World War Z Update 1.20 Patch Notes (WWZ 1.20)

World War Z update 1.20 (WWZ 1.20) for PS4 and Xbox One is now rolling out players. According to the official World War Z 1.20 patch notes, the latest Dronemaster update added full crossplay invite functionality across PS4, Xbox One, and PC, the flexible Dronemaster Class, the Advanced Combat Weapon, a user report system, and much more. Apart from this, World War Z update 1.20 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a big update was released with various gameplay changes and bug fixes. Unfortunately, since the last update, some players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play the game. Today’s WWZ update 1.20 is expected to fix these issues.

Check out more details below.

What’s new in World War Z update 1.20 (WWZ 1.20)?

New Features

  • Added new “Dronemaster” specialization with its own ability, perk tree and prestige rewards
  • Added full crossplay support with other platforms
  • Added crossplay invite system via codes
  • Added user ban and report system
  • Added Signature weapon skin pack DLC (free for Season Pass owners)


  • Added new ACW-20 weapon with its own upgrades
  • Added upgrades for Revolver
  • Added upgrades for Double-Barreled Shotgun
  • Adjusted how much ammo certain weapons drain from ammo crates
    • All semi-auto and burst weapons drain 20% less ammo from crates
    • Crossbow drains 50% less ammo from crates
    • Classic Battle Rifle drains 50% more ammo from crates
    • All SMGs drain 10% less ammo from crates
    • All pistols (except Revolver) drain 25% less ammo from crates

