Skul The Hero Slayer Update 1.23 Patch Notes

Skul The Hero Slayer update 1.23 details released for PS4 and PC players. According to the official Skul 1.23 patch notes, the latest update addressed an issue in which the combo attack damage values activated by obtaining level 4 were set much lower. Apart from this, Skul update 1.23 also includes performance fixes.

Previously, a big update was released with character balancing, gameplay changes, and a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Skul version 1.23 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Skul 1,23 Patch Notes

Changes Made


Berserker’s Gauntlet
  • Changed the current HP ratio required for the attack speed increase effect to reach its maximum: 15% → 20%
Dark Berserker’s Gauntlets
  • Changed the current HP ratio required for the attack speed increase effect to reach its maximum: 15% → 20%
  • Changed the maximum attack speed increase value based on lost health: 60% → 70%
Veteran Warrior’s Gloves
  • Changed the cooldown of the attack effect: 5 seconds → 4 seconds
  • Increased the damage of the attack effect
Great Sage’s Time
  • Changed the physical attack increase per skill on cooldown: 30% → 35%
Absolute Mithril Gear
  • Changed the additional physical attack increase when the effect reaches its maximum: 40% → 50%
Sylphid Wings
  • Changed the Inscription type of the item: Heritage → Chase
Infinite Bone
  • Changed the chance of the effect to reset skill cooldowns: 30% → 40%
Bone of Eternity: Infinity
  • Changed the chance of the effect to reset skill cooldowns: 30% → 40%
  • Changed the chance of resetting skill cooldowns after activating the Bone Inscription effect: 45% → 60%
Voodoo Doll
  • Changed the health recovery upon overcoming death: 40 → 50
  • Changed the reduction in skill cooldowns upon activating Apocalypse: 5 seconds → 11 seconds
Veiled Mask
  • Changed the reduction in critical hit chance: 30% → 20%
World Tree Seed
  • Changed the duration of the World Tree effect: 15 seconds → 20 seconds
  • Changed the increase in physical and magic attack power when near the World Tree: 60% → 70%
Dark Spirit Shade
  • Increased the damage of the attack effect
  • Increased the damage of all magics recorded in the Demonomicon
The Chosen Mage’s Badge
  • Increased the hitbox of the fireball
  • Increased the damage of the fireball
  • Increased the size of the explosion caused by the fireball
  • Increased the damage of the explosion caused by the fireball
Omen: Sword of Chaos
  • Changed the cooldown of the attack effect: 4 seconds → 3 seconds
  • Increased the damage of the attack effect
Omen: Irresistible Suggestion
  • Changed the physical attack increase: 90% → 100%
Omen: Scepter of Whispers
  • Changed the cooldown of the attack effect: 6 seconds → 5 seconds
  • Increased the damage of the attack effect
Omen: Howling Egg
  • Changed the magic attack increase: 90% → 100%
Omen: Deicide
  • Changed the duration of the damage amplification effect on enemies hit by the sneak attack: 3 seconds → 5 seconds
Omen: Shard of Darkness
  • Changed the increase in physical and magic attack power: 70% → 80%
Omen: Solar Eclipse
  • Changed the physical attack increase: 150% → 180%
Omen: Lunar Eclipse
  • Changed the magic attack increase: 150% → 180%
Omen: Desair
  • Changed the cooldown of the attack effect: 20 seconds → 16 seconds
  • Increased the damage of the attack effect

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the effect duration of ‘Bone of Eternity: Infinity’ was applied differently than stated
  • Fixed an issue where the effect of ‘World Tree Seed’s World Tree disappeared faster than its actual duration [h2][/h2]


  • Fixed an issue in which the combo attack damage values activated by obtaining level 4 were set much lower.

Known Issues

  • In-game terminology in some translations was not polished enough. This issue will be resolved in the upcoming updates.

Download free Skul patch 1.23 on PS4 and PC

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.