Where is the Nightsong in BG3?

The Nightsong is a mysterious location that players can discover while exploring the world of Baldur’s Gate 3. This hidden area is located in the Plane of Shadow and offers valuable loot and dangerous enemies for those bold enough to uncover its secrets.

Finding the Entrance to the Nightsong

Discovering the Nightsong’s entrance requires some exploration of the game’s second act, which takes place in the Shadowfell. Here are the steps to locate the hidden passageway:

  1. Travel northeast from the Goblin Camp until you reach a bridge crossing a ravine.
  2. After crossing the bridge, head east and look for a rocky outcropping next to a cliff face. Examine this area closely.
  3. You should find a hidden crevice that leads into the cliff. This is the concealed entrance to the Nightsong location.

Once through the secret passage, you’ll need to navigate downwards into the depths of the Plane of Shadow. Enemies will become more dangerous the further you descend.

What to Expect Inside the Nightsong

The Nightsong is home to some of the most challenging foes in Baldur’s Gate 3. Here’s what to watch out for when delving into this ominous locale:

  • Trolls – These regenerating brutes have high HP and hit hard in melee. Focus fire and use acid or fire damage to stop their healing.
  • Phase Spiders – Blink in and out of the ethereal plane during combat. AoE spells can damage them while phased.
  • Githyanki – Elite psionic warriors hunting for mind flayer tadpoles. They fight tactically in groups.
  • Undead – Skeletons, zombies, and wraiths roam the Nightsong’s depths. Turn undead to make battles easier.
  • Traps – Keep an eye out for hidden traps. Use thieves to disarm, or trigger with ranged attacks.

In addition to enemies, the Nightsong contains many treasure chests with rare weapons, armor, and magic items. Exploration is rewarded, so check every nook and cranny.

Navigating the Nightsong’s Perilous Areas

Nightsong location
Nightsong location

While journeying through the Nightsong, be cautious in certain dangerous parts of the dungeon:

The Trial of Echoes

This trap-filled corridor will activate doppelgangers of your party members. Defeat the echoes before they overwhelm you.

The Hall of Whispers

Whispering voices in this hall can drive party members insane. Move quickly or make Wisdom saves to resist madness.

The Maze of Shadows

Navigate this lightless, winding maze carefully. One wrong turn can lead to ambushes or dangerous dead ends.

The Abyssal Rift

A yawning chasm hosts a colony of flying demons. Use ranged attacks and avoid the abyssal void.

Strategies for Surviving the Nightsong – September 8, 2023

To emerge victorious from the Nightsong’s shadowy threats, keep these tips in mind:

  • Move cautiously – check for traps and ambushes in each new area. Don’t blunder into avoidable dangers.
  • Prepare resistances – spells like Resist Energy and Protection from Evil can mitigate traps and monster attacks.
  • Target enemy weaknesses – carry a variety of damage types to exploit vulnerabilities. Radiant is strong against undead.
  • Heal often – don’t get caught at low HP in combat. Healing spells, potions, and rests will keep you alive.
  • Use high ground – gaining elevation provides attack and defense bonuses. Make use of cliffs and platforms.

If you prepare carefully and face the Nightsong’s dangers with courage, you can reap great rewards and emerge victorious from its depths. The treasures within are worth the perils – for those bold enough to claim them.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.