Skul The Hero Slayer Update 1.18 Patch Notes (v1.7.1)

Skul The Hero Slayer update 1.18 (1.7.1) details released for PS4 and PC players. According to the official Skul 1.18 patch notes, the latest update reduced the visual effects when entering the Dark Mirror. Apart from this, Skul update 1.18 also reduced the HP of some enemies which were hard to hit including some Dark Enemies. Read full changelog below.

Previously, a big update was released with character balancing, gameplay changes, and a long list of bug fixes. Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Skul version 1.18 will address a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Skul Update 1.7.1 Patch Notes – January 19, 2023


  • Reduced the visual effects when entering the Dark Mirror
  • The effects of enemy spawning or dying will not cover the player’s character


  • Enemy HP is reduced in Dark Mirror and HP reductions are greater at higher levels.


  • Reduced the HP of some enemies which were hard to hit including some Dark Enemies.
  • A cooldown has been added to the Dark Enemy ability ‘Penance’
  • The normal enemy ‘Root Ent’ will no longer be stuck in its attack animation if the attack has been canceled
  • The normal enemy ‘Ultimate Golem’ will now be closer to the ground when its weak point is exposed.
  • The normal enemy ‘Ultimate Golem’s weak point will now have a bigger hitbox.
  • The normal enemy ‘Ultimate Golem’s weak point will now be exposed for a longer duration.
  • The HP of the ‘High Alchemist’ who summons the ‘Ultimate Golem’ has been decreased and the time required to summon the ‘Ultimate Golem’ has been increased.
  • The HP of ‘Sticky Subject’ has been decreased and reduced the duration of the poison pool after splitting
  • The HP of the normal enemy ‘Transcendent’ in Chapter 3 has been decreased
  • The HP of the normal enemy ‘Demon Hunter’ in Chapter 4 has been decreased
  • The HP of the normal enemy ‘Arbiter’ in Chapter 4 has been decreased
  • The Invincible time during the Dark First Hero’s every special attack pattern has been reduced.
  • The damage of ‘Dark First Hero’s grab-and-tear attack has been decreased
  • The damage of ‘Dark First Hero’s all thorn attacks has been decreased

Dark Abilities

Innate Power

  • The basic attack damage amplification dealt to enemies is increased from [10/20]% to [15/25]%


  • The skill cooldown speed while a shield is active has been increased from [20/40/60]% to [25/50/75]%

Reckless Posture

  • The physical and magic attack increase rate has been changed from [10/15]% to [10/20]%


  • The physical and magic attack increase rate upon evading enemy attack by dashing has been changed from [70/140/210]% to [80/160/240]%

New Beginning

  • The name and effect of this Dark Ability will be changed as below:
    • Lightweight
    • Dash cooldown speed drastically increases for 1 second after defeating an enemy.
  • Adjusted the damage amplification values while dealing damage to enemies: [20/40/60]% → [25/50/75]%
    Beast Blood

    • Max level of ability has increased from 2 to 3
    • The physical and magic attack increase rate upon entering the map has been changed from [50/75]% to [40/80/120]%
    • The Move speed increase rate upon entering the map changed from [40/60]% to [25/50/75]%

Collection Desire

  • The physical and magic attack increase rate for every 2 or more inscriptions has been increased from 20% to 25%

Put Pocket

  • The bomb detonation time has been changed from [9/6] seconds to [8/5] second

Big Mountain Pressure

  • The physical and magic attack increase rate by every second has been changed from [15/30/45]% to [20/40/60]%
  • Changed the time required for the effect to reach its maximum from 5 seconds to 4 seconds


Omen: Sword of Chaos

  • Increased the damage of attacks caused by this item effect.

Omen: Irresistible Suggestion

  • Changed the physical attack increase rate from 80% to 90%

Omen: Scepter of Whispers

  • Increased the damage of attacks caused by this item effect.

Omen: Howling Egg

  • Changed the magic attack increase rate from 80% to 90%

Omen: Decadence Sword

  • The corruption zone creation cooldown changed from 25 seconds to 20 seconds

Omen: Idol of The Forgotten

  • Increased the damage of attacks caused by item effect.

Omen: Coin of Extinction

  • The amplification rate of damage dealt to the enemy while in an “Ominous” state has been changed from 35% to 40%
  • Increase the rate of skill cooldown speed while in the “Sign of Disaster” state changed from 120% to 130%

Omen: The Thirteenth Bone

  • Increase the rate of physical and magic attacks by each Omen inscription has changed from 100% to 110%

Omen: Deicide

  • Increased the damage of attacks caused by item effect.

