The Hunter Call Of The Wild Update 1.64 Patch Notes for PS4

The Hunter Call Of The Wild update 1.64 is now available on PS4. According to the Hunter COTW update 1.64 patch notes, the latest update brings new features, various gameplay changes and bug fixes. Apart from this, the Hunter Call Of The Wild version 1.64 also includes stability and performance improvements.

Previously, a big update was released with the Great One and a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, since the last patch, many players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s the Hunter COTW update 1.64 will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

What is new in The Hunter Call Of The Wild Update 1.64?


▸ Introducing APEX Connect! With Apex Connect, you become part of our special circle of friends. Sign up for in-game rewards, unique game features, and never miss an update! Read the full FAQ here:
▸ There’s a new Great One roaming certain Reserves. Share your search with us on social media and here, on the official Discord!


▸ To avoid confusion with certain key actions while having the hunting dog by your side, PC key binds now indicate when a long press is needed in the Settings menu
▸ #notabug: We’ve removed the mission advance waiting time for the mission ‘Y Tambien Hermano’ after interacting with the diary in in Rancho del Arroyo reserve
▸ We’ve reduced the amount of shotgun score required to purchase 12 GA Birdshot ammo
▸ Players have the option to customize the Spotting Outline Color for animals spotted by other users in multiplayer sessions in the Settings menu


▸ This update will reset some animal populations. This includes but is not limited to the Collared Peccary, Rio Grande Turkey, and Ring-necked Pheasant.



Being unable to shoot with the Couso 1897 shotgun in aim mode if you’ve fired with another gun before that has now been resolved

Particle effects fixes (fire and animal tracks):

Previously missing fire particle effects in specific missions should now play

Animal track particle effects should now appear and play properly

Trophy Lodge stability adjustments and fixes:

Creating a multiplayer Trophy Lodge that was already visited in Single Player no longer crashes the game

Joining a multiplayer Trophy Lodge will now load properly

Additional Updates

— Animals & Environment

Mexican Bobcats no longer become stuck in an animation loop at drinking zones near the lake in Rancho Del Arroyo reserve

Your dog will not continue to growl when near a freshly shot animal

Turkeys and Pheasants will not land on/below water when flying across lakes

— Weapons, Gear, & Character

Fixed the issue where a player could continue to fire even after running out of ammo for weapons like the Coachmate Lever .45-70, Whitlock Model 86 and the Focoso 357

The bug where only your character’s hands appeared during a death animation while riding an ATV and after getting damage from Cacti has been fixed

— User Interface & Multiplayer

  • Ammunition now shows up in your inventory quick access menu as designed after running out and purchasing more
  • The Collared Peccary Codex entry now displays the correct recommended ammo type
  • The Scent Eliminator and First Aid Kit now show their correct icons in the player HUD when equipped
  • Various crash fixes in Multiplayer

The following changes were added previously.

  • Fixed legacy save files sometimes overwriting current save files.
  • Fixed animation issue that caused Water Buffalo and Spanish Ibex scoring to be wrong.
  • Fixed score calculation issue with Roosevelt Elk, Blacktail Deer, Reindeer, Caribou and Fallow Deer.
  • Fixed incorrect Palm Length value on some Moose racks.
  • Fixed incorrect Circumference value on some Reindeer & Caribou racks.
  • Fixed Multi Trophy Mount disappearing from Trophy Manager after swapping it.
  • Fixed multiple photo missions.
  • Fixed various rounding issues in the harvest screen and the trophy lodge.
  • Fixed high-scoring animals being too hard to spot with optics.
  • Fixed shooting range so that in no longer consumes ammo.
  • Fixed .270 rifle sight and ammo not working properly after attaching tritium sights.
  • Fixed buying locked items by exploiting Compatible Items button.
  • Fixed binoculars and other optics to use Aim Sensitivity instead of Look Sensitivity.
  • Fixed incorrect trophy rating on females in spotting HUD.
  • Fixed incorrect weight in pounds shown in the tracking HUD.
  • Fixed incorrect weight of a Great One shown in the tracking HUD.
  • Fixed wrong placement of heart and lungs on Plains Bison.
  • Fixed horns and antlers being very glossy on the harvest screen.
  • Fixed floating Huntermate when entering a trophy lodge more than once.
  • Fixed ATV driving controls so that they can be remapped freely.
  • Fixed occasional black screen on startup.
  • Fixed various crashes.
  • Fixed various localization issues.
  • Fixed various game crashing issues.
  • Performance and stability improvements added.
  • Added fixes for stuttering and lag issues.
  • Other minor under the hood fixes.

The Hunter Call Of The Wild version 1.64 is now available for download on PlayStation 4.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
Pramod tracks the latest and upcoming games across all platforms. Whether it’s AAA blockbusters or experimental indie releases, he breaks down release dates, features, and trends.