Starfield Best Outposts: Top 5 Planets

Looking to build an outpost in Starfield? The ideal planet for an outpost depends largely on your playstyle and goals. But some planets stand out for their abundant resources, optimal conditions, and unique opportunities.

This article reveals the top 5 planets for building outposts in Starfield based on habitability, resources, location, environment, and other key factors. We’ll highlight the pros and cons of each planet so you can determine which one best suits your needs.

Whether you’re interested in trading, combat, exploration or all of the above, these planets offer prime real estate for your interstellar home away from home.

Jemison – The Cosmopolitan Planet

Jemison orbits Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our solar system, making it a hub of interstellar activity. Situated in the Alpha Centauri system, Jemison contains the massive city of New Atlantis. This capital city offers all the comforts and conveniences of urban living in a sprawling, cyberpunk landscape.

While Jemison leans heavily industrial, pockets of natural beauty remain untouched. Lush green landscapes sprout up between city sectors.

Clear lakes and rivers flow through mountain valleys dotted with timber lodges and remote settlements.


  • Close proximity to New Atlantis and its trading markets, merchants, missions, and amenities
  • Easy access to space traffic and trade routes
  • Established infrastructure allows for stable supply chains
  • Temperate climate comfortable for human inhabitants
  • Reasonable selection of indigenous flora and fauna


  • Heavily populated areas limit real estate options
  • Lacks access to rare resources
  • City regulations may restrict outpost capabilities
  • Increased crime rate requires stronger security

For traders, socialites, and explorers who value connectivity, Jemison’s ties to New Atlantis make it the perfect entry point to the Starfield universe. The planet offers convenience without sacrificing adventure.

Andraphon – The Resource Rich Moon

Orbiting the ringed gas giant Kepler-47c, the mineral-rich moon Andraphon overflows with valuable resources critical for outpost operations. This small celestial body packs an oversized punch when it comes to bootstraping your off-world settlements.

Andraphon’s proximity to its planet bathes it in intense tidal forces causing increased volcanic activity and mineral deposition.

While the surface remains rocky and inhospitable, shallow mining reveals bountiful sources of iron, aluminum, titanium, cobalt, and nickel. Deep core extractions produce helium-3, hydrogen fuel, and rare earth minerals.


  • Abundant metals, minerals, and fuels for constructing outposts
  • Reduced gravity allows for easier launch and landing
  • Minimal atmosphere offers unobstructed views
  • Short travel times between surface and orbit
  • Low background radiation provides safe living conditions


  • Inhospitable climate requiring enclosed habitats
  • Lack of breathable atmosphere requires oxygen supplies
  • Remote location far from civilized systems
  • No native plant or animal life

Andraphon shines brightest for industrialists and miners looking to harvest minerals and establish manufacturing facilities.

The moon’s rich natural resources provide the building blocks for colonization. Just be prepared to ship in any supplies you can’t produce locally.

Titan – The Frozen Ocean Moon

Explorers searching for exotic discoveries should consider staking their claim on Titan. This massive moon orbiting Saturn showcases unique frozen landscapes and prebiotic chemistry ripe for investigation.

While frigid temperatures preclude open-air habitats, Titan’s nitrogen-methane atmosphere offers a dense, hazy backdrop for spectacular astronomy.

Frozen hydrocarbon lakes and rivers stripe the surface, fed by occasional methane rainstorms. Other features include vast dunes of organics and possible cryovolcanoes ejecting water-ammonia flows.


  • Fascinating atmosphere, geology, and hydrology to study
  • Vast, unexplored regions provide opportunities for discovery
  • Subsurface water ocean may harbor microbial life
  • Thick atmosphere supports easier spaceflight and floating outposts


  • Cold surface temperatures require specialized gear
  • Limited visibility due to atmospheric haze
  • Distance from Sol makes transit lengthy and costly
  • Potential biological hazards from alien microbes

For bold trailblazers and researchers, Titan presents an exotic and dynamic world ripe for exploration. Outposts here would serve as springboards for unlocking the mysteries of this unique Saturnian moon.

Trappist-1e – The Exoplanet Haven

Nestled close to the dim red dwarf star TRAPPIST-1, this exoplanet may offer mild temperatures and liquid water ideal for human colonization.

Three times Earth’s size with a density similar to our home planet’s, Trappist-1e could have a rocky composition capable of sustaining an atmosphere and surface water if conditions allow.

While its actual conditions remain unknown, some models predict an average surface temperature around 10°C (50°F) with the potential for life-friendly environments.

