Stellar Warfare Update Patch Notes – August 24, 2021

Stellar Warfare update (August 24, 2021) is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Stellar Warfare patch notes, the latest update added new artillery and various bug fixes.

Previously, a big update was released with various quality of life improvements.

Read more details here.

Stellar Warfare Patch Notes (August 24, 2021)

– You can now hold CTRL while scrolling ingame to make the scroll speed 20x faster
– There’s not a way to back out of the campaign mission (there is now)
– Escape menu ingame background no longer transperant
– Harvester ‘dropoff point set’ sound playing too many times simultaneously if too many harvesters selected
– Adma LXXV shield. Also double checked all other shields and I have also fixed it on the Adma, Raider and Toshiron
– Community feedback fixed/improved (too many damaged blueprints for new players if unlucky).

I have lowered the chance of loot crates dropping by 20% in both singleplayer and multiplayer. BUT when you find a new blueprint it now re-rolls the loot if it is a damaged blueprint up to 5 times. So if you find something you already have you will no longer instantly get ‘damaged blueprint’, but instead it will try again up to 5 times. If after the 5th retry it still doesn’t find a blueprint you don’t already have then it does give a damaged blueprint though. But at least now the chances of finding new stuff in the beginning is way higher.

Other improvements and additions:
– Added the Barreler and Minicannon close range turrets.
– Added the Zotan and Moltario super-long range artillery weapons
– Added the new key combination for faster zoom to the ESC options and keybinds menu
– Fixed railcannon color
– Reduced smartlaser cost from 200/200 to 100/100
– Opening the Escape Menu now hides the GUI to prevent healthbars and tooltips from interfering with info
– Closed hangar doors on the challenger model
– Fixed campaign mission 2 instant-win
– Forcing the player back to the campaign selection screen after completing mission 2
– Fixed weird button color in campaign mission selection

Download and play now Stellar Warfare on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.