Skul The Hero Slayer Update 1.13 Patch Notes (v1.5)

Skul The Hero Slayer update 1.13 (1.5) is now rolling out on PS4 and PC. According to the official Skul 1.13 patch notes, the latest update added various bug fixes and gameplay changes. Apart from this, Skul update 1.13 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a big update was released with character balancing, gameplay changes, and a long list of bug fixes.

Unfortunately, many players are still experiencing a number of issues while playing the game. Today’s Skul version 1.5 will address a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Skul Update 1.5 Patch Notes – June 8, 2022

Changes Made


  • Improved system for invincibility effect
  • Damage dealt by a swap skill and damage dealt by using a normal skill will now be differentiated
  • Added Character Information Window

Reformed Status Effects

Current Status Effect had little effect on battle so it was considered as an attack enhancement rather than an actual attack method.
However, through this reformation, each Status Effect will gain distinctive characteristics so that users can utilize Status Effect as an effective attack method when conquering Carleon.

1. Changes in Status Effects

  • The outcome of Status Effects will be the same regardless of how Status Effect is applied
  • Status Effects that give damage will be affected by Physical or Magic Attack Power
  • Bosses can be afflicted with Status Effects
  • Some of the enemies’ patterns will have a status ‘Unstoppable’, which makes the enemies immune to Freeze and Stun

    author: Developer comment
    Now Bosses can be afflicted with Status Effect but not always.
    The effectiveness of Status Effect to Adventurer and Boss decreases by a certain amount and all the Bosses will be in Unstoppable status while preparing for the attack.

2. Changed Effect for Each Status Effect

  • Poison: Deals Physical damage every 0.33 seconds and continues for 3 seconds
  • Wound: If additional Wound is given to the enemy who already has Wound, it will inflict Bleed and give one huge Physical damage.
  • Burn: Gives Magic damage every 2 seconds, continues for 10 seconds, and gives more Magic damage to surrounding enemies
  • Freeze: Paralyze movement for 3 seconds and Freeze status ends when attacked
  • Stun: Paralyze movement for 1.5 seconds


By reforming the Status Effect system, each Status Effect will now be more effective and useful.
In particular, Status Effects and skulls who rely heavily on them have been changed significantly.


The Skeleton-Sword has been reformed.
It will still use its sharp blade to wound enemies like a true swordsman.

The Skeleton-Sword is a master of inflicting status effects on enemies and the Legendary Grade Royal Guard Captain deals even more damage to enemies who are bleeding.
Along those lines, in order for the status effects to have the right synergy, we’ve decided to change all the damage types from Magic to Physical.

Applies to all skulls
Passive Effects

  • Reformed Passive Effects


  • Reformed Swap Effect
  • Changed damage type: Magic → Physical


  • Deleted the skill [Tetanus]
  • Added new skill [Double Slash]
  • Reformed Skill effects
  • Changed damage type for every skill: Magic → Physical

Frost Skull

We reformed the Frost Skull and Status Effects.
The Frost Skull’s main strength is still its Freeze Status Effect, but now even bosses can be affected by it.
Applies to all skulls
Passive Effects

  • Reformed Passive Effects

Swap Skill

  • Reformed Swap Skill Effect


  • Removed [Glacier Fragment]
  • Removed [Hibernation]
  • Reformed effects for each skill
  • Added new skill, [Glacial Blade]



[Beast Leap]

  • Reduced Skill Damage

<Elder Werewolf>

[Rip Apart]

  • Removed Bleed Effect
  • Increased Skill Damage

[Beast Leap]

  • Reduced Skill Damage

<Alpha Werewolf>

[Rip Apart]

  • Removed Bleed Effect
  • Increased Skill Damage

[Beast Leap]

  • Reduced Skill Damage

<Eternal Werewolf>

[Rip Apart]

  • Removed Bleed Effect
  • Increased Skill Damage

[Beast Leap]

  • Reduced Skill Damage

Petty Thief

Applies to all skulls
Swap Skill

  • Changed Damage Type: Physical → Magic
  • Increased Swap Skill Damage


  • Changed Damage Type for [Rip Pocket]: Physical → Magic
  • Increased Damage for [Rip Pocket]
  • Changed Damage Type for [Backstab]: Physical → Magic
  • Increased Damage for [Backstab]


[Back Roll]

  • Removed Bleed Effect



  • Changed it so that Stun is inflicted 30% of the time



  • Changed it so that Stun is inflicted 30% of the time


Applies to all skulls
Basic Attack

  • Increased the vertical attack range for the shield slam when doing a Basic Attack


Applies to all skulls

  • Changed name from [Mummy Poison] to [Mummy Breath]
  • Removed poison effect from [Mummy Breath]
  • Increased damage of [Mummy Breath]
  • Removed poison effect from [Mummy Ball] and [Mummy Bug]
  • Increased damage for [Mummy Ball] and [Mummy Bug]
  • Changed it so that [Scratch] and [Survival Knife] have a fixed chance to deal a wound


Applies to all skulls
Swap Skill

  • Made it so that flasks inflicting poison don’t mix when hurling different flasks at once


  • Deleted the skill [Poison Flask]
  • Added the new skill [Neurolepsis Flask]
  • Changed the name of [Plague Flask] to [Pollutant Flask]
  • Changed the name of [Flame Flask] to [Emergency Ignition Flask]
  • Changed the number of charges up to 4 times for [Pollutant Flask] for all skulls
  • Changed the cooldown of [Pollutant Flask] to 14 seconds for all skulls
  • Increased the damage of [Pollutant Flask]
  • Changed the number of charges up to 3 times for [Emergency Ignition Flask] for all skulls
  • Changed the cooldown of [Emergency Ignition Flask] to 16 seconds for all skulls
  • Reduced damage for [Emergency Ignition Flask]
  • Changed the number of charges up to 2 times for [Liquid Nitrogen Flask] for all skulls
  • Changed the cooldown of [Liquid Nitrogen Flask] to 25 seconds for all skulls