Outposts on Trappist-1e could study its atmosphere, geology, biology, and habitability up close.


  • Potentially mild temperatures and liquid water
  • Atmosphere and large size may provide shielding from radiation
  • Extensive habitat construction space across a planet-sized surface
  • Unique opportunity to characterize and explore an exoplanet


  • Unverified atmospheric/surface conditions remain uncertain
  • Potential for extreme conditions if models prove incorrect
  • 39 light years from Sol means very long transit times
  • Minimal infrastructure or supplies within several light years

Risk-taking trailblazers who thrive on the unknown may find Trappist-1e’s endless possibilities outweigh the risks and challenges. Just be ready for anything, because this exoplanetary enigma offers both tremendous opportunity and uncertainty in equal measure.

Leviathan IV – The Monster Planet

Only the bravest dare set foot on Leviathan IV, a massive super-Earth racked by extreme volcanic activity and deadly megafauna. With 40% higher gravity than Earth and an atmosphere rife with toxic gases, surviving Leviathan’s harsh conditions poses a monumental challenge.

Those who manage to establish an outpost here reap unique rewards. The planet’s overwhelming geothermal forces drive an abundance of exotic minerals to the surface.

Storehouses of cobalt, iridium, and rare earth elements await miners bold enough to extract them. Leviathan’s megafauna also yield ultra-dense bones and scales that produce superior armor and weapons.


  • Rich deposits of exotic minerals and resources
  • Challenging environments produce superior armor and weapons through biomechanical engineering
  • Extreme conditions offer high profits for those who can survive and exploit them
  • Sparse settlements allow maximum freedom and space for large outposts


  • Hostile atmosphere is toxic and requires sealed environments
  • High gravity puts strain on structures, vehicles, and inhabitants
  • Frequent volcanic activity and quakes threaten outposts
  • Aggressive native megafauna requires heavy defenses

Leviathan IV is exclusively for the most daring colonists who crave a challenge and great rewards. For these hardened pioneers, the planet’s riches and dangers more than compensate for its inhabitable conditions and rigorous demands. Outposts here run on risk and excitement in equal measure.

Looking for more planets for Outpost

Watch the video for more planets for outposts.

Key Factors for Choosing Your Starfield Outpost

When selecting your ideal planet for an outpost in Starfield, keep these key factors in mind:

Habitability – The climate, atmosphere, gravity, radiation levels and other conditions that determine if you can survive and work outdoors unprotected.

Resources – The availability of raw materials for constructing, maintaining and operating your outpost. Metals, minerals and water are essential.

Location – Proximity to star lanes, settlements and points of interest determine your connectivity and access to supplies, markets and missions.

Environment – Geological and biological features shape outdoor exploration and research opportunities surrounding your outpost.

Your Goals – Your outpost should match your priorities whether that be trading, manufacturing, research or simply exploration. Identify your purpose and choose accordingly.

By weighing all these factors, you can identify the best planet for your interests and needs in Starfield’s expansive universe. Do your due diligence, choose wisely and your outpost will serve you well as a foothold among the stars. Happy travels and clear skies!

FAQ – September 5, 2023

What is the best planet for outposts in Starfield?

The best planet depends on your priorities. Jemison is great for traders, Andraphon for mining, Titan for research, and Leviathan IV for high-risk/high reward outposts. Evaluate each planet’s pros and cons against your goals.

What are the factors to consider when choosing a planet for an outpost?

Key factors are habitability, resources, location, environment and your personal goals. Assess the planet’s climate, mineral wealth, proximity to areas of interest, natural features and benefits for your intended gameplay.

What are some of the best resources to harvest for outposts?

Valuable resources include water, metals like iron and aluminum, rare elements like iridium and helium-3, and raw materials for making plastics, fuels and building materials. Look for planets with abundant natural resources relevant to your outpost plans.

What are some challenges facing outpost construction?

Challenges include choosing a site, gathering resources, designing facilities to withstand hazards, maintaining operations far from supply chains, and defending against threats from weather, wildlife or enemies. Effective planning, self-sufficiency and adaptability are key.

What tips help choose a good outpost location?

Tips include scouting sites thoroughly, starting small and expanding gradually, choosing planets with complementary conditions and resources, minimizing risks, and selecting locations that support your outpost’s purpose. Think through all factors carefully.


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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson mainly writes about game-related news and updates. He is a passionate gamer, music lover, and traveler.