Warframe Update 2.37 Patch Notes for PS4 and (PS5 Version 1.045)

Warframe update 2.37 (Patch Version 1.045) is available to download on PS4, PS5, PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Warframe 2.37 patch notes, the latest update 38.5 (Techrot Encore) introduces Temple, a Stage Defense game mode, and the Technocyte Coda Adversary System. Apart from this, Warframe version 2.37 also expands Höllvania with new Protoframes, a high-stakes challenge mode, and various quality-of-life improvements.

Previously, the Echoes of Duviri major update 2.21 added new content like Wisp Prime and the expanded Undercroft alongside massive QOL changes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Warframe patch 2.37 (Ver. 1.045) will fix a few of these issues.

Warframe 2.37 Patch Notes (update 38.5) – March 19, 2025

Warframe 2.37
Warframe 2.37

New Warframe: Temple

  • Temple, the 60th Warframe, arrives with a rockstar aesthetic and powerful abilities.
  • Uses Exalted Guitar Lizzie as a signature weapon.
  • Obtainable via Stage Defense mode or from Flare’s Memorabilia.

New Game Mode: Stage Defense

  • Objective: Defend Temple as they perform on stage while facing waves of Scaldra enemies.
  • New Enemy: Scaldra Screamer, a self-destructive adversary with nullifying pulses.
  • Rewards: Temple’s Blueprints, Riot-848 Blueprints, Endo, Relics, and Beating Heartstrings.
  • Steel Path Bonus: Earn 2 Beating Heartstrings per 3 waves.

Technocyte Coda Adversary System

  • A Techrot-infested boyband is causing chaos across the system.
  • Hunt them down to earn:
    • New Ephemeras
    • Dance Emotes
    • 13 Coda Weapons (exchange Live Heartcells with Eleanor).

New Protoframes & Vendors

The Round Table (Höllvania Central Mall)

  • Flare (Temple’s Protoframe) – Offers Temple’s Blueprints, Riot-848, and stage decorations.
  • Minerva (Saryn Protoframe) – Sells Covert Arms, including Purgator 1 & Dual Viciss.
  • Velimir (Frost Protoframe) – Specializes in furnishings and arcade machines.
  • Kaya (Nova Protoframe) – Runs Temporal Archimedea and sells exclusive Warframe Arcanes.

Temporal Archimedea (New High-Risk Mode)

  • New variant of Deep Archimedea with mission deviations and unpredictable risks.
  • Complete 3 back-to-back missions in Höllvania with intense difficulty.
  • New Consumable: Peely Pix – Provides unique buffs during runs.

Additional Changes & Quality of Life Improvements

  • New Atomicycle Racing Mini-Game: Ollie’s Crash Course.
  • New Gyre Vortengeist Collection & TennoGen Encore Skins.
  • Exalted Weapon Rework & Ash Retouch.
  • KIM Chat System Updates: New conversations and rapport-building with Protoframes.
  • Expanded Höllvania Vendor Offerings: New Captura Scenes, Ludoplex ROMs, and weapon skins.
  • PlayStation Optimization: Large download for PS4 (32GB) and PS5 (9GB) due to data remastering.
Warframe Update 1.045
Warframe Update 1.045

Misc. Changes in Warframe Update 1.045

  • Active 1999 Calendar challenges will now popup at the start of Höllvania missions to remind players of the task.
  • Kahl-175 is now immune to Tau Status Effects during The New War Quest.
  • Beast Companions and targets Mind Controlled by Nyx will now ignore most invulnerable enemies and not attack them.
  • Players can now access Blink Pads and Hacking Consoles while on a K-Drive.
  • Increased the size of Titania’s flight capsule while in Razorwing to reduce the cases of her escaping the map.
  • You can now choose to either return to Orbiter or Cetus via the abort menu while playing Saya’s Visions missions.
  • Updated Featured Dojo icons in the Star Chart to indicate what place they won in the Dojo Showcase Contest (Bronze, Silver, or Gold).
  • Updated hand position of Warframe/Drifter/Operator when gesturing to a selected Planet in the Star Chart. This fixes issues with their wrists appearing contorted.
    • Also improved the animations while transitioning in and out of the Star Chart.
  • Made some improvements on sun reflections so that they look more realistic on rougher materials.
  • Improved the headlights on the Scaldra TI-92 so that they actually have light beams!
  • Made improvements to the Contact Shadow toggle to reduce artifacting issues.
  • Added a soft fade-in/out to the Arsenal UI popup in the POM-2 NavNow map screen.
  • Made some improvements to Amir’s eyelashes.
  • Players in post-Narmer Fortuna can trigger the “We All Lift Together” cinematic using this context action near Ruud Zuud.


