Total War Warhammer 3 Update 2.3 Patch Notes

Total War Warhammer 3 update 2.3 is available to download on PC players. According to the official Warhammer 3 patch notes, the latest update added fixes, changes and improvements. Apart from this TWW3 update 2.3 also includes a massive changelog of improvements to nearly every area of the game.

Previously, Warhammer 3 update 2.1 added brand-new Immortal Empires game mode, Blood for the Blood God, and more. Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Total War Warhammer 3 patch 2.3 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Total War Warhammer 3 Patch 2.3 Notes – November 22, 2022

  • Customisable Endgame Scenarios make their way to multiplayer.
  • The eight original WARHAMMER I Lords receive brand-new selection videos.
  • Landmarks from Mortal Empires and the Realm of Chaos maps arrive in Immortal Empires, along with some new landmarks and 10-slot settlements for select factions.
  • Further tweaks to the victory objectives of several Legendary Lords including Kislev, Tomb Kings and the Ogre Kingdoms.
  • A sweep of balance changes to Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts, Skaven and more.
  • Changes to how the AI dodges spells, artillery and other ranged attacks, along with new difficulty adjustments.


Endgame Scenario Customisation has made its way into multiplayer, giving the host of an Immortal Empires campaign the opportunity to prescribe your downfall, just as you’ve been able to do in singleplayer campaigns.

This includes the option to pick and choose which Endgame Scenarios you want to trigger – including the Ultimate Crisis – as well as which turns the endgames can trigger on. Alternatively if you’re just wanting to tone things down a bit, you can switch Endgames off entirely.


Grimgor Ironhide looks up at the camera from below, his spiky battle armour perched atop his shoulders. He roars, exposing his mouthful of terrible fangs.

The original eight lords fromTotal War: WARHAMMER Ihave been long overdue a visual spruce up. The following Lords havehad their Select Videos updatedto bring them more inline with the Lords ofWARHAMMER IIandIII:

  • Karl Franz
  • Balthasar Gelt
  • Mannfred Von Carstein
  • Heinrich Kemmler
  • Thorgrim Grudgebearer
  • Ungrim Ironfirst
  • Grimgor Ironhide
  • Azhag the Slaughter


  • Fixed an end-of-turn crash that would occur during the AI’s turn when a rebel faction captured a settlement that toggles technologies for certain races (e.g. Norsca or Kislev).
  • Fixed a rare Campaign vortex sounds memory leak



  • Added a large number oflandmarks present in Mortal Empires and the Realm of Chaos mapto Immortal Empires, and made them available forWARHAMMER IIIfactions where appropriate.
  • Added severalnew landmark variantsfor Monogod factionsnear their Immortal Empires starting locations.
  • Added a number of 10-slot settlementsto Immortal Empires which had not yet been ported from Mortal Empires or the Realm of Chaos.
  • Introducednew landmarksfor Nurgle in Pigbarter, Tzeentch in the Golden Tower, Khorne in Galbaraz and Slaanesh in Tor Elyr.
  • Fixed an issue whereSavage Orc garrison buildingsweren’t enabling minor settlement battles.
  • Fixed an issue whereEnvironment Typeswould sometimes display incorrectly in battle (this includes Dark Elves, Greenskins, Ogre Kingdoms and Skaven types appearing when they shouldn’t).
  • Fixed an issue whereBretonnia’s unique resource(Chivalry) would appear as if it was being granted to other, non-Bretonnian factions.
  • Attacking an army while in theAmbush stancewill no longer prevent your opponent from bringing reinforcements.
  • TheSires of Mourkainfaction is no longer limited to one army.
  • Fixed an issue causingthe leader of the Blood Keepersfaction in Immortal Empires to be mysteriously absent on turn one.
  • Improvements have been made to unit coordination whenqueueing up to enter a single breach.
  • Unit columnsare now better spaced to prevent units from adjacent queues blobbing together.
  • Improved how units moveto prevent them from blobbing together while attempting to enter a settlement.
  • Endgame multiplayer victory objectivesin Immortal Empires now require capturing the capital of all other players not in your team (this resolves the issue of receiving both the victory and defeat screen simultaneously).
  • Fixed an issue whereone faction’s currency would be replaced by another’supon re-loading a save.


  • Offering tojoin a war alongside an endgame factionto fight a hated enemy will now always grant a positive effect to said faction’s opinion of that deal.
  • Vassal factionswill now join their master’s wars once again, as intended.
  • The Sword of Khainedilemmas will now properly display the Sword of Khaine item details in the dilemma panel.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur withthe Black Pyramid endgameif the pyramid is controlled by vampires.
  • Addressed an oversight wherein someDark Fortresseswere unable to build walls, resulting in unintended field battles.
  • Dilemmas that target a character with loyaltywill now show the character’s loyalty with the character portrait(thanks, ShadowStorm1985!).


  • The AI is now more likely toaccept a peace treatywhen far away from the player.
  • The AI’s selection of provinces to buildallied outpostsin has been improved in some cases.


  • Fixed an exploit wherein the Underway/Teleport/Tunnelling stances could be used tobypass the Great Bastionin Immortal Empires.

Read full patch notes here.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.