Total War Warhammer 3 Update 5.1.3 Patch Notes

Total War Warhammer 3 update 5.1.3 is available to download on PC players. According to the official Warhammer 3 patch notes, the latest update brings a pretty hefty range of bug fixes and tweaks. Apart from this TWW3 update 5.1.3 also includes stability and gameplay performance fixes.

Total War Warhammer 3 Patch 5.1.3 Notes – August 6, 2024

  • Fixed an issue in some Dwarf siege maps (Custom Battle and Campaign) where attacking units would end up floating in the air in their deployment zone
  • Warlock Engineers now have the passive ability “Musk of Fear” in their skill tree
  • The “Draftmaster” skill used by Nakai’s secondary Lords now increases the global recruitment capacity
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with Khorne unit recruitment costs
  • Fixed the Exalted Keeper of Secrets gaining the passive ability “Feasting on Fear” twice from their skill tree
  • Fixed Oxyotl’s Silent Sanctum army abilities not always being enabled in adjacent regions
  • The Axe of Khorne and Armour of Khorne magic items can now be equipped by Warriors of Chaos, Daemons of Chaos and Khorne factions
  • Fixed an issue where some Legendary Heroes had upkeep costs
  • Playing as Warriors of Chaos, upgrading a Chaos Trolls unit to Bile Trolls now requires the Rusted Branding Iron technology
  • Fixed the major Nurgle settlement level 3 building costing 3 population surplus rather than 2
  • Aligned the global recruitment durations for secondary Lords under Nakai (when their buildings are maxed out) with the local recruitment durations for Nakai himself
  • Yuan Bo now starts the campaign with the technology “Seasoned Trackers” unlocked, as with other Cathayan factions
  • Fixed an issue where some Regiment of Renown units could gain experience during battles and rank up
  • Fixed a number of effects not applying to Carnosaur units
  • Fixed issue where checks for bankruptcy were being calculated in the wrong way
  • Additional adjustments to how attrition is calculated at end of turn
  • Fixed issue where bankruptcy prediction for attrition was not considering raid income
  • Fixed the Legendary Red Crested Skink Chief Lord not having the Immortality skill
  • Fixed an issue where the mission “A Hero Becomes a Legend” would sometimes update with the wrong number of battles won by Heroes
  • Fixed an issue in domination mode battles where AI units continued to be issued orders after being ordered to unsummon, overriding that order and preventing the units from successfully being unsummoned
  • Fixed issue when playing as Empire, Kislev city walls were not displaying wall improvement effects
  • Fixed Autoresolver inaccuracies with how single entities units (Land Ship, Steam Tanks etc.) behave when damaged in the context of the Autoresolver
  • Fixed the Empire Captain skill ‘Admired Infantryman’ applying to Free Company Militia units
  • Daemon Prince Lords can now be saved in Campaign in order to be loaded in Skirmish battles
  • Fixed an issue where Malakai Makaisson’s long victory condition would not trigger due to a Legendary Battle not being counted towards the total count of battles completed
  • The player can no longer lose the Nemesis Crown to rebel armies, losing the crown altogether
  • The Nemesis Crown can no longer be picked up by a character leading an army that has been loaned to the player
  • Fixed the Infernal Castellan Chieftain missing the Increase Mobility skill
  • Fixed Tamurkhan’s Long victory condition stating it requires 3 chieftain devoted battles, when it actually requires 6
  • Fixed an issue where Karl Franz was unable to confederate Balthasar Gelt’s faction
  • Added Siege Attacker to Ice Witches mounted on Frost Wyrms
  • The Gunnery School building now unlocks one tier of Acclaim earlier when playing as Markus Wulfhart
  • Multiplayer battle lobbies now auto-add the correct number of player slots for the battle type selected, and auto-adding Ais in Skirmish vs. AI
  • Fixed the weapon profiles for the mount versions of Scourgerunner Chariots
  • Fixed an issue where when fighting Thorgrim Grudgebearer’s quest battle “The Axe of Grimnir” in the Realm of Chaos campaign would result in the wrong battle type
  • The Khorne Unholy Manifestation “Call of Battle” can now be used on armies that are at sea
  • Fixed an issue where completing a long campaign victory and gaining an effect that increases Lord recruit rank, would not apply when replacing a Lord
  • Fixed an issue where Wood Elf skills intended to give bonuses to Spellsingers mounted on eagles were applying to Spellsingers mounted on unicorns
  • The Electoral Machination “Requisition” now fully replenishes the state troop units rather than adding 1 unit, as the pool size can be increased by Karl Franz’s unique skill
  • Fixed an issue in Chokepoint Battle – High Peak Pass – Bretonnian Hills where defending players could deploy vanguard units in the attacker’s deployment zone but could not place the same unit in their own
    To solve this issue the position of the attacker’s guerilla deployment exclusion zone had to be inverted. Now both sides can correctly deploy their vanguard units within their respective deployment zones.
  • Fixed missing hard collision in a Bretonnia river crossing battle map
  • Fixed some Ethereal units not being set to the Ethereal ground type
  • Fixed Marauder recruitment cost reduction from Norscan Iron resources not applying properly
  • Improved the hard collision around the rocks in the Black Ark map (used in quest battles and domination battles)