  • Changed the Pom-2 Calendar “To Do List Completed” message during Autumn to be about New Years Eve: “Another year comes to a close”.
  • Updated the tooltip for Tau Damage to be more accurate, now reads: “Tau increases Status Chance of all subsequent attacks by up to 100% with multiple stacks.”
  • When Techrot Miasmites and Gallifex units die, their Heat damage will now burn nearby enemies.
  • Changed the Crimson Branch Dojo Room’s description to say “Adversary” instead of “Kuva Lich”.
  • Improved the resolution of the Duviri Paradox Quest image in the Codex.
  • Made the following tweaks to the Grineer Ballista:
    • Improved their accuracy when firing and slightly increased their damage.
    • They no longer fire while moving.
  • Updated tooltip for Magnetic Status to communicate the bonus damage against Overguard.
  • Reduced the casting animation length of Volatile Parasite, Acidic Spittle and Endoparasitic Vector.
  • Removed the text “and mods” from the Elemental Sandstorm Augment Mod description.
    • This was misleading as the Augment only considered Damage Types, not other Modded values on your Melee weapon (like damage amount, critical chance, or attack speed).
  • Changed the Lith S16 Relic to Lith S17 from Saryn’s Prime Resurgence offerings.
  • Changed the Fusion confirmation popup to include the Endo and Credit cost to complete Fusion.

VFX Improvements & Changes

  • Updated Frost’s Freeze VFX and textures to better indicate the ability’s range.
  • Updated Frost’s Avalanche with improved textures, VFX on its shatter-explosion radius, and VFX timing on ability cast and shatter to better demonstrate the timing of Avalanche.
  • Updated the distortion VFX on the Corufell’s projectiles.
  • Improved lighting on Frost’s VFX particles.
  • Visually reduced the area VFX on Cyte-09’s Seek for other players in the squad to help prevent it from being distracting.
  • Added GI lighting on some of Yareli’s bubble VFX.
  • Updated the Techrot Babau’s Viral projectile ability VFX.
  • Updated the TV VFX emissions on the Techrot Obsolyte’s attacks.


  • Made a systemic micro-optimization to the script runtime.
  • Fixed using shift-windows-left/right to move Warframe between monitors not resizing the window when the borderless resolution changes.
  • Made experimental systemic optimizations to the script system.
  • Made experimental micro-optimizations to memory footprint.
  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to level loading.
  • Reduced the number of enemies that can exist at once in Defense missions, so as to not overwhelm hosts on lower-end machines. Plenty of enemies will still spawn, but we have reduced how many can spawn at one time.
  • Improved performance issues related to enemy spawning in Netracell, Faceoff, and Legacyte Harvest missions.
  • Made minor performance improvements in one of the Höllvania tiles.
  • Fixes towards hitches that would occur when starting to load into a level.
  • Made small optimizations to procedural level preprocessing.
  • Optimized memory usage for highly decorated Dojos.
  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to physics memory.
  • Fixed a hitch that would occur when updating a graphics setting.
  • Fixed hitching when opening the Riven Cycle screen, hovering over the weapon preview and after cycling.
  • Fixed performance issues caused by VFX on the Zobov Shotgun Skin when picking up Cyte-09’s Resupply ammo.
  • Fixed performance issues caused by the VFX on the Cryotra (especially with Duplex Bond equipped.
  • Fixed memory leak with Mirage’s VFX.
  • Fixed hitching when opening Operator Equipment menus.
  • Made performance optimizations to Orb Vallis raycasting meshes.
  • Optimized some Railjack collision meshes.
  • Fixed hitch occurring when changing Operator/Drifter appearance while a transmission is playing.
  • Fixed hitch when loading Kuva Lich screen.
  • Fixed performance issues caused by Qorvex’s Chyrinka Pillars and Crucible Blast
  • Optimized collision volumes in many of the 1999 tilesets.
  • Fixed a bad hitch when accessing the Simulacrum Arsenal if the K-Drive or Atomicycle Summon was not equipped on your Gear Wheel.
  • Made optimizations to the Table for Two stage in The New War Quest.
  • Improved performance issues with Sporothrix, especially in conjunction with its Augment.
Warframe 2.37
Warframe 2.37


Top Fixes:

