TheHunter COTW Update 1.81 Patch Notes (Free Pack)

TheHunter COTW update 1.81 is avaialble to download on PS4, PC and Xbox players. According to the Hunter COTW update 1.81 patch notes, the latest update brings The High Caliber Weapon Pack, featuring three powerful new weapons and five unique cosmetics, is now available on all platforms for theHunter: Call of the Wild. Apart from this, the Hunter Call Of The Wild version 1.81 also includes the Emerald Coast Cosmetic Pack and the introduction of Robbo the Roo plushie.

Previously, TheHunter COTW update 1.52 added a long list of bug fixes and changes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s the Hunter COTW update 1.81 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

TheHunter COTW Update 1.81 Patch Notes – March 12, 2024

The Free Pistol Packin’ Update

Also comin’ in hot is the latest free update for all theHunter: Call of the Wild players. Let’s take a look at the details!


  • We’ve speeded up the reloading animations for all Revolvers by adding Speedloaders to the game.

Developer’s Note:This change affects all the Revolvers in game which could utilize Speedloaders. This excludes the .45 Rolleston for obvious reasons 😉

  • Binoculars and Rangefinders can now be customized by applying cosmetic items to them.
  • FOCOSO 357 has been visually reworked from scratch.
  • Double-action revolvers now function realistically, cocking when aimed for single-action firing, but also allowing for rapid double-action shooting without waiting for the hammer to be cocked.

Developer’s Note:The affected Revolvers are Rhino 454, Sundberg 454 and the Mangiafico 410 / 45 Colt on its 3 variations (Flat Black, Muertos, Polished Steel).

  • We’ve standardized our Animals Classes and in doing so we shifted some animals around to make the experience more consistent and predictable.

  • Due to the Animal Class changes, we’ve also updated general Class Icons too.

Developer’s Note:We now have a new icon for Class 4 – [i]Whitetail deer. The Class 4 Boar has been moved to Class 5.Wolfis now the new Class 6. The old icon for Class 6Reindeeris no longer present.[/i]

  • We’ve updated the Black Bears drinking schedule. They will now look for water in the early morning, rather than the middle of the night.

Developer’s Note:This time we opted to not reset the Black Bear populations, so only the bears that are spawned after the update will have the new drinking schedule. Existing bears will keep their old schedules.

  • PC Players can now use a new option in the multiplayer menu to show or hide Hosted Games that have no available spots by togglingShow Full Hostsbutton.
  • There is now a button for PC and PlayStation Players to manually refresh the Multiplayer Host list.
  • Players will now be informed of what knocked them out when respawning.
  • We’ve updated the weight for all the Tritium Sights: Before, these scopes weighed: 0.5 Now: 0.

Developer’s Note:Now there is no excuse to not to have your Tritium Sights in your pocket!

  • Ground blinds and bigger hunting structures can now hold 2 players in Multiplayer.
  • Store images for Binoculars and Rangefinder have been updated.
  • We’ve added a codex entry forHide all animal clues.
  • An option to show/hide the button prompts has been added.

Developer’s Note:It can be found under: Settings > Interface > HUD.

  • “Spray” Customizable item from both the “New Year 2024” event and the “Lunar new year 2024” event were originally missing. Users who claimed those Customization packs when they were available should have these Customization items automatically added to their available Customization items.
  • 2 new Spray cosmetics will be available for players who claimed theNew Year 2024andLunar New Year 2024cosmetic packs during the events available in January and February.

Developer’s Note:A pesky bug held back the sprays from unlocking before, but after patching up the game, they’re good to go. Players who claimed the New Year pack will now get access to New Year Sky Spray. Those who unlocked content from the Lunar New Year pack will get the Lunar New Year Paint Brush Spray.


  • We’ve addressed an issue that caused a number of weapons to not shoot accurately. This affected several scopes and depending of the weapon that was equipped, the misalignment was different.
  • We’ve fixed an issue with the Grelck Drilling Rifle, where switching between shotgun ammo changed the iron sight to the rifle sight.
  • Driving into a dog at full speed will no longer make the ATV fly and flip.

Developer’s Note:Please be nice to your hunting dogs and leave ATV stunts to professionals.

