Shadow Whiskers in BG3 is a displacer beast trapped in captivity. Shadow Whiskers offers players a thought-provoking side quest with themes of exploitation and morality. This guide will walk you through finding Shadow Whiskers and the various outcomes of interacting with this multi-dimensional character.
How to find Shadow Whiskers in BG3?
To find Shadow Whiskers in Baldur’s Gate and initiate the questline, follow these steps:
- Location: Head to the Circus of the Last Days in Baldur’s Gate. You’ll need to progress through the first act of the game to gain access to the circus.
- Circus Entrance: Once you’ve reached the circus, you’ll find it in the southeastern portion of the city map. Look for the big top tent, which is typically a large, circus-style tent. It should be relatively easy to spot.
- Enter the Tent: Enter the big top tent, and inside, you’ll need to locate a set of stairs leading downward. These stairs will take you to a lower level within the tent.
- Head North: After descending the stairs, make your way north through the lower level of the tent. Shadow Whiskers can be found caged in the corner of this area.
- Interact with Shadow Whiskers: Shadow Whiskers won’t communicate with you in the normal way. As a displacer beast, you’ll need to use the “Speak with Animals” spell or ability to initiate a conversation with this unique NPC.
- Speak with Animals: Use the “Speak with Animals” spell or ability on Shadow Whiskers. This should open up the Shadow Whiskers questline and allow you to access dialogue options with this character.
- Engage in Dialogue: Engage in conversation with Shadow Whiskers. This is where the questline and relevant story elements will unfold. Follow the dialogue options to progress through the Shadow Whiskers questline and learn more about the character and the tasks or missions associated with it.

Engaging in Dialogue with Shadow Whiskers
Once you cast Speak with Animals, Shadow Whiskers will respond in kind and you can inquire about its predicament. The displacer beast explains it was captured and taken from its home in the Underdark. It longs to escape captivity and return to the comfort of darkness.
You have several dialogue options at this point:
- Appeal to Shadow Whiskers’ morality:You can point out that if freed, it may kill innocent spectators. This appeals to its ethical side.
- Suggest non-violent escape:Propose slipping away quietly without harming its captors. This aims for a peaceful resolution.
- Offer to free Shadow Whiskers from the cage:Unlocking the cage places the displacer beast’s fate in your hands.
- Leave Shadow Whiskers caged:If you don’t want to intervene, you can leave the NPC imprisoned.
Each dialogue option leads to branching outcomes and consequences. Your choices with Shadow Whiskers are not black and white – you must weigh its suffering against the potential danger of releasing a caged beast.
Helping Shadow Whiskers Escape Non-Violently
If you want to help free Shadow Whiskers without bloodshed, emphasize a quiet, covert escape when speaking to it. Suggest slipping away while the circus sleeps, without harming any of the performers or staff.
This persuades Shadow Whiskers to make a non-lethal exit. Your next step is manually unlocking its cage door via lockpicking or spell.
Once freed, Shadow Whiskers will creep away into the night, sparing any lives in the process. This outcome enables the displacer beast to regain its freedom without any unnecessary violence.
Convincing Shadow Whiskers to Remain Caged
You can instead opt to leave Shadow Whiskers trapped, concluding that freeing it poses too great a risk. Appeal to its sense of honor and morality – argue that killing innocents would make it no better than its captors.
With a high enough persuasion roll, Shadow Whiskers will reluctantly agree to remain caged until a better opportunity arises. This prevents any escaped beast rampages through the circus or city.
However, Shadow Whiskers will hold you in contempt for the decision. It maintains no ill will toward its oppressors, only disappointment in you. Leaving the displacer beast caged takes a psychological toll on the noble NPC.
Unlocking the Cage and Unleashing Chaos
For players seeking chaos, directly unlocking Shadow Whiskers’ cage unleashes the NPC on the circus in a violent rampage. Freed from confinement, the vengeful displacer beast springs out and begins mercilessly hunting its former captors.
