Starfield Tungsten Planet Guide: Locations and Tips

Tungsten is one of the most valuable resources in Starfield. This dense metal is essential for crafting powerful weapons, armor, and structures in the game. Finding a steady source of tungsten can be a game-changer.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about the tungsten planet in Starfield. We will look at the location of this planet, the resources found there, gameplay tips, lore, creatures, and the challenges players will face when visiting this planet packed with precious tungsten.

Starfield Tungsten Planet

The tungsten planet is a fictional planet within Starfield that contains large deposits of the metal tungsten. This makes the tungsten planet one of the most valuable locations in Starfield for gathering resources.

Tungsten is considered a rare metal in the game universe. It has properties that make it ideal for crafting heavy duty weapons, defensive gear, and structures. Weapons and armor forged from tungsten are extremely durable. Building materials made from tungsten can withstand harsh environments.

Due to the usefulness of tungsten, the planet rich in this resource is coveted. Many factions, pirates, traders, and opportunists will be vying for control and access to the tungsten planet. Competition over this planet will be fierce.

Starfield Tungsten Planet Locations

The tungsten planet does not have an official name yet, but we do know details about where it can be found in the Starfield universe.

Based on information revealed so far, the tungsten planet is located in the Alpha Centauri planetary system. Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to our solar system. It consists of three stars: Alpha Centauri A, Alpha Centauri B, and Proxima Centauri.

The tungsten planet orbits Alpha Centauri B. It is one of the many planets and moons populating this planetary system.

Other planets rich in tungsten seem to be scattered across the settled systems. For instance, Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, is said to contain vast tungsten deposits. Pluto is also allegedly abundant with tungsten ore.

But the uniquely named tungsten planet near Alpha Centauri B stands out as having the absolute largest concentration of easily accessible tungsten.

Resources on the Tungsten Planet

As the name suggests, the obvious resource found on the tungsten planet is tungsten metal. This appears in ore deposits across the planet’s surface and underground.

Tungsten ore can be smelted into ingots, alloys, and other building materials. It is a necessary component for crafting equipment.

Besides tungsten, players can expect to find these additional resources on the tungsten planet:

  • Iron Ore – Used for crafting weapons and basic building components
  • Copper Ore – Mainly used for electrical wiring and circuits
  • Nickel Ore – Alloys with other metals to create stainless and heat-resistant steels
  • Cobalt Ore – Alloys with tungsten to create durable steels
  • Silicate Minerals – Used in producing ceramics, glass, and building materials
  • Water Ice – Valuable for life support and as a fuel source

Gameplay Tips for the Tungsten

The tungsten planet is an exciting destination for resource gathering, base building, and combat. Here are some tips for making the most of your time on this metal-rich world:

Find a Promising Landing Spot

  • Scout ahead from your starship to locate large surface tungsten deposits or cave openings. These signify mines and tunnels likely packed with ore.

Gear Up Accordingly

  • Cold hazard protection is a must on the frigid tungsten planet.
  • Weaponry to deal with hostile creatures and bandits.
  • Mining tools like plasma cutters are essential for harvesting ore.

Build a Defensible Base

  • Claim a site near a major tungsten deposit by constructing walls, structures, and turrets.
  • Use tunnels and caves as ready-made shelters to expand your base.
  • Fortify your base against attack by pirates and wildlife.

Extract and Stockpile Tungsten

  • Use your mining beam, explosives, and heavy equipment to systematically extract ore deposits.
  • Process raw tungsten into ingots, alloy sheets, and other usable forms using smelters and refiners.
  • Stockpile processed tungsten securely within your base.

Trade Your Surplus

  • Trade excess tungsten for other rare resources not found on this planet.
  • Generate profits by selling high-demand tungsten goods to visiting traders and merchants.

Tungsten Planet Creatures

The tungsten planet is notoriously dangerous, not just because of its cold climate but also due to its lethal native creatures. Here are some of the hostile creatures that inhabit this world:

Frost Ants – These oversized ants swarm out of underground nests in huge numbers to attack with sharp mandibles. They spray an icy venom that slows movement.

Tungsten Turtles – These creatures resemble large tortoises with heavy tungsten-alloy shells. They can retract their heads for protection from damage.

Shardwolves – Lupine predators that blend into icy environments. They ambush prey and slash with razor-sharp crystalline claws.

Cave Crustipods – Massive arthropods found in caves. They have crushing mandibles and corrosive acid attacks.

Ice Krakens – Enormous serpentine creatures that burst out from under frozen lakes and seas. They bludgeon prey with heavy clubbed tails.

Visitors to the tungsten planet must always be vigilant against attacks from these deadly creatures. Make sure to equip hazard protection and the right weaponry to defend yourself.

Challenges of Visiting the Tungsten Planet

The tungsten planet presents a variety of challenges that adventurers must overcome to profit from its resources:

Treacherous Terrain

Icy surfaces, sheer cliffs, and deep ravines make navigation tricky. Use gear like jump jets and grappling guns.

Freezing Temperatures

Subzero conditions can quickly freeze you to death. Upgraded cold protection armor and shelter are essential.

Attacks from Creatures

Dangerous native fauna constantly threaten your safety. Maintain defensive perimeters and have ample firepower.

Competing Factions

Pirates, corporations, and settlers will all try to claim the planet’s tungsten. Be ready to defend what is yours.

Environmental Hazards

Radioactive tungsten deposits, acid lakes, electrical storms and more make exploration risky. Analyze terrain carefully.

Technical Malfunctions

The cold climate causes more frequent equipment failures. Repair or replace key tools regularly.

Visiting the Tungsten Planet

The tungsten planet will be a high risk, high reward destination in Starfield. Brave explorers who manage to locate it near Alpha Centauri and overcome the many challenges will be rewarded with nearly unlimited tungsten.

With this precious metal, you can craft equipment and dominate foes. A steady tungsten supply empowers you to complete objectives across Starfield’s settled systems.

Use this guide to help you find and exploit the tungsten planet. Check back as we update you with more tips and expanded info on this coveted world rich in metals.

FAQ – September 10, 2023

What is the Tungsten planet in Starfield?

The tungsten planet is a fictional planet within Starfield containing large deposits of the metal tungsten. It is located near Alpha Centauri and is considered one of the best sources of tungsten ore.

Where is the Tungsten planet in Starfield?

The tungsten planet orbits Alpha Centauri B, the closest planetary system to our solar system. It can be found by traveling to the Alpha Centauri system.

What resources are found on the Tungsten planet in Starfield?

The main resource is tungsten ore. But the planet also contains deposits of iron, copper, nickel, cobalt, silicate minerals, and water ice.

What is the gameplay like on the Tungsten planet in Starfield?

Gameplay involves building a base, mining tungsten deposits, crafting tungsten alloys and goods, defending against hostile creatures, and trading with visiting merchants.

What is the lore behind the Tungsten planet in Starfield?

It was an early settled world prized for its tungsten. Excessive mining depleted deposits, but the planet has been rediscovered recently, renewing interest in its resources.

What creatures are found on the Tungsten planet in Starfield?

Deadly native creatures include Frost Ants, Tungsten Turtles, Shardwolves, Cave Crustipods, and Ice Krakens.

What challenges will players face on the Tungsten planet in Starfield?

Challenges include the freezing climate, rugged terrain, radiological hazards, technical malfunctions, and defending against dangerous creatures & NPCs.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.