Total War Warhammer 3 Update 2.2 Patch Notes

A new Total War Warhammer 3 update 2.2 is rolling out on PC. According to the official Warhammer 3 patch notes, the latest update brings introduces free third Regiments of Renown unit pack for all players. Apart from this TWW3 update 2.2 also includes Settlement Battle changes and AI improvements.

Previously, Warhammer 3 update 2.0 added brand-new Immortal Empires game mode, Blood for the Blood God, and more. Unfortunetly, since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Total War Warhammer 3 patch 2.2 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Total War Warhammer 3 Patch 2.2 Notes – October 18, 2022

  • Changes to settlements and garrisons to reduce the frequency of settlement battles.
  • Additional flavour for some of the special settlement garrisons—including Karak 8 Peaks, Black Pyramid, Skavenblight and more—by allowing them to use additional units.
  • A character experience rebalance, reducing the importance of victory types and focusing on enemy unit destruction.
  • Tweaks to the victory objectives of several legendary lords, including those of the Lizardmen, High Elves and Empire.
  • A game mode split option has been added to ranked multiplayer, letting you join separate queues and giving you greater control of your online experience.
  • Adjustments to AI aggression, strategy and overall game difficulty.
  • Plus, monsters are invading the old world in the form of Regiments of Renown III, and a new endgame crisis brings ruin-death to all.


Improvements made to the overall stability and performance of the game.

  • Fixed anend-of-turn crashthat could occur when a default rebel faction was set to another faction omitted from the Campaign.
  • Fixed a rare crash when characters would trigger post-battle voiceover lines in a Campaign.


Below are changes made to the gameplay rules, AI, and other mechanics that dictate how the game is played.


  • How They Playevents on campaign starts have been rewritten to cover core gameplay elements for every faction.
  • Removed a number of starting warsbetween factions who were not their intended starting opponents. (This is unlikely to affect player experience directly, but will improve the performance of AI factions such as the Daemon Prince.)
  • Updated reinforcement locationswithin various faction settlements to prevent unintended enemy behaviour.
  • Effects that increased healing capsare no longer 100x stronger than intended.
  • Settlement and deployed towershave had their damage reduced to be consistent withWARHAMMER IandWARHAMMER IItowers.
  • Whencolonising ruins, you now take a temporary vigour penalty instead of a massive manpower loss.
  • Fixed somequest items that provided magical attacksdespite the Legendary Lord having magical attacks by default.
  • Fixed an issue whereSword of Khainedidn’t correctly transfer post battle if its owner died, resulting it equipping to another Lord/Hero.
  • Fixed an issue wherevassalized factions would lose objective completionupon re-loading a save file.
  • Fixed an issue whereauto-resolve battle results would changeafter loading a quick save.
    Removed the cap forincome provided by tribute from vassals.
  • Endgame ultimate victory objectivesnow support vassalizing factions as an alternate option to confederating or destroying them.
  • Endgame scenariosnow trigger the research of all technologies for the respective factions automatically.
  • The freeupkeep effect on endgame scenario armiesis now visible to the player.
  • Mounted Marauder variantswill no longer fire autonomously in melee, though it is still possible to manually order the unit to fire (we are investigating other cases of units that gain large amounts of performance from similar behaviours).
  • Allied recruitment will now provideaccess to all units offered by the requisite DLC (if owned). As before, there is a subset of units available to non-DLC owners.
  • Added andincreased trade-focused benefits to the portsof Marienburg, Lothern, Erengrad and Bordeleaux.
  • Campaign reductions to theWinds of Magiccost should now properly affect overcast spells.
  • Dragon Fang Mountsare now properly available to the intendedWARHAMMER IIIfactions.

We’ve implemented additional fixes for instances offlying units being able to capture points, this time affecting:

  • Mage (Fire) – Dragon Mounted (High Elves)
  • Phoenix Mounted (Teclis)
  • Glade Captain – Eagle Mounted (Wood Elves)


TheBlood Pack Incidentswould regularly all fire between turns 10 and 20. Given the duration of most campaigns, this meant that around 20% of campaign battles were actually being fought with a completely different pace and balance than intended.

  • Adjusted the timing of Blood Pack Incidents so that they’re more regularly spaced out.
  • Reduced the duration of Blood Pack Incidents to five turns.


  • Fixed an exploit where certain Legendary Lords fromWARHAMMER IIcould be duplicated in a single campaign.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.