This decision results in wanton destruction throughout the circus as Shadow Whiskers enacts its revenge. Numerous NPC deaths occur before guards are able to subdue the raging displacer beast. You also suffer reputation damage across Baldur’s Gate for enabling the carnage.
So while freeing Shadow Whiskers does allow it to escape, the cost is quite high. The quest concludes with the displacer beast either killed or recaptured by authorities.
Leaving Shadow Whiskers Imprisoned
You also have the option of speaking with Shadow Whiskers but ultimately leaving its cage locked. This condemns the NPC to continued exploitation and captivity within the traveling circus.
Shadow Whiskers will plead for you to reconsider, but when left caged, sinks into despair at its endless confinement. The displacer beast sees no way out of its predicament except through outside help.
From a story perspective, this decision represents complicity in Shadow Whiskers’ mistreatment. It heightens themes of injustice and captivity surrounding the unusual NPC. You must live with the moral consequences of valuing your own comfort over intervening on the displacer beast’s behalf.
Outcomes and Impacts on the Story
However you approach the Shadow Whiskers encounter, it leaves a lasting impact through the complex themes explored. At its core, the side quest examines concepts like:
- Morality and ethical dilemmas
- Exploitation of intelligent beings
- Freedom vs. security when confronting captivity
- Compassion for those different than ourselves
- Nuanced perspectives on justice and retribution
These layers make Shadow Whiskers an intriguing character. Unlike most NPCs, your choices cannot be clearly categorized as right or wrong. You must wrestle with difficult questions when deciding the displacer beast’s fate.
In summary:
- Find Shadow Whiskers caged in the Circus of the Last Days
- Cast Speak with Animals to initiate unique dialogue
- Decide whether to free Shadow Whiskers peacefully, leave it caged, or unlock the cage
- Each outcome impacts the story and themes differently
So if you’re looking for a thought-provoking side quest, be sure to seek out Shadow Whiskers on your journey through Baldur’s Gate 3. The displaced beast’s complex characterization will stay with you long after you leave the circus behind.
BG3 Shadow Whiskers FAQ – September 14, 2023
Looking for more details on the elusive displacer beast in Baldur’s Gate 3? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Shadow Whiskers:
Is Shadow Whiskers a Companion You Can Recruit?
No, Shadow Whiskers is not a recruitable companion in Baldur’s Gate 3. It is a standalone NPC involved only in its limited side quest at the Circus of the Last Days location. Players cannot add Shadow Whiskers to their party.
What Race is Shadow Whiskers?
Shadow Whiskers is a unique displacer beast, a monstrous aberration that inhabits the Underdark in D&D lore. Displacer beasts resemble large panthers with two long tentacles growing from their backs. They have dark blue fur and glowing green eyes.
Is There Special Dialogue for High Animal Handling?
Yes, if your Animal Handling skill is high enough, Shadow Whiskers will acknowledge your expertise with beasts. It expresses surprise that an “urbane creature” like you would have talent for handling animals.
What Approximate Level Should I Attempt the Quest?
Most players complete the Shadow Whiskers quest around level 4 or so. The Circus becomes available early in Act 1, but be wary of encountering enemies above your level.
Does Helping Shadow Whiskers Give Any Unique Rewards?
There are no special loot rewards for the Shadow Whiskers quest. The incentive lies in roleplaying a complex moral dilemma and impacting an exploited NPC’s future. That said, killing Shadow Whiskers after it escapes drops generic Displacer Beast loot.
Can You Have Shadow Whiskers Join Your Camp After Freeing It?
Unfortunately no, there are no options for bringing Shadow Whiskers back to your camp after freeing it. The displacer beast simply escapes into the wilderness, its ultimate fate unknown.
So in summary – speak with the caged Shadow Whiskers using animal speech, then ponder the ethical dilemmas its capture poses. While Shadow Whiskers isn’t a true companion, it contributes a compelling side story to Baldur’s Gate 3.