Total War Warhammer 3 Update 4.0.4 Patch Notes

Total War Warhammer 3 update 4.0.4 is available to download on PC players. According to the official Warhammer 3 patch notes, the latest update addressed various issues with the game. Apart from this TWW3 update 4.0.4 also includes quality of life improvements.

Previously, Warhammer 3 update 2.1 added brand-new Immortal Empires game mode, Blood for the Blood God, and more. Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Total War Warhammer 3 patch 4.0.4 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Total War Warhammer 3 Patch 4.0.4 Notes – October 5, 2023

  • Fixed Wood Elves not having unique outposts in notable capitals e.g. Altdorf, Castle Drakenhof (unique outposts have also been added to Wei-Jin and Zharr-Naggrund).
  • Fixed Nakai’s long victory reward (increased Hero recruitment rank) not functioning properly for his faction.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the AI from assigning tasks to units during the deployment phase when defending a settlement. This was being caused by the units’ strength being significantly lower than their maximum, causing the game to softlock.
  • Belegar’s unique grudge to re-capture Karak Eight Peaks now gives the reward it did in the initial release (An Oath Fulfilled).
  • Fixed an issue where Gotrek and Felix would gain their magic items multiple times when first spawning.
  • Fixed the Chaos Dwarf occupied versions of the Empire Fort buildings not displaying correctly in the building browser, along with the amount of corruption they spread per level.
  • Fixed the Teleport button in the Ultimate Scheme tooltip/popup not showing as inactive when teleportation was not possible. It now also correctly shows the cost of teleporting in the tooltip.
  • Fixed the Speed & Malice skill not applying to Doom Knights of Tzeentch units.

Download free Total War Warhammer 3 update 4.0.4 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.