Warframe Update 2.27 Patch Notes (Patch Version 35.5)

Warframe update 2.27 (Patch Version 35.5) is available to download on PS4, PS5(Ver. 1.035.000), PC, and Xbox One. According to the official Warframe 2.27 patch notes, the latest update introduces the Dante Unbound mainline update, featuring new content, weapons, enemies, and quality of life improvements. Apart from this, Warframe version 2.27 also focus on the Leverian storyline and the celebration of Warframe’s 11-year anniversary.

Previously, the Echoes of Duviri major update 2.21 added new content like Wisp Prime and the expanded Undercroft alongside massive QOL changes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Warframe patch 2.27 (Ver. 1.034) will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Warframe 2.27 Patch Notes (Patch Version 35.5) – March 27, 2024


  • Dante Unbound Mainline Update: Introduces new content including the Dante Warframe, Incarnon weapons, the Deep Archimedea game mode, and quality of life changes.
  • 11-Year Anniversary Celebration: Players can participate in the anniversary celebration by logging in to earn rewards including the Dex Nikana Melee Weapon and Year Eleven Anniversary Glyph.
  • Deep Archimedea Launch Delayed: The Deep Archimedea game mode will launch in a hotfix next week due to development complexities.
  • New Warframe: Dante: Details Dante’s abilities and how to acquire him through gameplay or in-game purchases.
  • New Incarnon Weapons: Introduces Ruvox and Onos weapons with acquisition methods explained.
  • New Deimos Node: Armatus (Disruption): Describes the new mission node, its unlock requirements, and gameplay mechanics.
  • Disruption Quality of Life Changes: Highlights improvements made to the Disruption game mode for better accessibility and gameplay experience.
  • New Enemy: Gruzzling: Introduces a new enemy type found in the Armatus mission and its role in gameplay.
  • Albrecht’s Laboratories & Sanctum Anatomica Changes: Details additions such as new tiles, Simulacrum room, Captura scenes, and vendor menu updates.
  • Weekly Archon Shard Offering Moved: Relocates weekly rotating Archon Shard offerings to the Sanctum Anatomica for easier access.
  • Netracell Drop Table Changes: Adjustments made to Netracell drop tables for better reward distribution.
  • General Changes & Fixes: Miscellaneous improvements and fixes including animations, enemy adjustments, and gameplay tweaks.

Download free Warframe update 2.27 on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.