  • Active scent eliminators will now properly expire if the player sleeps for longer than they have left on their duration.
  • The default zeroing of the Andersson handguns (i.e. when not using the zeroing perk) has been set to 50m similar to other weapons.
  • The Rolleston and Cuomo handguns will now correctly automatically reload after being hip fired.
  • Firing a shot with the Tsurugi and then switching to another weapon will now cause the new weapon to correctly show up instead of the Tsurugi.
  • An issue with zeroing at max range with the .223 and .270 rifles has been fixed.
  • We’ve addressed an issue when player would become unable to swap ammo and scopes in the Weapon Wheel after doing it often in a single play session.
  • Changing scopes on the Grelck Drilling Rifle from the Weapon Wheel, and then choosing a different item to use will not stop the new item from being equipped anymore.
  • We’ve realigned the Grelck Drilling Rifle iron sight and scope to fix an additional accuracy issue.
  • We’ve fixed an accuracy issue with the Grelck Drilling Rifle when zeroing at 100m and 150m.
  • We’ve adjusted the threat generated by the Retriever Dog while retrieving.
  • Players can finally pet the Retriever Dog in the Layton Lake Trophy Cabin!
  • We’ve fixed an issue with the Bloodhound, where it would move extremely slowly after interacting with a blood clue.
  • Now the correct ATV will spawn when using the keyboard.
  • Bobcat and Mexican Bobcat have had their weights adjusted to be more accurate – from 6.4 to 18 kg.
  • We’ve resolved a problem where harvests couldn’t be picked up by any player if someone left and came back to a multiplayer session with Honoring ON.
  • Old trophies collected before the scoring update in 2020 will now display the medal that they had at the time of harvest again, rather than the medal which they would have been given using the new scoring system.
  • The headlamp’s light beam, when seen in 3rd person by another player, has been properly adjusted to align with the user’s head.
  • Players on the Windows Store version of the game should be able to use text chat to communicate with each other again if they have the appropriate communications privileges set on their accounts.
  • New mission availablepop up should now only appear when new missions are available.
  • The Make a Difference quest, in the New England Mountains Reserve, can now be completed again.
  • The plane in the Yukon Valley intro cinematic will work as expected again.
  • We’ve fixed an issue with Basri Memorial and Crimson Ridge Outposts in Yukon Valley not unlocking properly.
  • It will no longer rain forever in any reserve if you leave Te Awaroa during theToxicology Reportmission.
  • SelectingReset camera positionin the weapon customization, will now reset the camera properly.
  • The correct Scent Eliminator icon will now appear when selecting it with a controller.
  • Apex Connect game invites notification now expires.
  • We’ve added a warning message when changing the keybindings.
  • Correct icons now appear for decoys when selecting them with the controller.
  • Scrolling through the Multiplayer Competition list should now be smoother with the scrollbar.
  • The option to rename a trophy lodge is no longer accidentally present on the Friend’s Trophy Lodges menu
  • Buttons will no longer stay highlighted when exploring the settings menu.
  • If the last menu visited was the Trophy Manager, pressing ESC will no longer lead to the inventory.
  • The competition list description will now be showed correctly after scrolling down in the list using a controller.
  • We’ve fixed a navigation issue with selecting mission items in the codex while using a controller.
  • The text field for renaming a loadout can now be focused on while using a controller.
  • We’ve fixed font scaling issues with the fur type column in the Trophy Manager.
  • The highlight lines when inspecting a Multi Trophy have been fixed.
  • We’ve addressed an issue where players could retire a dog in the wrong Kennel screen.
  • The Buy DLC button no longer overlaps with descriptions of the reserves in languages other than English.
  • It should now be easier to navigate through the EULA & Privacy Policy screens.
  • We’ve fixed a localization issue in Portuguese, where the the controller buttons overlap with the text prompt of the Trophy Lodge menu.
  • Players should no longer become stuck in the Apex menu if they change from controller to mouse and keyboard while navigating the Privacy Policy.
  • We’ve resolved a problem with highlighting items when moving through the inventory menu using a controller.
  • We’ve fixed an issue where the APEX friend notifications did not automatically appear.
  • We’ve fixed a rendering issue that caused animals placed as Multi Trophy disappear from view on the edge of camera.
  • A twitching motion on trees in New England Mountains Reserve while having the tree stand equipped is no longer present.
  • Weapon models shown in the Store and Storage menus should be back to the an appropriately high level of detail.
  • The animal in the Harvest Screen will no longer slowly shrink while rotating.
    Developer’s Note:Honey, who shrunk my trophy???
  • The dog should be less likely to rotate its head in an unnatural way while looking at the player 🙃
  • The Retriever has learned to close its mouth properly when fetching arrows.
  • Picking up the Quist Red Pro Electronic Caller should now be smoother.
  • Unspent rounds should no longer be mysteriously visible in the .270 rifles while chambering and reloading.
  • An idle animation while using handguns in Multiplayer has been fixed.
  • We’ve fixed an animation when players switch between Binoculars and Rangefinders in Multiplayer.
  • Weapons will no longer disappear when holstering and changing to another weapon.
  • We’ve updated the layout blind animation for Multiplayer, so now the character should look correct while using it.
  • .44 revolver hammer is now pulled back correctly when shooting from the hip.
  • We’ve fixed the hand animation when auto walking with the Electronic Caller equipped.
  • In Multiplayer you can now see the ammunition in the reloading animation when other players reload their weapons.
  • We’ve fixed .44 Moradi reloading animation when having Lightning Hands Perk 2 and 3.
  • We’ve fixed the holstering animation of the Electronic Caller in Multiplayer.
  • We’ve addressed an issue with missing animation when reloading and switching position to prone with the Tsurugi LRR equipped.
  • Fingers should no longer clip with the Moradi Model 1894 in different positions.
  • Hands should no longer clip with the crossbow in prone position in Multiplayer.
  • We’ve fixed a head shaking animation when aiming on a tripod in Multiplayer.
  • We’ve addressed an animation issue when aiming with a longbow and moving while crouching in Multiplayer.
  • We’ve fixed an arm animation when standing up from prone with the Huntermate equipped in Multiplayer.
  • We’ve fixed the reload animation for Olsson Model 23 .308 and Malmer 7MM Magnum when the player has 2 or 3 ranks of the Lighting Hands Perk.
  • Arrows should now be visible for other players in Multiplayer.
  • Coachmate Lever .45-70 now has its proper animation while shooting it with the Muscle Memory Perk active.
  • Mangiafico Revolver no longer disappears after shooting from the hip.
  • Labrador will now perform the howling animation when is raining.
  • We’ve fixed an animation issue where the weapon stayed in the ground if player aimed while prone and then stood up.
  • We’ve fixed a character’s head movement while aiming on the tripod in Multiplayer.
  • We’ve fixed the unholster animation for the Rolleston Revolver Multiplayer.
  • Arrows are now in sync with the hand when pulling back the string in Multiplayer.
  • Character will keep looking forward while aiming and shooting the Davani in Multiplayer.
  • We’ve fixed an animation in Multiplayer, where the character’s head movement while aiming and switching stances, from standing to prone and back, was incorrect.
  • Changing the sight of the bow while aiming will no longer reset the string.
  • Flapping sound for goose has been redesigned.

