waukeen’s Rest. To access it, head to the northwest district of the map. Look for a transition point labeled “To Zhentarim Hideout” along the top wall.
Step 1: Enter Waukeen’s Rest in the northwest.
Step 2: Head north to the top left corner of the map.
Step 3: Locate the “To Zhentarim Hideout” entrance and transition to the hideout.
Step 4: The crate will be resting along the right wall shortly after entering.
What’s Inside the Zhentarim Crate?
When cracked open, the crate reveals a shocking cargo – mind flayer tadpoles floating in brine. Destroying the crate kills off the swarming parasites in a fiery blast. This discovery ties into the game’s central storyline regarding the tadpole infestations spreading across Baldur’s Gate.
While surprising, it’s key to note that this crate is not the actual missing shipment referenced in the Zhentarim quest. The real target is an Iron Flask found elsewhere in the hideout. So the tadpole cargo offers lore and context, rather than being the direct quest objective.
Opening the Zhentarim Shipping Crate in Baldur’s Gate 3
To access the secrets within, players will first need to track down the hidden Zhentarim base. Here are step-by-step directions to find and open the strange crate.
Step 1: Enter Waukeen’s Rest
Waukeen’s Rest is located in the northwest region of the Baldur’s Gate 3 early access map. Transition to this district first before locating the specific Zhentarim hideout entrance.
Step 2: Find the Hideout Entrance
The Zhentarim hideout is tucked away in the top left corner of Waukeen’s Rest. Look for a door labeled “To Zhentarim Hideout” and interact to enter the secret base.
Step 3: Locate the Zhentarim Shipping Crate
Upon entering the hideout, head right to find the crate resting along the wall. It contains the tag “Zhentarim Shipping Crate” for confirmation.
Step 4: Attack the Crate
To open the crate, players will need to attack and damage it first. Any party member can strike it using melee attacks or spells.
Once sufficient damage is dealt, the crate will break open in a fiery explosion.
Crate Contents: Mind Flayer Tadpoles
When cracked open, the Zhentarim crate reveals a shocking sight – mind flayer tadpoles suspended in brine. Destroying the crate kills off the swarming parasites in a blast of flame.
This ties the crate directly into the central storyline regarding the tadpole infestations in Baldur’s Gate. It’s the first direct look players get at the squirming creatures being implanted into victims.
However, it’s important to note that this crate is not the missing shipment referenced in the Zhentarim quest line. So while it offers interesting lore, the tadpoles are not the specific objective.
The Missing Shipment: Iron Flask
While the tadpole crate offers useful context, the real missing Zhentarim shipment is an Iron Flask located elsewhere in the hideout.
This special container holds a trapped spirit entity. Finding the flask and releasing it is the actual goal of the Zhentarim quest that brings players to Waukeen’s Rest.
So the side discovery of the tadpole crate provides world-building and tie-ins to the main quest, while the Iron Flask remains the specific target for resolution.

Origins of the Mind Flayer Threat
The presence of tadpoles in a Zhentarim crate raises questions about the shadowy organization’s connection to the mind flayers. However, their exact involvement remains unclear.
What we know so far about the mind flayer invasion:
- Mind flayernautiloidshave crashed near Baldur’s Gate, spreading parasitic infestations.
- Powerful mind flayers likeAlhoonseem to be involved, along with theirGithyankienemies.
- Illithid tadpoles now plague key figures likeWylland the player characters.
- A central mystery is uncovering the cause of the crashes and cure for the parasites.
The crate shows the Zhentarim possess tadpoles, but their exact role is unknown. Do they work for the mind flayers, or simply scavenge the remains? More questing should uncover the truth.
For now, the crate provides early evidence of the Zhentarim possessing mind flayer resources and experimenting with the tadpoles for unknown reasons.
Impact on Main Quest Line
While the tadpole crate itself is not the direct objective, it still provides useful revelations that impact the main quest line.
Key takeaways the crate adds to the central story:
- Reveals the Zhentarim have access to mind flayer resources.
- Confirms experiments and trafficking of live tadpoles.
- Establishes a link between the Zhentarim and mind flayer threats.
- Raises questions about the Zhentarim’s involvement with the mind flayer invasion.
- Adds depth to the mystery about the cause of the mind flayer crashes.
So interacting with the crate gives players an early look into the shadowy threat they face. The presence of live tadpoles feeds into the main quest to uncover more about the mind flayer plans.
FAQ – September 11, 2023
How do I open the Zhentarim shipping crate in Baldur’s Gate 3?
To open the crate, players need to locate the Zhentarim hideout in Waukeen’s Rest, in the top left corner. Once inside, locate the crate along the right wall. Have any party member attack the crate to damage it. After sufficient damage, the crate will break open in a fiery explosion.
What is inside the Zhentarim shipping crate in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Destroying the crate reveals a shocking cargo of mind flayer tadpoles floating in brine. This ties into the central storyline regarding the tadpole infestations plaguing Baldur’s Gate. However, the crate’s contents are not the actual missing shipment referenced in the quest.
Where can I find the Zhentarim shipping crate in Baldur’s Gate 3?
The Zhentarim shipping crate is located inside the Zhentarim hideout in Waukeen’s Rest. Enter Waukeen’s Rest in the northwest region of the map. Head to the top left corner and look for the “To Zhentarim Hideout” entrance, then transition inside. The crate rests along the right wall shortly after entering.
What is the quest for the Zhentarim shipping crate in Baldur’s Gate 3?
The crate is found during the “Find the Missing Shipment” quest for the Zhentarim. However, the crate itself is not the target of the quest. The real missing shipment is an Iron Flask located elsewhere in the hideout. The crate offers related lore but is not the specific quest objective.
Is there a secret to the Zhentarim shipping crate in Baldur’s Gate 3?
The crate contains a surprising cargo of mind flayer tadpoles and offers some lore related to the central mystery. But there are no other secrets directly tied to the crate itself. The real secret is the Iron Flask found separately during the quest.
BG3 Zhentarim crate offers early glimpses, but the road ahead should uncover more about the true mind flayer invasion. Dispelling the shadows around this threat is critical to lifting the curse of the tadpoles.