  • Fixed Amir’s hair color only using the Accent color channel in his Gemini Skin. His hair can now be colored using the Primary, Secondary AND Accent color channels.
  • Fixes Towards Titania Tribute’s offering sometimes being launched into the sky when cast on enemies. You may still experience this specifically with Ospreys and Murmur enemies.
  • Fixed Trinity’s Melee weapon disappearing when casting Link.
  • Fixed Mall Rotunda and Höllvanian Courtyard Simulacra not properly increasing Enemy Level Cap by +25.
  • Fixed Overguard not applying to The Severed Warden’s arms.
  • Fixed a case of enemies getting stuck in The Circuit Defense, resulting in players being unable to complete the objective.
  • Fixed weapons with alt-fires that empty the entire magazine (ex: Cyanex, Kuva Kraken etc.) still having one bullet stuck in the chamber.
  • Fixed burst-fire weapons ignoring the “Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” toggle and still firing automatically when disabled.
  • Fixed Gammacor Incarnon not using the “Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” toggle.
  • Fixed Transference from Operator to Warframe while carrying an object (ie. Datamass, Biocode) causing it to be dropped and disappear for Clients.
  • Fixed continuously firing after bringing up the Gear/Emote/Cyte-09’s Ammo Wheel.
  • Fixed Trinity’s Passive not working in Höllvania missions.
  • Fixed Octavia’s Mallet dealing self-damage while riding Atomicycle in Höllvania missions.
  • Fixed Multron not using additional magazine capacity from mods to shoot more bursts between reloading.
  • Fixed Beast Companion Claw kills not counting towards the “Kill Shot” Nightwave Act.
  • Fixed Clients being unable to trigger Incarnon Mode after Host migration in The Circuit.
  • Fixed player reverting to walking while having sprint toggled on after logging on, loading screens and cinematics. This was forcing players to have to re-engage sprinting in those scenarios, which was understandably frustrating.
  • Fixed 1999 Calendar progress rolling over into the next season instead of at the start of the new season as intended. Also fixes receiving an error message when attempting to claim a reward/Override upgrade in the new season.
  • Fixed Clients experiencing loss of function after exiting Höllvania mall tunnel to mission if they are holding any movement inputs.
  • Fixed Longwinder, Recaster and Tromyzon Servofish and Fishing Hotspots not appearing for Clients.
  • Fixed rare issue that caused inability to buy the next rotation’s Archon Shard from Bird 3 if you purchased the prior one in a very specific window of time between store resets.
  • Fixed Railjack Plexus access missing from the pause menu while in the Backrooms.
  • Fixed the default binding for Ability 4 being blank by default when playing on controller.
  • Fixed Clients experiencing a loss of function after exiting Höllvania streaming tunnel (our programmers deserve their flowers for this one, it was a doozy).
  • Fixed Khora’s Venari not spawning into Höllvania mission if started from Base of Operations Pom-2.
  • Fixed the explosions from Acid Shells sometimes failing to damage nearby enemies.
  • Fixed Acuity mods causing unexpectedly high Critical Chance multipliers on certain weapons. They will now behave the same on all weapons.
  • Fixed Inaro’s Swarm Kavats being invisible for Clients if the player is using the Scarab Swarm or Dessication Curse Augment mod.
  • Fixed various Crewman variants not being able to perform melee attacks.
  • Fixed players experiencing a loss of function if Nidus gained stacks with the Parasitic Vitality Augment while they were downed.
  • Fixed being able to use Heavy Weapon while Nyx’s Absorb is active.

Warframe, Weapon, Companion & Mod Fixes:

  • Fixed Knell’s unique trait (crit multiplier and status chance buff on Weak Point Hit) getting activated indefinitely while dual-wielding with Glaive.
    • Also fixed Knell’s custom aim reticule disappearing after throwing Glaive and switching to Knell while it’s mid-flight.
  • Fixed Battacor’s Sentient Barrage alt fire discharge automatically queuing a second shot that does not track enemies hit correctly when the “Fire Manual Trigger Weapons Continuously” toggle is enabled.
  • Fixed Client Hildryn being able to use loadout weapons on Atomicycle after mounting while Balefire is active then deactivating by running out of Shields.
  • Fixed mods with an “aim down sight” condition (e.g. Embedded Catalyzer, Sharpened Bullets, etc.) not granting benefits while riding Merulina.
  • Fixed automatic weapon getting stuck firing when opening the pause menu while shooting.
  • Fixed the Mandonel Archgun freezing Clients indefinitely when the Host attacks enemies.
  • Fixed Companion Moas getting stuck if attempting to hack Spy Vault consoles in the Gas City Tileset using the Security Override Precept.
  • Fixed NPC pathing guiding them through a certain Pond in the Plains of Eidolon, which triggered a teleport volume.
  • Fixed Warframes that have a base health & shield of 270 & 370 losing a considerable amount of health when exiting a submersible Archwing area onto dry land.
  • Fixed Cyte-09’s Resupply element picker UI popping up when activating Spear/Tranq Rifle Gear item.
  • Fixed Cyte-09 not being listed in the Invert Tap/Hold Abilities setting.
  • Fixed Energizing Shot not working while riding K-Drive and Merulina.
  • Fixed Chroma’s passive breaking and not working after casting Wrathful Advance.
  • Fixed weird head movement when Nova casts Molecular Prime.
  • Fixed the Drifter Cheat Death Intrinsic overriding Nidus’ Passive in The Circuit.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Mind Controlled allies not being able to be healed by abilities that target friendly NPCs.
  • Fixed Volatile Parasite doing 100x more damage than intended if the target died early.
  • Fixed Helminth abilities with throwing animations having a casting delay when used during Titania’s Razorwing.
  • Fixed Paris Incarnon’s Ardent Trigger Evolution (on punch through hit: + 40% Fire Rate for 6s) not applying while in Incarnon Form.
  • Fixed auto melee not working while Chroma’s Spectral Scream is active.
  • Fixed Nyx’s Assimilate Augment applying Efficiency twice.
  • Fixed Baruuk’s Reactive Storm Augment applying the wrong damage type vulnerability to Factions with base damage type vulnerabilities (e.g., Amalgams, Murmur).
  • Fixed Vauban’s Bastille not activating when thrown into Frost’s Snowglobe.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Prism not dealing damage to enemies inside Frost’s Snowglobe.
  • Fixed Noctua spawned from Dante’s Woodwarden appearing upside down.
  • Fixed Coolant Leak’s fog not dissipating when used with Diriga and Arc Coil, resulting in permanent fog in-mission.