Rebalanced specialization perks

  • Gunslinger
    • Impact Grenades: Frag Grenades explode on impact. They deal 100% more damage but have a 50% smaller explosion radius (previously, Frag Grenades exploded on impact without damage boost).
    • Power Nap: Unequipped weapon automatically reloads after 7 seconds (up from 10 seconds)
    • Heavy Metal: Start with an improved MAG5 Machinegun that deals 50% (up from 25%) more damage, and has 50% (up from 25%) more ammo. All MAG5 Machinegun pickups also improved.
    • Sleight of Hand: Switch weapons 150% faster (up from 100%)
    • Replaced “Last Resort” perk (while both primary and secondary weapon magazines are dry, you can perform 4 more melee strikes without fatigue and damage 2 more targets with each melee strike)
      with Concentration: Killing zombies consecutively with only headshots grants a temporary health boost
    • Rage Mode: When pinned down by common or special zombies, you will automatically stand up and push your attackers back (this previously included only common zombies)
    • Replaced “Desperado” perk (pistol damage increased by 25%) with Action Hero: When you are the last member of your team still standing you gain infinite ammo for 7 seconds
    • Free Refill: Restore 3% (up from 2%) of primary weapon ammo for each kill made with equipment
    • Replaced “Pickpocket” perk (killing 10 zombies in rapid succession refills one equipment charge)
      with Pocket Factory: You won’t be able to pick up equipment bags on the mission, but your equipment will be constantly regenerating
    • Replaced “Eagle Eye” perk (50% chance to refill one Frag Grenade by killing special zombies with a headshot)
      with Headhunter Reward: Killing 10 zombies consecutively with headshots refills one equipment charge
    • Switcheroo: Switching to primary or secondary weapons increases firearm damage by 50% for 5 seconds (up from 3 seconds)
    • Thrifty: Reloading a weapon with less than 25% ammo in the magazine provides a 50% (up from 35%) firearm damage boost for 3 seconds (up from 5 seconds)
  • Hellraiser
    • Here Kitty: C4 will attract zombies for 5 seconds after being planted but can kill 35% less targets (previously there was no negative effect).
    • Reworked “Welcome Mat” perk: Triggered Claymores will attract zombies for 3 seconds before explosion.
    • Green Fingered: Planting speed of Claymores is increased by 50%. There is a 25% (up from 10%) chance to plant a Claymore at no cost to your equipment.
    • Unshakable: Self-inflicted explosive damage is reduced by 100% (up from 90%)
    • Predator: Killing zombies with explosives boosts firearm damage by 50% for 10 seconds (previously this perk was “killing special zombies boosts firearm damage by 100% for 10 seconds”)
  • Medic
    • Pick Me Up: When you revive a teammate, both of you gain a temporary health boost (previously the health boost was only for your teammate)
    • Efficiency: 30% (down from 35%) chance of using a Medkit without depleting your supply
    • Pickpocket: Killing 10 zombies in rapid succession refills one equipment charge. Cooldown is 20 seconds (down from 30 seconds).
    • Replaced “What Was In That?” perk (Stim Pistol effect gives additional melee strikes without fatigue)
      with Emergency Rescue: When your health drops below 25%, you gain temporary health
    • Adrenaline: Reload speed increased by 50% when health is below 35% (up from 25% health)
  • Fixer
    • Armory: Using a Supply Bag gives a 20% chance to restore one equipment charge, but the bag owner can only restore his equipment when someone else gains this benefit from his bag. Thus, as a Fixer you can still gain this perk’s benefit, but you cannot (and don’t have to) place a lot of half-empty ammo bags to gain the benefit.
    • Swapped positions of the “Stand by Me,” “Give’Em Hell” and “Paramedic” perks in the perk columns for better balance
    • One for the Road: Maximum Masking Grenade and Supply Bag capacity increased to 2. However, Masking Grenade effect duration is decreased by 2 seconds and Supply Bag contains 25% less explosive ammo (previously there were no negative effects)
    • Under the Table: Anyone entering a Masking Grenade gas cloud restores 10% (down from 20%) of their primary weapon ammo
    • Armory: Your Supply Bags can be used 1 additional time before depleting (previous version of this perk was Supply Bags contain 25% more explosive ammo)
    • Shadow Walker: Masking Grenade effect duration increased by 2 seconds (down from 3)
    • Darkness Falls: Masking Grenade gas cloud duration is increased by 7 seconds (up from 5)
  • Slasher
    • Rooted: You can never be pinned down by common zombies (previously, this perk prevented players from being pinned down by up to 12 common zombies)
    • High Voltage: Stun Gun damage increased by 150% (up from 100%)
    • With My Last Breath: Melee Strikes damage 2 additional targets when health is below 35% (up from 25% health)
    • Adrenaline: Reload speed increased by 50% when health is below 35% (up from 25% health)
  • Exterminator
    • Hangover: Molotovs burn 75% longer (up from 50%)
    • Rage Mode: When pinned down by common or special zombies, you will automatically stand up and push your attackers back (this previously included only common zombies)
    • Rooted: You can never be pinned down by common zombies (previously, this perk prevented players from being pinned down by up to 12 common zombies)
    • Green Fingered: Your Claymores are rigged to explode only when there are at least 5 targets in the blast area (previously this perk increased Claymore planting speed by 50% and Claymores killed 25% more targets)
    • Thrifty: You won’t be able to pick up equipment bags on the mission, but your equipment will constantly regenerate (previously this perk gave a 25% chance of using the Claymore or Molotov without depleting an equipment charge)
    • Hot Sauce: Molotov’s splash damage increased by 100% (up from 50%)

Quality of Life

  • Difficulty matchmaking lock
    • Players must complete at least one level on Hard difficulty to be able to matchmake on Insane difficulty
    • Players must complete at least one level on Insane difficulty to be able to matchmake on Extreme difficulty
    • Works only in public games
  • Adjusted XP and Supplies rewards
    • EASY: XP +30%, Supplies +66%
    • NORMAL: XP +20%, Supplies +20%
    • HARD: XP +15%, Supplies +30%
    • EXTREME: XP -8%, Supplies -15% (offset by a single successful virus sample delivery)
  • Added a sprint stamina display on HUD (off by default and can be toggled on in HUD section of options)
  • Added option to disable crossplay from game options menu


  • Minor UI and localization fixes


  • Fixed several gameplay crashes
  • Fixed memory fragmentation issue that was causing crashes during long sessions


  • Fixed some gameplay bugs that were causing inability to progress in levels
  • Fixed several bugs that allowed players to escape from intended gameplay areas
  • Improved failsafe mechanism that teleports player back to the gameplay area if he somehow falls through the ground

General Fixes

  • Fixed issue with players being launched into the air when building automatic turrets
  • Fixed animation issue with zombies killed by fire
  • Fixed issue with Bomber blowing up instantly even when he was properly downed while vaulting or climbing (he’ll still have to finish his current animation before being downed)

Download free World War Z game update 1.20 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.