The Division 2 version 1.82 is available to download on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official Division 2 1.82 patch notes, the latest update addresses various issues with Manhunt, Descent, gear, weapons, talents, and UI, along with other miscellaneous fixes to improve overall gameplay experience. Apart from this, Division 2 patch 1.82 also includes general stability fixes.
Previously, a major Division 2 update 1.8 added fixes for gear, talents, the Descent mode, PvP, raids, and the UI. Recently, Division 2 patch 1.55 has added various gameplay tweaks. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing a number of issues with the game. Today’s Division 2 version 1.82 will address a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Division 2 update 1.82 Patch Notes

- Fast Travel: Fixed inability to fast travel from the Legacy Manhunt menu to Agent Kelso Climax Mission while in D.C.
- Collectibles: Fixed TODO item appearing in the collectibles tab instead of Aaron Keener’s first note.
- Mission Display: Fixed Keener Climax Mission appearing in the Legacy Manhunt menu while in New York before completing WONY campaign.
- Boss Drops: Fixed bosses not dropping all Comms during Manhunt: Vanguard mission.
- Unlock Issues: Fixed Pentco Fairview Power Plant Manhunt: General Anderson mission not unlocking for new accounts after reaching Level 1 on the rewards track.
- Skill Functionality: Fixed issues with Sticky EMP, Shrapnel Trap, and Repair Trap not working if they were the first skill equipped.
- Talent Description: Fixed Agonizing Bite not functioning and missing its Talent description.
- Synchronization: Fixed various synchronization issues.
Gear, Weapons, and Talents
- Grenades: Fixed grenades having half damage values in Raids.
- Skill Damage: Fixed Skill Damage and Repair Skills having half values in Raids.
World Tier Removal
- White House Pilot: Fixed missing pilot functionality in the shared space when players didn’t purchase the LVL 30 boost.
- Specializations Unlock: Fixed Specializations not being unlockable when loading a level 30 save game that didn’t complete the Capitol Mission.
- Global Projects: Fixed previously active Global Projects disappearing after logging in on TU21 with an agent from a previous Title Update.
- Weekly Legendary Mission: Fixed the Weekly Legendary Mission Project mentioning World Tier 5 incorrectly.
- Stage 4 Bag Man Objective: Fixed World Tier 5 being mentioned in the description.
- NPC Health and Armour: Fixed enemy NPCs having less health and armour at level 31 than at level 30.
- Clan Vendor: Fixed Clan Vendor selling the PvP-exclusive Yaahl Gear Brand Set.
- New York Pilot Interaction: Fixed missing interaction with the New York pilot from Haven after completing the Intro Mission.
- Tutorial Issues: Fixed low-level players receiving The Summit tutorial when partying with high-level players.
- Specialization Handguns: Fixed players under level 40 acquiring and equipping Specialization handguns of a higher level.
- Sidearms Levels: Fixed unique sidearms from Specializations not gaining extra levels with each point spent.
- BOO Pilot Menu: Fixed the BOO pilot having no menu options after completing the Capitol Mission.
UI Fixes
- League UI: Fixed the League UI not appearing in missions for level 40 characters without WONY.
- Seasonal Menu: Fixed incorrect images displaying for the Leto and Nyx Leagues.
- Targeted Loot UI: Fixed missing targeted loot UI in D.C. at level 40 if WONY campaign was not completed.
- Conflict Tab: Fixed Conflict tab missing in New York for level 30-39 characters.
- Discover Pass: Fixed Discover Pass button redirecting to the Year 1 Bundle instead of the First Rogue Season Pass.
- Fast Travel Issue: Fixed D.C. being mentioned instead of New York when trying to fast travel to Agent Kelso’s legacy mission.
- One-Time Offer: Fixed the Store’s One-Time Offer not appearing after purchase.
- Minor Fixes: Added various minor UI fixes.
Vanity Fixes
- Hair and Beard: Fixed issue with hair and beard disappearing if player previews any glasses with a full mask already equipped.
- Sewer Rat Uniform: Fixed clipping issues with all glasses.
Other Fixes
- Summit Combat Mastery: Fixed Summit Combat Mastery Merit Level 2 not updating after destroying Cleaner grenades.
- XP Gains: Fixed significantly decreased XP gains for specific activities post World Tier removal.
- Control Point Alerts: Fixed missing Control Point alert mechanic after starting WONY.
- Endless Loading Screen: Fixed endless loading screen occurring if game was closed using Xbox interface.
- Store Redirect: Fixed player being redirected to an empty window after pressing “Go to Store” on the Keener Manhunt icon in the Mega Map.
- Fast Travel to Invaded Strongholds: Fixed availability during story invasion.
- Extra Payload Mod: Fixed Extra Payload skill mod having only the damage attribute for purple quality.
- Stability Improvements: Added various stability improvements.
Download free Division 2 update 1.82 on PlayStation 4, PC and Xbox One.