Star Citizen Update 3.16.2 Patch Notes – April 1, 2022

Star Citizen update 3.16.2 released on PC (Steam). According to the official Star Citizen patch notes, the latest update 3.16.2 added new features, fixes, and gameplay changes.

Recently, a big update was released which added a new farming area, dozens of crops to grow, and crafting recipes to create

Since the last patch, players are experiencing a number of issues. Today’s Star Citizen patch 3.16 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Star Citizen Patch 3.16.2 Notes – Official

New Features

  • The sandworm has finally been added to the game, but has decided to remain underground indefinitely
  • Time-Limited Apparel
New clothing items that players can rent instead of buying. Initial implementation limited to shirts and jackets only. These 90-Day Tops can be found wherever fashionable trends are sold.


  • New Babbage Snow Polish
Snow will now properly stick to boots and tracks inside, annoying all the cleaning staff


  • New Mission Giver: Jon Krew
Known Issue: Does not hand out missions to owners of Drake ships. Even renters.


  • New Feature: ASMR Mode
All in-universe text has a new selectable text-to-speech option. Select “Paul Jones” from the Audio submenu.
  • Added a PVP slider to the mobiGlas
  • Added a New Robust Romance System
  • Added New mobiGlas App: Mesher
We’ve added an in-game dating app that is now available on your mobiGlas or tablet.
  • New Arena Commander Game Mode: Big Benny Challenge
Relive the wonder years of the Persistent Universe of the past. Players must locate and transport the only Big Bennys Machine that can move back to their spawn hab using nothing but roll animations, determination and a lot of patience. Spend 10 hours wondering what you’re doing and why.

Ships and Vehicles

  • Added New Vehicle: Prop Team Battle Wagon
A relic of the old Messier-era experimentation with trolley armaments. Stats are unavailable at this time and probably incorrect, anyway.
  • Added New Ship: Cutlass Purple
Weapons and Items
  • New Weapon: UltiFlex Novia Crossbow
We’ve implemented the UltiFlex Novia Crossbow in game, however it has been noticed that for some reason, these weapons only register hits on knees. We are looking into this and hope to have a fix soon

Feature Updates

  • The turtles have returned to ArcCorp, and are back with a vengeance
  • Stanton System Planetary Update
As part of our ongoing performance enhancements, Delamar has been returned to the Stanton system. Other existing planets and moons have been temporarily removed


  • Coffee For Everone
The Barista feedback was so overwhelming that we’ve decided to add a coffee shop to all landing zones/stations
  • In preparation for Pyro, NPC’s have been given advanced training in “The Floor Is Lava” survival techniques: NPCs now stand on chairs intentionally
  • Mining Roots Update
A Geology degree is now required for all mining activities. We’ve decided to pay homage to humanity’s roots and replace mining lasers with the good ol’ fashioned mining pick. Now you too can enjoy the days of yore by taking a good whack at some ore!
  • Burrito Buff
Eating Torpedo Burrito now has both buff and debuff effects. Debuff: 65% chance of stomach ache, which reduces movement speed by 50%. Buff: Repel other players using our newest procedural smelling technology, “SmOIP”.
  • Hospital gowns now impose a ‘breezy’ buff when sprinting
  • To prevent stream sniping, microTech’s river will now be considered an Armistice Zone
  • Added the Boreal Stalker as a random chance spawn in player habs and ship’s quarters when bed-logging
  • All sinks have been removed from the game in an attempt to fix desync
Ships and Vehicles
  • Toilet Polish Pass
Added a toilet to the Cutlass Black. All ships previously without a toilet also have had the Drake Bucket added.
  • Starfarer Gas Harvesting Update
  • We’ve added a tracking device to all Origin 404s to help avoid pilots from losing their ships
  • Due to shortages in champagne within the Stanton System, all 890 claim times are doubled
  • We have found that Drake ships are too resilient in combat and John Crewe has decided to remove all their armor
  • The ROC DS will now require a third operator to function, who will monitor the vital signs of the other two operators

Bug Fixes

  • Trading consoles are now fixed. 60% of the time they work every time


  • Unfixed 8 Server Crashes
  • Talked to the backend services very nicely and they agreed to only deadlock during the weekends and holidays

Download free Star Citizen patch 3.16.2 on PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.