Stacklands July 11 update is now available to download on PC (Steam). According to the official Stacklands patch notes, the latest update added new content and a whole bunch of fixes.
Previously, a big update added various quality of life improvements. Unfortunately, since the release, players are facing several issues. Stacklands patch will fix a few of these issues.
Read more details below.
Stacklands Island Update Patch Notes – July 11, 2022
The Island
- The 1.1 update is all about The Island, which is a completely new board from the current board! After you complete the current questline, you’ll get the Idea for building a Rowboat. Using the Rowboat, you can take a Villager to the Island. You’ll be able to find new resources there that can’t be found on the Mainland, like Glass and Gold. You’ll then have to build a big boat to ship these new cards back and forth, to complete the extended main questline!
New Hazards
Be careful, there are new hazards on the Island too! Because of the warm climate, food will spoil over time – you’ll have to cook for it to last longer. Soil is very hard to get on the Island, so you will have to resort to fishing to feed your Villagers. There are also Snakes & Pirates, which could Poison or Stun you!
New Features
- The Island with 100+ new cards, see above!
Cards can now have status effects. For example Food can have the Spoiling effect or a Villager can have the Stunned effect. Currently there are 5 different status effects in the game, and we’re planning to add more in future updates.
Quality of Life
A lot of different structures can now be stacked on with multiple cards so that they will continue producing. For example, smelters can have multiple Wood and Iron oOre stacked on them. The same counts for Campfire & Stove, where you can now stack multiple ingredients and it will continue cooking them.
- A Mess Hall card has been introduced that will allow you to prioritize the order Food will be eaten.
- A “Snap Cards To Grid” feature has been added, that will automatically snap cards to grid when pressing the [E] key. (Can be rebound)
- The “buy booster pack” and “sell card” slots now have highlights when cards can be dragged on top of them
- The game now supports multiple save slots, which are selectable from the options menu
- Idea descriptions now list the cards required underneath each other, and now include the descriptions for the card they will create
- An accessibility option to automatically pause the game while dragging cards has been added
- A vignette effect has been added that appears when the camera can’t be moved, like at the end of the moon or during other cutscene animations
- When buying booster packs with coins, the resulting booster pack will no longer spawn on top of the coins you used to buy it with
- The game now has controller support
- You can now rebind controls in the options menu
- The game’s UI style has been revised to look better
- All screens now have a nice transition
- Improved the in-game UI to be more manageable with all the new content
- The in-game UI now shows “new” labels for new Quests and Ideas
- The Cardopedia now has a cool background effect
- The options screen now shows the game’s version
- The pause menu now mentions that “progress is saved” when returning back to menu
- The credits have been improved
- Various translation errors have been fixed
Download free Stacklands patch on PC (Steam).