Quest Fixes:

  • Fixed the skybox not properly filling the sky in the “Follow the Stalker” segment of The Second Dream Quest.
  • Fixed misaligned kill animation during Stage 1 in The Duviri Paradox Quest.
  • Fixed misaligned Archon Shard extraction animations in The New War Quest.
  • Fixed the H-04 Efervon Tank spawning in The Hex Quest at half health.
  • Fixed being able to skip past a cinematic trigger in The Hex Quest by rolling quickly through the Höllvania Central Mall.
  • Fixed a certain loading screen in The New War Quest moving out of frame.
  • Fixed the rideable Cetus balloon in The New War Quest obscuring the player’s camera after double tapping left bumper on a controller.
  • Fixed a case of the Legacyte not fleeing during The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed Archwings always having their default colors while Protoframe Skin equipped.
  • Fixed Sentient foes sometimes spawning in the ground during the Kahl-175 stage of The New War Quest.
  • Fixed resource containers spawning during the “Ride or Die” mission in The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed Deacons in The New War Quest having unintentionally large vision range.
  • Fixed pixelation/screen tearing throughout The Awakening intro cinematic.
  • Fixed the loading icon missing in the Atomicycle streaming tunnel during The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed player looking up during the introduction dialogue in the Angels of the Zariman Quest.
  • Fixed Melee weapon not holstering during The War Within Quest cinematics.
  • Fixed Excalibur Umbra’s Radial Howl breaking Lotus animations in The New War’s final stage.
  • Fixed incorrect camera positioning and lighting in the Lotus scenes in the Angels of the Zariman Quest.
  • Fixed position of the Operator twin in the Backroom Foundry when crafting the Jahu Gargoyle during Whispers in the Walls Quest replay.
  • Fixed the “Harvest Archon Shard” animation sequences being very broken in The New War Quest.
  • Fixed screen remaining dark if you skip the interrogation cut scene in The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed a waypoint in The Second Dream Quest taking players in a circle.
  • Fixed the Chains of Harrow Steam Achievement not being awarded upon Quest completion.
    • We’ll have a retroactive fix to award this achievement later, but you can replay the Quest if you wish to earn it back immediately!
  • Fixed being unable to progress in the final stages of the alternate The Hex Quest after being downed as Amir (white screen would take over).
  • Fixed being unable to manually select the “Back” button on the Protoframe selection screen in The Hex Quest, often leading to players mistakenly selecting the “Continue” button using their “Enter” binding.
  • Fixed certain SFX getting cut short in the final stages of The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed missing blocking volumes in the Archwing section of The War Within Quest.
  • Fixed an issue with Drifter animation in The Hex Finale completion diorama if you linger on the scene for too long.
  • Fixed an unintended dialogue line in the final stage of The New War Quest.
  • Fixed random letters appearing on the POM-2 screen after getting multiple password entries wrong in The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed the Elder Queen’s tail being visible below her throne in The War Within Quest.
  • Fixed entering a specific room in the Heart of Deimos Quest while on a K-Drive resulting in a progression stop.
  • Fixed Kaithe tutorial binding callouts breaking after swapping between Controller and Keyboard/Mouse in the Duviri Paradox Quest.

UI Fixes:

  • Fixed inconsistent UI tracking for the Onos Incarnon Evolution 4 challenge.
  • Fixed Incarnon UI elements overlapping with Weapon Descriptions in the Arsenal if Legacy Menu Scale is used.
  • Fixed some stats overlapping with localized text (notably Thai) while previewing Railjack Components/Armanents.
  • Fixed a number of areas where Höllars are still displayed as Credits in the UI while playing in Höllvania.
  • Fixed redundant Reset Defaults and Randomize All buttons appearing in the bottom right corner of the Lotus and Cavia’s customization windows.
    • You can randomize and reset colors within the existing color selection options.
  • Fixed Scaldra and Techrot missing from the Damage Efficacy tool tip list.
  • Fixed Atomicycle map marker missing after dismounting from it in the 1999 Demo.
  • Fixed The Hex Quest missing Lotus Eaters and The Duviri Paradox as prerequisites in the Codex.
  • Fixed 1999 Calendar season icons looking a bit blurry.
  • Fixed Standing gained values being inaccurate in the end of mission screen after completing a Syndicate mission.
  • Fixed enhanced damage numbers appearing too close to the enemy.
  • Fixed Clients not seeing the Reactant HUD buff description in Survival Void Fissure missions.
  • Fixed Cyte-09’s Agile Set not sorting to the top of his Animation Set list.
  • Fixed Summoner’s Wrath HUD buff icon not showing stacked values if another player has it equipped (UI only issue, the buff was still applying).
  • Fixed the Höllvania Central Mall minimap UI stacking on top of each other in the first stage of The Hex Quest.
  • Fixed the Resource Drones button disappearing when viewing the full Star Chart, preventing players from collecting completed Extractors.
  • Fixed changing Focus School in Navigation Loadout UI not saving when accessed in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed Grinlok having a second set of Damage stats in the UI.
  • Fixed the Stealth Finisher UI prompt flickering.
  • Fixed the Dojo decoration UI backdrop being black when viewing the Belly of the Beast Trophies.
  • Fixed Operator overlapping on top of Focus School choice screen in The Second Dream.
  • Fixed the Magazine stat on Bows increasing with mods in the UI (bows cannot have their magazine increased).
  • Fixed icons in the squad list all being the default Excalibur Glyph when loading into a Höllvania bounty as a Client.
  • Fixed incorrect decimal separators in localized Arcane descriptions.
  • Fixed the Orowyrm Arena and its matching Simulacrum room missing mini-map UI.
  • Fixed a waypoint not navigating correctly in the Grineer Galleon tileset.
  • Fixed the minus symbol appearing in front of an already negative stat in mod descriptions – making it appear doubled.
  • Fixed caged Drahks in the Junk Run Break Narmer mission being marked as allies in the minimap. If not friend, why friend shaped?
  • Fixed the Power Gains Override description appearing twice in the 1999 Calendar.
  • Fixed the inventory count number in the Helminth Feed menu using the incorrect theme colors.
  • Fixed the Neo V4 Relic showing as Neo Z6 in the “Last Relic Equipped” section of the Relic selection screen in Omni Fissure missions.
  • Fixed Clients not seeing Arcane Bellicose stat bonus in the Arsenal stat UI while in a co-op Simulacrum.
  • Fixed Status Effect icons missing in the Melee Doughty, Arcane Truculence and Arcane Hotshot descriptions.
  • Fixed Solo-only Challenge pop-ups (for Rivens, Incarnons, etc.) appearing in Multiplayer missions.
  • Fixed the Prefer Overlay Map toggle in settings not applying when entering missions/bounties/open landscape.
  • Fixed Chat UI overlapping with the bottom of Vendor menus with many offerings (e.g. Loid, Acrithis).
  • Fixed Nightwave Mods tooltips overlapping with the “Go To Nightwave” prompt in the Nightwave log-in Announcement.
  • Fixed menu overlap when equipping Yareli, Sevagoth or Khora in the Höllvania Central Mall.

VFX & SFX Fixes:

  • Fixed Netracell kill area VFX not disappearing once the kill objective is completed.
  • Fixed VFX from the Zariman Ten-Zero’s skybox bleeding through the Vistagraph in the Dormizone in the Vista Suite.
  • Fixed Techrot Miasmite missing the fuse and explosion VFX for Clients.
  • Fixed the Atomicycle MoonStar Livery’s backwheel VFX having visible edges.
  • Fixed VFX lingering from arrow headshot kills when multishot mods are applied to Bow.
  • Fixed misaligned exhaust and energy VFX on the Cafe Racer Atomicycle Livery.
  • Fixed the Ninurta Claw Skin missing its energy VFX in mission/Simulacrum.
  • Fixed the Seighe Scythe Skin having incorrect elemental VFX in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed missing SFX when hitting the Juggernaut Behemoth in the Jade Shadows Quest.
  • Fixed Dante’s Noctua not playing its unequip SFX.
  • Fixed Techrot Babau units missing Electricity stun animations.
  • Fixed glowing VFX unintentionally appearing in UI menus.
  • Fixed Daughter’s background music playing over other transmissions.
  • Fixed a visual artifact in volumetric fog that could cause rapid movements to occur in the fog.
  • Fixed the Fog Failing Dojo Decoration VFX appearing black instead of grey.
  • Made several tweaks to the ambience SFX in Höllvania.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Ballistic Battery VFX pulse not matching player’s custom colors.
  • Fixed rotating Void Mirrors in Conjunction Survival, Albrecht Laboratories and the Cambion Drift missing their VFX.
  • Fixed Gas Status Effect VFX not showing up.
  • Fixed Grineer Ramparts in the Plains of Eidolon missing a dismount SFX.
  • Fixed dialogue timing in the Void Armageddon and Void Flood missions.
  • Fixed Verdilac’s Energy colors not applying to its projectiles.
  • Fixed lighting issues on hair and fur textures causing them to look blocky/glowy.
  • Fixed instances of the Somachord still playing songs when entering/exiting the Dormizone and during Angels of the Zariman Quest cutscenes.
  • Fixed the missing black and white VFX at the beginning of The Duviri Experience that usually fades as the gamemode progresses.