<Dark Alchemist>

[Emergency Ignition Flask]

  • Changed the additional embers to inflict Burn with a 5% chance

Rock Star

Applies to all skulls

  • [Climax] Changed cooldown: 10 sec → 20 sec
  • [Climax] Increased damage


Applies to all skulls

  • [Bludgeon] Changed cooldown: 14 sec → 22 sec
  • [Bludgeon] Increased damage

<Minotaurus III>

  • Allows the player to cancel the delay after the attack of [Ground Shatter] by dash

Stone Monkey

<Immortal King>

[Heaven-Earth Slam]

  • Changed cooldown: 12 sec → 21 sec


[Heaven-Earth Slam]

  • Changed cooldown: 12 sec → 21 sec



[Genie Smash]

  • Changed cooldown: 13 sec → 20 sec



[Peek-A-Boo Knives]

  • Changed cooldown: 12 sec → 21 sec


[Peek-A-Boo Knives]

  • Changed cooldown: 12 sec → 21 sec


Applies to all skulls
Swap Skill

  • Changed the daggers to inflict Wound with a 10% chance


  • [Ice Crossbow] Changed cooldown: 10 sec → 20 sec
  • [Ice Crossbow] Increased skill damage

<The King>

[Blood Sword]

  • Changed cooldown: 7 sec → 13 sec
  • Increased damage

[Fire Grenade]

  • Changed cooldown: 10 sec → 15 sec
  • Added the effect of inflicting Burn


  • Changed cooldown: 13 sec → 18 sec
  • Changed the circular saw trap to inflict Wound on enemies with a 3% chance

[Wolf Trap]

  • Changed cooldown: 10 sec → 25 sec
  • Increased damage


Applies to all skulls

  • [Deathly Chill] Changed cooldown: 14 sec → 25 sec


The Inscription system has been reformed.
No more need to worry about the Courage Inscription losing its effectiveness if you don’t have the Standard-issue Carleon Sword.

1. Changed Inscription System

From now on Inscription will become meaningful when users collect 2 Inscriptions and 4 Inscriptions respectively.
However not every Inscription gains meaningful effect by collecting 2 and 4. There are some special Inscriptions that give meaningful effectㄴ when collecting 2, 3, 5, and 6 Inscriptions.
We think the original system that changed the effect of Inscription as users added Inscriptions one by one, had some downsides.
But with your feedback and with our effort to make the system better, we concluded that the original system had more negatives than positives. That is why we changed to a system that activates an effect when users collect 2~3 Inscriptions. We also lowered the required number of Inscriptions for maximum effect to 2~6 Inscriptions.
As a result of this change, we are hoping that you can utilize various item combinations with less stress.

This systematic reform regarding Inscription changed the UI related to Inscriptions too.
Inscriptions in effect are now highlighted with color, so you can easily see which Inscriptions are in effect.

2. Additions, Changes & Elimination of Inscriptions

With the reform of the Inscription system, every existing Inscription has been either changed or eliminated.
Physical attack and Magic attack are important and popular stats in Skul, but we hope other stats to be attractive as well.
Due to this system reform, the effect of every Inscription was changed in some way and we would like to introduce a few Inscriptions that best represent the direction we aimed for.

<Mana Cycle>

  • Effect with 2 Inscriptions: Skill cooldown speed increased by 40%
  • Effect with 4 Inscriptions: Damage dealt by skills is amplified by 20%

Mana Cycle is a replacement for ‘Sorcery’ and this Inscription specializes in skill cooldown speed. When 4 Inscriptions are collected, damage dealt by skills is amplified.
‘Amplify’ effect becomes more effective as you play through the game because stats and damages get multiplied by the bonus percentage.
Before, only ‘Brave’, ‘Tactics’, ‘Duel’ got amplifying effect and this led to an unbalanced preference of Inscriptions.
In this reform, we applied the ‘Amplify’ effect to not only Mana Cycle, but also other various Inscriptions.
From now on, users can play according to their preferred play style and get damage wise advantage as well.


  • Effect with 2 Inscriptions: Can spot an enemy with treasure.
  • Effect with 4 Inscriptions: Type of reward users can get by finding a treasure chest will increase.

Treasure is a replacement for ‘Miser’ and this Inscription gives you an opportunity to gain more gold. If you defeat an enemy with treasure, you can get a treasure chest with gold and if 4 Inscriptions are collected, the treasure chest might include items too.
Getting more gold and obtaining a better item combination is a valid strategy but ‘Miser’ just increased the amount of gold which was not that effective and was also boring.
In this reform, we tried to make the system more exciting.

<Absolute Zero>

  • Effect with 1 Inscription: Basic Attack triggers ice pikes from the ground and Freezes enemies nearby (Cooldown time: 15sec)
  • Effect with 2 Inscriptions: Freeze duration increases by 2 seconds
  • Effect with 4 Inscriptions: To end Freeze status, one more additional hit is required

Inscriptions for each Status Effect have been added.
Now Status Effect gives the same effect regardless of how Status Effect is applied. Inscriptions that give Status Effect like Absolute Zero allows you to strengthen the Status Effect.
These Inscriptions along with Status Effect items will enable a more diverse play style for users.

<Hidden Blade>

  • Effect with 2 Inscriptions: The first attack of an enemy leaves a mark that lasts for 1 second (5 seconds for Adventurers and Bosses). Damage to an enemy with a mark is amplified by 25%.
  • Effect with 4 Inscriptions: Attacking an enemy with a mark becomes a critical hit.

Download free Skul patch 1.12 on PS4 and PC

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.