SCUM Update 0.8.5 Patch Notes – May 11, 2023

A new SCUM update 0.8.5 (0.8.500.67830) is available on PC(Steam). According to the official SCUM patch notes, the latest update brings loot, hunting, cooking rework and more. Additionally, today’s SCUM patch also includes new weapons and more.

Previously, a major SCUM update 0.8 added new changes and fixes. Recently, hotfix 2.36 was also released with minor tweaks. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing issues with the game. Today’s SCUM update 8.5 will fix a few of these issues. Read more details below.

Read the official patch notes below.

SCUM Patch Notes – May 11, 2023

Loot rework is finally here and it is heft. In the backend, our level designers went and reworked each and every spawner for the rework so you will see loot that makes much more sense. Looting will now be a much more pleasant experience and more important. One of the bigger changes you will notice is that loot no longer resets on server restart. That’s right, you can no longer just camp inside the bunker waiting for a restart, get out there you lazy bum. We also have preparations for private servers to have more control over loot on their servers with what will be able to spawn and such, unfortunately it’s not quite ready yet but will be through a smaller update in the coming days.

That’s right a 2nd rework! Won’t be the last one as well. But for now, let’s focus on hunting. It has been completely revamped and will require a lot more skill to hunt that big, or small game. So get your hunting rifles, your fuzzy wool hats, and some beers, because we know no one hunts sober. And listen up.

The hunt will start as soon as you hear an animal noise somewhere. Depending on the animal the noise will be different but it will always point you in the direction where you need to move. Search the area in focus mode and you will be able to find your first clue.

This one is a big one. Finally, after all this time, the cooking rework has landed in SCUM. We worked hard on this and can’t wait to show you what’s in store. Before we had some simple yet confusing dishes in the crafting menu that we did not have as much control of as we would like. For example there was no way to determine what is an optional ingredient and what is not. And it was not that interesting. So how do we cook? Well, chefs here it is:

To start off you will need a heat source of course. Thankfully we have plenty to choose from. You already know the fire ring and improvised fireplace, more on those as well below, yet we have added some more!

Hey kids, do you like mechs? Yes, but you want them bigger, stronger, and with more weapons to torture you with? Well, say no more folks we are here to deliver! Enter mechs 2.0

It has a dual machine gun, it has grenade launchers with flashbang, CS gas, AND HE capabilities. Oh and for you pesky little meatbags that think about taking it on from range it even has a nice surprise for you as well if you piss it off enough,

Yes, you asked for them, a lot. And they are finally here. The big boom sticks. We added not 1 but 3 of them!

Expanding on the nuclear update we have finally finished the intended POI so east of the powerplant you will find the abandoned city of Krsko. Prepare your hazmat suits and venture forward if you dare to one of the most atmospheric POIs with tons to explore and dangers that await.

We dropped another weapon for you all. It’s been teased and now it is here. The .22 Krueger.

Small caliber, light, and compact, this hunting pistol will be your new toy to hunt around with or run around and givie other players a limp.

There is a big change in the way server settings work now as well. You no longer have to mess around with files and provider overlays for them. All settings can now easily be accessed and tweaked in-game in the menu. Simply connect to your server or Single player game and open the menu. You will see a new option called SERVER SETTINGS.

Renu specializes in Japanese games, from cult-classic JRPGs to niche indie titles. A lifelong fan of Japan’s gaming culture, she combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for storytelling. Follow her for updates on Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter, and hidden gems.