Environment/Tileset Fixes:

  • Fixed a case of the Void Mirror side objective spawning over a cave in Duviri, which had the unintended effect of preventing Kaithe usage in said cave.
  • Fixed an incorrectly rotated rock in the Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed mines in a certain Kuva Fortress tile not having the same animations for Hosts and Clients.
  • Fixed a visual gap between the Barricade and wall in the H-09 Efervon Tank assassination mission.
  • Fixed map hole in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed players being able to clip through the outer terrain mesh of the Steel Path Orowyrm arena.
  • Fixed a case of the missing stairs for Clients in a Lua Spy Vault.
  • Fixed Host being unable to see a hole in the ground in a Lua Spy Vault.
  • Fixed being able to see into a vent in the Jordas Golem Fight. Let Jordas keep his secrets!
  • Fixed a misplaced teleport volume in a Lua tile.
  • Fixed an incorrect tile connector in the Orokin Derelict tileset.
  • Fixed a missing collision in the Zoo in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed a texture error in the ground of an Undercroft tile.
  • Fixed some lights flickering in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed various decal and lighting issues, as well as floating items in some Höllvania tiles.
  • Fixed foliage clipping through Blink Pads in the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed being able to clip through a wall in Höllvania while riding Atomicycle and seeing checkerboard texture.
  • Fixed Hex Treasures spawning under some rubble in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed players entering an out-of-bounds area in the Corpus Outpost tileset via Transference.
  • Fixed the Grineer Sealabs extraction tile missing a console to reduce the alarm levels. In rare cases players may have gotten trapped in a room because of this.
  • Fixed broken snow geometry in Duviri near Fort Wyrmsoul.
  • Fixed missing stairs in Lua Vaults for clients in Lua Spy missions.
  • Fixed certain elements in Cetus/Saya’s Visions mission visibly fading in/out depending on your distance to them.
  • Fixed a case of Vents in a certain Zariman Ten-Zero tile not breaking properly for Clients in Mobile Defense missions.
  • Fixed Coil Drives getting stuck on certain parts of the terrain in post-The New War Orb Vallis.
  • Fixed falling through level after opening the Cambion Drift Bounty screen while running.
  • Fixed disconnected ground textures in some of The Circuit tiles.
  • Fixed the spikes on the Necralisk popping in and out of visibility while viewing at large distances in the Cambion Drift.
  • Fixed pressure plates in Duviri Enigmas being partially visible.
  • Fixed issue with Hell-Scrubber towers spawning partly into the ground.
  • Fixed issue with Hell-Scrub missions not failing if fail conditions have been met.
  • Fixed collision missing on a ceiling ring in the Orokin Moon tileset.
  • Fixed enemy pathing issues around/on the awnings in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed level of detail (LOD) issues in one of the winter tiles in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed many instances of bushes causing the camera to go inside the player in Duviri.
  • Fixed being able to escape the map in one of the Grineer Forest tiles.
  • Fixed map hole in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed some misaligned water and stair meshes in the Orokin Moon tileset.
  • Fixed floor and doorways flickering in the Grineer Asteroid tileset.
  • Fixed environment elements disappearing in the Prison Break Break Narmer mission when viewed at certain angles.
  • Fixed a large gap in one of the Corpus Outpost tiles.
  • Fixed Warframes getting stuck in the tilted/broken crossbars in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed rare bug where player could fall out of the map when walking through the door to go to Backroom and then immediately turning back around to leave.
  • Fixed enemy pathing issues in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
  • Fixed issues with meshes overlapping and floating snow piles in the Winter Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed some golden textures in the Necralisk and on the Entrati Dojo Decorations having black reflections.
  • Fixed the collision on a column in one of the Zariman tiles to prevent players from jumping up and out through the glass.
  • Fixed Medallions and Ayatans sometimes spawning the Granum Void.
  • Fixed Clients being teleported back to completed Spy rooms by sliding into the large moving blocks in Lua Spy missions.
  • Fixed issues with enemy pathing in Winter Hell-Scrub missions.
  • Fixed flickering on Grineer Deimos tilesets due to broken infestation geometry.
  • Fixed tileset issues in the Prison Break and Junk Run Break Narmer missions that were causing issues with NPCs.
  • Fixed Nidus’ full stack mutation lingering outside of the Helminth area in the Backrooms.
  • Fixed certain tiles not being picked in Höllvania Hell-Scrub missions.

Script Error & Crash Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash in The Sacrifice Quest if the player died as the Operator and quit the game before they respawned.
  • Fixed crashing when trying to open a Warframe’s Upgrade Screen if they had an Augment equipped for an Ability that was overwritten by a Helminth Ability.
    • Now the Augment Mod will automatically unequip if the corresponding Ability is overwritten.
  • Fixed crash caused by NPCs missing their weapons (i.e. when disarmed).
  • Fixed crash in Höllvania Exterminate mission.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while fighting the Ropaloyst.
  • Fix script error that could occur when logging out of the game while the Pom-2 was loading.
  • Fixed script error caused by toggle crouch.
  • Fixed script error when quitting the Lotus Eaters Quest while struggle prompt UI is active.
  • Fixed a crash when configuring Harmony in Teshin’s Cave while playing The Duviri Experience.
  • Fixes towards crash when using alt-tab or alt-enter.
  • Fixed script error when casting Kullervo’s Wrathful Advance.
  • Fixed a script error when a Khora Specter uses her abilities on foes.