Developer’s Note:It should be softer now and fade better over distance.

  • We’ve fixed the SFX corruption when selecting the Camo tab in the weapon customization.
  • The Stenberg Modern Takedown Recurve Bow now plays the correct sound when holstering/unholstering it in Multiplayer.
  • TheDistressed deer callused for calling Grizzly Bears in the Electronic Caller is now an actual distress call.
  • Fixed some issues with the flag sound effects at Outposts.
  • Tire swing in Mississippi will no longer sound “metallic” when pushed.
  • Electronic Caller will now play the proper sound for Mountain Lions.


  • Tru-Vision Tritium Sight (Model R65) for the Mårtensson 6.5mm still weighs 0.5 instead of 0.
  • Xbox users who launch the game before it has finished updating (starting it when Xbox says it is “Ready to Play”) will notice that their gear is limited to only the equipment normally present in the starting gear set. The prevents the user from receiving the .270 Stradivarius rifle for free. The rifle can still be purchased in the store for the usual price of a .270 once the game finishes installing.
  • Saltwater Crocodiles may be difficult to “Spot” from certain angles.
  • Feral Goats can run in circles while trying to flee in some places in Emerald Coast.
  • Female Mexican Bobcats will have lower than intended scores.
  • On Playstation, the player’s active dog will appear in the basement of the Layton Lake Trophy Cabin.
  • Players might encounter an issue where they see dog’s mouth sticking out the body of the harvest it is carrying
  • The Labrador retriever can jump a bit too much when travelling in shallow waters
  • Petting dogs in trophy lodges will cause some minor animation issues
  • The dog may appear to hover when trying to navigate around large bird corpses (like turkeys)
  • The dog’s eyes may look odd under certain lighting conditions
  • While in multiplayer, there is a small chance that one player will not be able to see the harvest in the mouth of the dog of another player while it is retrieving
  • Light Brown pumas shot prior to the Outback Update are invisible when placed in the trophy room on Parque Fernando.

Developer’s note:This has been a very challenging bug to fix, as the setup for this trophy room is…interesting. As of the Outback Update, anyone progressing this mission for the first time should see their trophies without issue. Unfortunately, players who have already placed a Light Brown Puma on the stand prior to the Outback update (June 2023) will still be stuck with an invisible trophy for now.

  • There’s a spot on Medved on the ice south of Zverolova Hill where players can fall out of the world
  • Players who unlink their APEX Connect accounts are not prompted to restore them on game launch. Accounts can still be restored through the Apex Connect Menu.
  • the new “STRANDBERG 10SA EXECUTIVE” was incorrectly translated to non-English languages, as 10GA instead of10SA
  • Weird textures occasionally get rendered on static objects, particularly on Xbox.
  • The Dolby Atmos sound mixing option does not seem to be working as intended.
  • Hog Deer sound like Roe Deer
  • Tripods do not make any noise when rotating.

Download free The Hunter Call Of The Wild update 1.81 on PlayStation 4.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.