Starfield: Sell Contraband to Maximize Profits

Selling contraband in Starfield can be a tempting way to make quick money, but it also carries significant risks of getting caught and facing severe penalties. Contraband refers to any illegal or regulated goods such as weapons, drugs, counterfeit items or stolen property.

While selling contraband may seem thrilling at first, understanding the risks and finding ways to reduce detection is crucial for any aspiring smuggler. This guide will provide an overview of how to acquire and sell contraband in Starfield while trying to avoid legal troubles.

How to Sell Contraband Safely in Starfield

While contraband smuggling is extremely risky, especially for beginners, you can take steps to improve your chances of selling illegal goods safely:

  • Start small: Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Stick to a couple illegal items at first to learn the ropes.
  • Avoid core systems: Freelance security forces and patrols are abundant in core systems, so stick to frontier space when starting out.
  • Watch transaction locations: Don’t conduct deals just anywhere. Scout transfer locations ahead of time for security risks.
  • Vary your routine: Don’t visit the same stations or use the same tactics repeatedly. Patterns make it easier for authorities to catch on.
  • Have an escape plan: Always have a backup plan if a deal goes south. Whether it’s emergency warp fuel or quick wits, be ready to escape.

With the right precautions, you can turn contraband smuggling into a steady, profitable enterprise in Starfield. But remember, nothing beats completing legal missions, mining operations and trading routes for reliable, long-term income. When in doubt, stick to the lawful path.


Starfield Contraband Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the risks of selling contraband in Starfield?

Selling contraband is illegal and can result in severe penalties like imprisonment, fines, confiscation of goods and criminal records if caught by authorities. The more contraband you have, the higher your risk.

How can I avoid getting caught while selling contraband?

Avoid patrolled systems, increase your deception skill, upgrade ship stealth, only carry essential contraband and have an escape plan ready.

What are the penalties for getting caught selling contraband?

You’ll face confiscation of goods, large fines, potential imprisonment and criminal records if caught smuggling contraband in Starfield. Penalties scale based on the quantity and type of illegal cargo.

Where can I find buyers willing to purchase contraband?

Trade Authority agents are the easiest buyers at major landing zones but come with risks. Private contacts and the mysterious Key station also purchase contraband at premium rates but can be harder to find.

How can I ensure the quality of the contraband I’m selling?

Finding a reliable supplier and visually inspecting contraband can help verify you are selling high quality illegal goods. Researching market demand can also ensure you have profitable items.

What are safer alternatives to selling contraband?

Legal activities like trading, completing missions, mining asteroids and crafting sells well and offer more reliable profits over time compared to illegal contraband smuggling which carries significant risks.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.