Misc. Fixes:

  • Fixed dead Ancients, Brood Mothers, Thrashers, and Therids playing electrocuted or immolated animations before entering their death animation.
    • Since the electrocution and immolation animations were so long, players would waste valuable bullets and time trying to take down these foes, even though they were dead.
  • Fixed Clients being unable to complete Railjack Orphix missions after destroying a security node and Host migration occurring. Clients were returning to the mission with the objective still requiring four nodes to be destroyed, but only 3 were left.
  • Fixed the Necralisk appearing as the Arsenal background if accessed as the Operator/Drifter while in the Sanctum Anatomica.
  • Fixed Dagath Prex card being incorrectly rotated in the Decoration diorama.
  • Fixed custom Polychrome Fog not appearing in the skyboxes of the Open Space and Dry Dock Dojo rooms.
  • Fixed enemy kills counting towards the “Destroy Stationary Objects” Höllvania Bounty challenge.
  • Fixed Exploiter Orb staying in its basic idle animation at certain points during the fight.
  • Fixed Ghoul Expired continuing to attack with its arm even though it’s been destroyed.
  • Fixed Saya’s Visions transmissions playing after extracting from the mission.
    • Also fixed Lotus’ “mission complete” transmission in Saya’s Visions.
  • Fixed an issue where using Aim Toggle results in being unable to swap to your Secondary Weapon on a K-Drive.
  • Fixed being unable to Aim in Place in Caliber Chicks 2 if using Toggle Crouch instead of Hold to Crouch.
    • If you have Toggle Crouch enabled, it will still work as a hold for Aim in Place.
    • Also fixes the Aim in Place binding showing unbound in the tutorial while using Toggle Crouch.
  • Fixed softlock when pausing/unpausing Caliber Chicks.
  • Fixed being able to open chat during the Caliber Chicks 2 loading screen, causing it to linger on screen while playing the minigame.
  • Fixed lighting issues in the Nightwave Livery diorama.
  • Fixed the Drifter appearing to rizz themselves in a conversation with Aoi in KIM. We’ve already made that self-love joke, but here it is again.
  • Fixed errant extra spaces in various KIM conversations.
  • Fixed Hosts not seeing a Grineer Ship in the skybox during the Amar Archon Hunt fight.
  • Fixed being able to Nova Wormhole out of the Moonlit Courtyard Simulacrum and become stuck.
  • Fixed being unable to place decorations in the pond in the Courtier’s Bliss Dojo Room. Fish need love too!
  • Fixed rare cases of enemies dying immediately when attempting to recover from being knocked down if they fell just in the right spot.
  • Fixed Techrot Baubau spawned from an uncleased Hell-Scrubber appearing to stand in place after being killed.
  • Fixed rare case where Clients could experience a loss of function while using the turret on the Scaldra TI-92 truck to destroy it.
  • Fixed a Pherogland spawning by Kalymos’ feet before interacting with her to start the hunt in Legacyte Harvest missions.
  • Fixed Kalymos appearing stretched and wonky while waiting for the player to interact with her in Legacyte Harvest mission.
  • Fixed incorrect skybox in the Courtier’s Bliss Dojo room when fast-travelled into.
  • Fixed the Vagabond disappearing in Duviri for high-FOV and high-resolution monitors.
  • Fixed the interact prompt for Zariman Quiz Tablets being visible while on a Kaithe. Silly Drifter, Kaithes can’t read!
  • Fixed cases of Conservation footprints failing to spawn after interacting with a Trail Start Point, also resulting in the Trail Start Point disappearing.
  • Fixed aliasing issues with Quellor’s materials.
  • Fixed shadows causing Quinn to have black teeth/mouth in the Chrysalith.
  • Fixed strange head movement when running or crouching depending on where the player is looking.
  • Fixed an animation pop for the Rhino Heirloom Helmet when used with the Rhino Agile Animation Set.
  • Fixed offset issues with the Impetus Prime Syandana.
  • Fixed random text line in the Power Gains 1999 Override description.
  • Fixed seconds in timer not being localized in the Conclave matches.
  • Fixed text in Index bidding UI not being properly localized.
  • Fixed Kalymos’ left mouth corner not moving properly.
  • Fixed motion blur issues on the liquid in Lavos’ vials.
  • Fixed Höllars pickup text missing comma/decimals to demote the thousands.
  • Fixed Parallax’s windows being too dark.
  • Fixed filepath error popping up after hitting “Accept” more than once when applying Fusion to a mod when you do not have the correct amount of Endo to rank it to max.
  • Fixed Corpus Obelisk entry animation showing Warframe flying upwards right before reaching the door in Railjack Neptune Proxima missions.
  • Fixed a typo in one of Arthur’s “Best Friends/Loved” rank conversations.
  • Fixed Drifter moving to a seated position while hovering over AMP Arcanes in the Equipment section of the Drifter menu.
  • Fixed Amir’s “Dynamo Jump” Override description incorrectly saying the Electricity Damage buff lasts 5s instead of 3s.
  • Fixed being able to destroy your Domestik Drone friend in the Höllvania Central Mall by bullet jumping over it (MY BOY, NOT MY BOY).
  • Fixed Amir Gemini Skin glasses flickering on a Kuva Lich’s Progenitor shoulder decoration.
  • Fixed missing textures on the Grinner Station in the Personal Quarters’ Empyrean Vignette.
  • Fixed Excalibur Umbra missing his head in the Conclave.
  • Fixed rare cases of Gemini Skins having a global tint applied to them on Articula or in statues in the Personal Quarters/Relay.
  • Fixed the Belly of the Beast Ordis vendor re-appearing when entering Relays directly from a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed an issue where Operator hair styles that aren’t named “Operator Cut #” were showing up as “Drifter Cut” in the list.
  • Fixed Ordis’ transmissions interrupting Alad V’s introduction cinematic after completing the Jupiter Junction.
  • Fixed the description for Arcane reward in the 1999 Calendar being incorrect.
  • Fixed a typo in one of Aoi’s Rank 5 conversations ( “betray” instead of “betraying”).
  • Fixed Quincy’s KIM profile showing Best Friends notes at Max Rank.
  • Fixed being unable to filter chat using Cyrillic capital characters.
  • Fixed players getting duplicates of the Hex Accolade Glyphs from defeating the H-09 Efervon Tank Apex and Warframe Glyphs from The Fragmented One.
  • Fixed Warframe’s Emissive color changing when equipping the Verv Emblem.
  • Fixed Prod Crewmen being unable to attack the Warframe Cryopod in Corpus Outpost Defense mission.
  • Fixed t-pose glitches when transitioning from the Höllvania Central Mall to mission while on Atomicycle.
  • Fixed Client Warframes going invisible while riding Atomicycle after Host migration.
  • Fixed being unable to place decorations in some spot of the hallway to the Dojo Drydock.
  • Fixed Corpus Security Nodes still attacking player Railjack while it is cloaked.
  • Fixed the training dummy in Teshin’s Cave missing most of its body and only having arms.
  • Fixed various issues when dismounting a Railjack emplacement if another player was trying to mount it.
  • Fixed some Enemy Factions missing in the Simulacrum if the game was set to Turkish.
  • Fixed culling distance being too close when video settings are set to high in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed the Watchful Paragrimm decoration having a large “no placement” red zone when attempting to place decorations.
  • Fixed being able to interact with side objective context actions in The Duviri Experience while riding Kaithe.
  • Fixed Warframes in Conclave Loadouts being unable to equip Syndicate Sigils in PVE Loadouts.
  • Fixed Lua’s Hall of Ascension Speed Test buttons not visually responding to player input (they were activating, but you couldn’t tell!)
  • Fixed Hollow Vein’s animations to be less stop and go.
  • Fixed players unable to purchase rotating vendor items (e.g. Ergo Glast’s Tenet weapons) four minutes before the offerings would change.
  • Fixed The Hex and Cavia rank-up diorama incorrectly showing the player’s Warframe instead of Arthur or Fibonacci when accessed in their respective hubs.
  • Fixed Clients seeing missing heads on Gemini Skins after a player used a Gemini Emote.
  • Fixed missing character and decoration lighting in the Orokin Tower Chamber Dojo room.
  • Fixed the tail of Lark Bishamo Apparel being contorted on Operators.
  • Fixed player being in the wrong location while petting their Kavat.
  • Fixed being able to phase through objects with the Atomicycle.
  • Fixed Warframe in the login screen kneeling lower when logging into The Backrooms compared to other Base of Operations.
  • Fixed Techrot cocoons flickering due to missing shaders.
  • Fixed cases of Drifter beards not matching their hair color when reverting to defaults.
  • Fixed the “Prefer Overlay Map” setting not applying to non-Open Landscape missions with streaming tunnels (ie. Höllvania, Albrecht’s Laboratories).


