Total War Warhammer 3 Update 5.0 Patch Notes

Total War Warhammer 3 update 5.0 is available to download on PC players. According to the official Warhammer 3 patch notes, the latest update brings Decay to Total War: WARHAMMER III, featuring new content for Nurgle, the Empire, and the Dwarfs. Apart from this TWW3 update 5.0 also includes stability and performance improvements, including fixes for crashes and gameplay mechanics.

Previously, Warhammer 3 update 2.1 added brand-new Immortal Empires game mode, Blood for the Blood God, and more. Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Total War Warhammer 3 patch 5.0 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Total War Warhammer 3 Patch 5.0 Notes – April 30, 2024

  • New Legendary Lords:
    • Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord, Elspeth von Draken, and Malakai Makaisson join the game with unique campaign mechanics.
  • Epidemius – FreeLC: A new FreeLC Legendary Lord for Nurgle, excelling as a support specialist.
  • Gameplay Changes:
    • Stability & Performance improvements, including fixes for crashes and gameplay mechanics.
  • Battle Highlights:
    • Visual & audio overhaul for Lore of Life spells, and adjustments to Nurgle’s army ability point generation.
  • Gameplay Updates:
    • Changes to pursuit behavior, introduction of new unit attributes like Slayer and Directional Shield, and refinement of homing projectiles.
  • Campaign Changes:
    • Tweaks to Taurox’s Rune Tortured Axes quest mission, Beastmen herdstone buildings, and spawn rate of certain followers for Dwarves.
  • Units & Skills Balancing:
    • Various adjustments to units, lords, and skills across different factions for gameplay balance.
  • UI Enhancements:
    • Updates to health bar tooltips, separation of passive abilities, unit attributes, and resistances in the unit info panel.
  • Removed Maps:
    • Removal of certain maps from the Quickmatch pool based on community feedback.
  • General Updates:
    • Changes to Black Ark Aristocracy building chain, Blade of the Blood Queen unit attributes, and more.

Stability & Performance

  • Fixed a rare crash when opening the Vampire Coast’s RoR pool.
  • Greatly reduced the temporary freeze that can occur when Ultimate Crisis mode fires every end game at once.
  • Pressing escape while dragging ancillaries in the Character Details panel no longer freezes them in that place indefinitely.
  • Fixed a softlock that could occur when AI Katarin or AI Kostaltyn won the followers race.


Below are changes made to the gameplay systems, AI, and other mechanics that define how the game is played.

Rules & Systems

  • Fixed Settlement building costs showing the unmodified value on not yet unlocked buildings (higher tiers).
  • Gifting a region to another faction no longer incurs control penalties.
  • Special Heroes that come from rites (Ptra’s Necrotect, Pestilent Scheme Priest and the DOOOOM! Engineer) can no longer equip magic items, as they would be lost as soon as the Hero performed their action.
  • Fixed an issue where recruiting units from a horde army was not possible when the horde army was within a settlement.
  • Fixed Action Points not updating correctly when re-recruiting a lord after convalescing.
  • Units with the Always Flying attribute can no longer melee attack buildings (gates, walls, constructible defences).
  • The UI now informs the player why recruitment is unavailable, when it’s because they cannot change stance.
  • Added a tooltip to character trait choices in dilemmas.
  • Changing the battle difficulty when on the pre-battle screen now correctly updates the auto-resolve result.
  • Fixed effect range in ability tooltips not showing correctly in campaign when it has been modified by effects.
  • Fixed an issue that was stopping abilities from correctly decreasing reload speed.

AI Rules & Logic

  • Addressed issues of AI units moving indecisively when attempting to enter settlements.

Exploit Fixes

  • Fixed a UI exploit that allowed banners to be assigned to units that shouldn’t be able to equip them.

Download free Total War Warhammer 3 update 5.0 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.