  • Fixed an issue where barricades would give units a 10% ammunition replenish each time the unit docked to them
  • Fixed Ripperdactyl mount animation and hitbox being misaligned whilst flying
  • Fixed issues within the Warriors of Chaos red line skills that apply to rank 7 and above units where some Regiment of Renown units were affected twice
  • Fixed a number of effects that weren’t applying to Giant Slayers
  • Fixed various issues with the Steam Tank portholes
  • Fixed issue where some UI elements could be dragged outside their intended position
  • Fixed the toggle overcast spells button displaying over the channel Winds of Magic UI
  • Fixed missing example Lord and Hero portraits in Overlay UI in battle
  • Fixed issue where clicking Esc when the Replace Lord menu was open would deselect the character, leaving the window open and making some features of the panel not work
  • Fixed hidden missions showing on army banners if the missions target was that character
  • Added the correct image to Conquest battle mode under options menu
  • Fixed error where Wood Elves ‘Recruit Wild Spirits’ marker on settlements opened tooltip about Raise the Dead instead
  • Fixed quest battle pins showing on top of characters if the character was in the same region as the quest pin
  • Fixed an issue where the Forge button would not always unlock for all Dwarf players in a multiplayer campaign
  • Fixed travel button for Oxyotl being active when he was recruiting even though he couldn’t actually teleport
  • Fixed some effects not showing when hovering over the resource bar effect bundle tooltip
  • When playing as the Changeling, an icon now shows when an army is visible to enemy armies
  • Fixed an issue where the help pages panel would open behind the Elector Counts panel
  • Fixed some characters displaying with unit tiers
  • Fixed the help page for Tribal Confederation (Norsca) displaying the same paragraph twice
  • The help page button in the Recruit Wild Spirits panel (as Drycha) now correctly opens the Wild Spirits page
  • Fixed an issue where the help pages panel would open behind the Forge of Daith panel
  • Added the missing scripted objective in Rakarth’s quest battle “Whip of Agony”
  • Fixed UI issue where resources required would overlap with building chain name
  • Fix auto unlocked skills not using the greyed out text when in the locked state
  • Fixed the enemy lord in Kayzk’s Chieftain battle not displaying the correct portrait
  • Fixed issue where Chaos Lord is holding his axes with open hands while mounted on the Chaos Steed
  • Fixing a bug where Chaos Lord of Khorne would rotate 90 degrees while on his Chaos Steed during certain attack animations
  • Fixed a bug where Thorek and Thorgrim, on the Anvil of Doom mount, would stand up in a sitting position when selected on the Campaign map
  • Fixing bug where Herald of Nurgle on Palanquin mount has several missing animations
  • Fixed several missing animations in Campaign
  • Fixed bugs where Waywatchers & Hawkeyes of Drakira (Waywatchers) do not hold swords in their left hand during idle animations
  • Fixing a bug where the walk animations of the Forsaken of Tzeentch are not restarting seamlessly
  • Fixed various units not displaying stumps when dismembered:
    • Nasty Skulkers
    • Reaper Bolt Thrower
    • Amethyst Wizard
    • Festering Stooges (Exalted Plaguebearers) RoR
    • Chaos/Norsca Charioteers
    • Hellforged Host (Exalted Bloodletters) RoR
    • Spellweaver
    • Night Goblin Warboss
  • Fixed bug where the Herald of Slaanesh’s leg rotates strangely during an idle animation when on a steed
  • Fixed some Be’lakor animations where he is holding a whip when he shouldn’t
  • Fixed an issue where the two-handed hammer used by the Bretonnia Peasant Mob unit was not fully textured
  • Fixed combat ready animation issues on High Elves Spearman
  • Fixed an issue with jumping attack animations for Goblin variants
  • Resolved rendering issues with Sons of Ghorros (Centigor – Great Weapons) unit which would result in different model parts not being visible
  • Addressed some skin issues on LODs to ensure proper rendering
    LOD means “level of detail”, and refers to the models and textures used for units depending on their distance from the camera. For example, units in the far distance will use less-defined models than units that are closer to the camera.
  • Fixed bug where Daemon Prince attack visual effects are played a few meters in front of him
  • Fixed a bug with Chaos Lord of Nurgle’s sword, which had the wrong orientation
  • Empire Outriders are no longer missing their rifles on their back in idle and running animations
  • Added several missing Plagueridden on Palanquin mount animations
  • Fixed bug where Repanse on Suleman was not playing original WH2 idle animations
  • Fixed various animation issues with the Ripperdactyl mount
  • Morathi’s animations on the campaign map now match her unique battle animations, and she now holds her sword when mounted on the campaign map
  • Cathay War Drums will once again be audible on executing their abilities
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when cancelling unit recruitment in Campaign

Previously, Warhammer 3 update 2.1 added brand-new Immortal Empires game mode, Blood for the Blood God, and more. Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Total War Warhammer 3 patch 5.1.3 will fix a few of these issues.

Download free Total War Warhammer 3 update 5.1.3 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.