Omen: Branches of Destruction

  • Increased the damage of attacks caused by item effect.

Omen: Mad Harpoon

  • Damage amplification rate to an enemy with the mark changed from 40% to 45%

Omen: Revelation of The Red Star

  • Increased the damage of attacks caused by item effect.

Omen: Cup of Fate

  • Increase rate of physical attack for each Masterpiece inscription has increased from 50% to 60%
  • Increase the rate of physical attack for each Masterpiece inscription destroyed has changed from 40%(Up to 400% increase) to 50%(Up to 500% increase)

Omen: Solar Eclipse

  • Changed the physical attack increase rate from 130% to 150%

Omen: Lunar Eclipse

  • Changed the magic attack increase rate from 130% to 150%

Omen: Unknown Darkness

  • Changed the physical and magic attack increase rate from 200% to 250%

Omen: Desair

  • Damage amplification rate of damage dealt by Spirits has been changed from 30% to 35%
  • Increased the damage of attacks caused by this item effect.


  • Receiving damage increase rate of one Omen inscription has been changed from 70% to 50%

Bug Fixes

System, Others

  • Fixed a bug in which ‘Exit’ and ‘Destroy’ were both set to ESC in the Dark Ability UI
  • Fixed a bug in which players could not obtain ‘Dark Abilities’
  • Fixed a bug in which defeating a boss with the effect of the Dark Ability ‘King Slayer’ would cause a slower death animation for the boss.
  • Fixed a bug in which the level 3 stat bonus effect of ‘Coziness’ could be activated without shields
  • Fixed a bug in which the player’s projectiles would not work properly and not disappear sometimes
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong character animation was applied in a certain pattern of Chapter 2 boss ‘Leiana Sisters’
  • Fixed a bug in which the player could interact with the elevator without opening the treasure chest in the Chapter 2 boss stage
  • Fixed a bug in which the moving animation of ‘Sticky Subject’ in Chapter 3 was slower than intended
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘Ultimate Golem’ in Chapter 3 would flick for 1 frame when it is summoned
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘Ultimate Golem’ HP was set abnormally high
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘High Alchemist’ who summons the ‘Ultimate Golem’ was floating a little above the floor
  • Fixed a bug in which ‘Demon Hunter’ in Chapter 4 could become invisible sometimes
  • Fixed a bug in which ‘Leonia’s Assassin’ and ‘Leonia’s Wizard’ sometimes teleport out of the door and would not return
  • Fixed a bug in which the Chapter 5 boss ‘Dark First Hero’s projectiles fired during the zigzag moving patterns each had an individual hit registration.
  • Fixed a bug in which there were 2 Dark Priests on the same map
  • Fixed a bug in which the power device’s HP in the Dark Mirror event map ‘Mystical Ruin’ was set abnormally low
  • Fixed a bug in which some sound effects became louder when overlapped within a short period of time
  • Fixed a bug in which the Dark Mirror Arachne cutscene dialugue was displayed with the original world’s Arachne
  • Fixed a bug in which the Dark Mirror level 10 clear cutscene was displayed abnormally
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘Super Spicy Noodle’ effect is applied only to basic attack and skill
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘Shuriken Snack’ effect is not activating normally


  • Fixed a bug in which Skul would throw the head of ‘Hero Little Bone’ when using the [Skull Throw] skill even after returning to the original world’s castle with ‘Hero Little Bone’ skin
  • Fixed a bug in which the treasure chest of ‘The King’ did not work properly in Chapters 3 and 4


  • Fixed a bug in which ‘Reassemble’ does not activate after destroying ‘Omen: Solar Eclipse’, ‘Omen: Lunar Eclipse’, ‘Omen: Unknown Darkness’
  • Fixed a bug in which the attack effect for ‘Omen: Desair’ was set to the wrong color
  • Fixed a bug in which attacks caused by the ‘Omen: Scepter of Whispers’ effect were dealt depending on the higher damage of either physical or magic attack
  • Fixed a bug in which the effect of ‘Wood Statue’ and ‘Wood Statue of Horror’ still remained after being destroyed


  • Fixed an issue with some Dark Mirror texts that were translated incorrectly in languages other than Korean
  • Improved some texts where translation was unnatural in some languages
  • Fixed an issue in which the English text of ‘Pure Gold Bars’ was not displayed normally
  • Fixed an issue in which the English text of ‘Master Brawler’ was incorrect
  • Changed the texts for ‘Super Spicy Noodle’ in other languages other than Korean

Download free Skul patch 1.18 on PS4 and PC

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.