  • Fixed crash after returning from Host migration in Höllvania missions.
  • Fixed a crash caused by Clients rapid-firing the Mandonel Heavy Weapon, often occurring in Profit Taker runs.
  • Fixed cases of Aura Mod effectiveness doubling in Duviri and in the Simulacrum.
  • Fixed a crash in Sister of Parvos faceoff mission in Railjack.
  • Fixed waypointing issues in Grineer and Lua Spy Vaults.
  • Fixes towards a crash related to Xaku.
  • Fixes towards crashes caused by projectiles.
  • Fixes towards seeing squadmates t-posing on their Atomicycles.
  • Fixed a loud sound occurring when entering certain areas of the Höllvania Central Mall.
  • Fixed crash caused by audio occlusion.
  • Fixed mesh overlapping issues throughout the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed a floating snowpile in the Winter Hollvania tileset.
  • Fixed gaps in the buildings and walls in the Höllvania tileset.
  • Fixed crash in Railjack mission.
  • Fixed Host crash after Client interacts with their Atomicycle.
  • Fixed not being able to see decorations in a player’s Base of Operations when invited if the Host did not have a Cross Platform Save account, but the invitee did.
  • This bug only occurred for console players who were playing within the same platform family (ie. PSN users inviting another PSN user, etc.).
  • Fixed the Resent Verification Email option in settings not working.
  • Fixed the Clan Warlord promotion prompt not fitting within the on-screen keyboard textfield.
  • Added IPV6 chat support for PlayStation 5.

Download free Warframe update 2.37 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.