The Outlast Trials is a survival horror game developed and published by Red Barrels. The game is set in the 1970s and follows a group of test subjects who are trapped in a Murkoff Corporation facility. Players must use stealth and exploration to survive as they are hunted by a variety of enemies. Today we have compiled a list of all The Outlast Trials enemies.
Enemy Types
The Outlast Trials features a variety of enemies that players will need to contend with. These enemies include:
- Grunts:Grunts are the most common enemies in The Outlast Trials. They are disfigured and mutated human test subjects who have been experimented on by the Murkoff Corporation. Grunts are incredibly strong and aggressive, and they will attack players on sight. Grunts can be killed with conventional weapons, but they are very difficult to take down.

- Big Grunts:Big Grunts are larger and more powerful than Grunts. They are incredibly strong and aggressive, and they can only be killed with special weapons.
- Pouncer:Pouncers are agile and fast enemies that can leap great distances. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Pusher:Pushers are large and powerful enemies that can use their strength to push players around. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Screamer:Screamers are enemies that can emit a loud scream that can stun players. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Imposters:Imposters are enemies that can disguise themselves as other players. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Berserker:Berserkers are incredibly strong and aggressive enemies that can only be killed with special weapons.
- Night Hunter:The Night Hunter is a mysterious creature that is being held captive by the Murkoff Corporation. It is said to be incredibly powerful, and its true nature is unknown. The Night Hunter is the most dangerous enemy in The Outlast Trials, and players will need to be very careful if they want to survive.
- Pitcher:Pitchers are enemies that can throw objects at players. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Ground Pitcher:Ground Pitchers are similar to Pitchers, but they can also burrow underground. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Climber:Climbers are enemies that can climb walls and ceilings. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Stalker:Stalkers are enemies that are incredibly stealthy. They can easily sneak up on players and attack them from behind. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Trickster:Tricksters are enemies that can create illusions. They are incredibly dangerous, and they can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Prime Assets:Prime Assets are the most powerful enemies in The Outlast Trials. They are incredibly strong and aggressive, and they can only be killed with special weapons.
Related: A list of all characters in The Outlast Trails.
The Most Dangerous Enemies in The Outlast Trials – May 20, 2023
In addition to the enemies listed above, there are a few other enemies that have been confirmed to appear in The Outlast Trials:
- Mother Gooseberry:Mother Gooseberry is a large and powerful enemy that is said to be the leader of the Variants. She is incredibly dangerous, and she can easily kill players if they are not careful.
- Leland Coyle:Leland Coyle is a former Murkoff Corporation employee who is now a Variant. He is incredibly dangerous, and he is obsessed with hunting down and killing the players.
- Prescott Whitehorn:Prescott Whitehorn is a former Murkoff Corporation executive who is now a Variant. He is incredibly dangerous, and he is obsessed with controlling the players.
The Outlast Trials is sure to be a terrifying experience, and the enemies that players will encounter will only add to the fear factor.