Skyrim Update Version 1.16 Patch Notes For PS4 & Xbox One

A new Skyrim version 1.16 for PS4 and Xbox One released for players. According to the official Skyrim 1.16 PS4 patch notes, the new update has added new Creation Club contents, stability and performance improvements. In addition, the latest Skyrim patch 1.16 also added fixes for stuttering/lag, game crashing, and UI bugs.

Previously, a big update was released with various gameplay changes and bug fixes. However, some players were experiencing a number of problems when trying to play the game. Today’s Skyrim 1.16 patch for PS4 is expected to fix all these issues. Check out more details below.

Skyrim update 1.16 Patch Notes

New Creation Club Contents


An exotic sword rumored to have come from Akavir. It is a singular weapon, but one that transforms with the rising or setting of the sun. Each form has its own unique enchantments, and both can be empowered by killing enough to excite the weapon. This only lasts until its next transformation, at which point the killing must begin anew.

Retrieving this weapon will require completing a small dungeon. Completing this will unlock a miscellaneous objective to uncover a second Akaviri blade in the same style, but with a separate enchantment.

Netch Leather Armors

A classic armor from Morrowind, and one with multiple variants. This includes a boiled netch leather helmet and cuirass, and a darker “shadowed” version of both the normal and boiled pieces.

Please note, the base netch leather helmet lacks a mask for male characters to avoid clipping with beards. The boiled version will fully cover the faces of all characters, regardless of race or sex.

To learn how to craft this armor you must complete a short quest, which will also reward you with a special set of painted armor. An additional quest will allow you to uncover an equally classic enchanted set of these boots.

Expanded Crossbow Pack

This pack introduces eight new crossbows: Imperial, Silver, Orcish, Nordic, Stalhrim, Glass, Daedric, and Dragonbone.

Each one can be purchased from the fletcher in Solitude. They can all be crafted after learning how to make crossbows from the Dawnguard, and you learn how to craft any one you purchase. In either case, you will also need the appropriate material perks unlocked in the smithing tree.

Alternate Armors

New versions of existing armor types, to add some variety to the game. Each one is being released individually.

Four sets of light armor: Elven Hunter, Studded Dragonscale, Dwarven Mail, and Daedric Mail

One sets of heavy armor: Stalhrim Fur

Sets vary between three and four pieces, as demonstrated in the screenshots below.

These armors are initially obtained from a small quest. Upon completion the armor will begin showing up on enemies, and can be crafted (assuming you have the requisite perk). These quests are initially added in the miscellaneous category.

Bug Fixes

  • Added fixes for crashing issues with Skyrim patch 1.16.
  • Addressed some glitches with Skyrim PS4 update 1.16.
  • Added fixes for stuttering and lag issues.
  • Skyrim 1.16 for PS4 has also added performance and stability improvements.
  • Minor gameplay improvements added with Skyrim patch 1.16.
  • Added various UI issues.
  • Added other minor fixes and changes with Skyrim version 1.16 for PS4.
  • Addressed various animation pop issues.

Skyrim update 1.16 for PS4 and Xbox One is now available for download.

Pramod Singh
Pramod Singh
I am passionate about Web development and networking. When i am not hacking away on my computer, i enjoys exploring new places, watching movies and biking.