SCUM Update 0.6 Patch Notes (Hotfix – August 20, 2021

SCUM update 0.6 (Hotfix is now available to download on PC. According to the official Scum patch notes, the latest update added heavily requested features and bug fixes.

Previously, a major update added a long list of new changes, bug fixes, and gameplay changes.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s SCUM patch 0.6 will address a few of these errors.

SCUM Patch Notes (Hotfix – August 20, 2021

Water Collection

From now on, you will be able to collect and drink rain.

All you have to do is take any viable water container, like a water bottle, and leave it outside while it rains. Although you can leave a regular bottle, it will fill quite slowly so we’re introducing a few new items to help you collect the rain faster.

You can cut all of the bottles in half and use them to collect rain, just don’t put them in your inventory/hands while they have any water in them because the water will spill.

You can also craft anImprovised Raincoat Water Collector which has a whooping 30 L of capacity.

Here’s a pro tip, even though you can’t bring the new water collectors with you, you can pour the water to regular bottles and canteens and take them instead.
Oh, and you can also collect water inpotsandbuckets!

New Body Effects

So, now that you have water to get sobered up, you can also get drunk..because why wouldn’t you?

We have re-implemented and improvedDrunkennesswhich now occurs if you have more than 0 g of alcohol in your blood.

The maximum alcohol amount in the prisoner’s body is determined by theConstitutionattribute and theblood amount in the body. Once you reach the max alcohol amount, you die.
This means you can now have proper drinking contests with your crew! (in-game please)

Being drunk introduces a couple of “difficulties” for every prisoner, includingDouble Vision,Disorientation, andDizziness. It will be tough to see what’s happening, move straight, you will probably puke, and you may have occasional blackouts.
Disorientation will also make your compass HUD disappear, but only the one you got from the Survival skill. If you have a compass item, you will still have the HUD.

Treatment is pretty straight forward, stop drinking and flush all of the alcohol from your system by any means possible.

Foot Abrasions

Imagine this, you get drunk with your friends, buds, pals, and you decide to go hiking wearing only barefooted, or even worse, in crocs. Not such a smart idea.

From now on, if you walk barefooted you will getFoot Abrasionsafter a short period of time, and if you wear shoes they will get damaged depending on the terrain difficulty.

So yes, please follow the instructions showed on the image below verrryyy carefully, because nobody will come and save you on The Island.

Movement speed,carry weightandterrain difficultywill influence how much abrasions will you get and how much do your shoes decay (wetnessis also a factor for shoes decay). Foot Abrasions come with symptoms such asPainand evenBleeding(starting on C2 severity).
The pain will reduce your movement speed and you maximum pace to the point where you can only walk butit can be dealt with by taking painkillers.


If there is no bleeding, treatment consists of resting and putting on footwear. It is also advisable to use other movement types such as swimming or driving as they don’t scrap your feet.
If there is bleeding, you can use the same medical items for treatment as you would for Bleeding Injury, but there is something more!
By using items to treat the condition, you getBandage Protectionwhich primarily serves to stop the condition from progressing, but beware, the protection wears off if you continue to move (see the protection level in the condition’s tooltip). Bandage Protection is needed only if you still continue barefooted, the best solution would be to put on some shoes.

Weapon Mechanics

You better shake the drunkenness off before this part, believe me.

[h4]Loading magazines[/h4]
You maybe have fast hands in real life, but do you have them in-game too?

From now on you will have to manually load each and every magazine, bullet by bullet.

Reloading speed depends on yourDEXattribute as well asRiflesorHandgunskills respectively. You can stop the reload by pressingEscorLMB, with the exception of the M1 clip.

[h4]Weapon parts[/h4]
A feature heavily requested by the community!

From now on, you candisassembleall weapons and use the parts torepairanother weapon.

To disassemble weapons, you will need aToolbox. All weapons have their own disassembled parts meaning that if you dissemble a Kar98, you can only fix another Kar98 with those parts.
Also, if you have any attachments equipped on your weapon, they will fall on the ground upon disassembly.

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed an issue where vehicle would jump if malfunctioned weapon is put in its storage
  • Fixed audio issue when refueling dirt-bikes
  • Fixed nutrition data for Crow Drumsticks
  • Fixed hand grip for Crow Drumsticks
  • Fixed typo in Beepollen Pills item caption
  • Addressed an issue where burying from inventory was not possible on very steep slopes
  • Addressed an issue where ZF39 scope was not centered properly on Kar98 and Mosin Nagant
  • Addressed an issue where traps where displayed as “Unknown” in the kill logs
  • Addressed an issue where players would get fame points when someone they killed committed suicide right after
  • Addressed an issue where Drill press and Lathe machine would take damage
  • Fixed First Person drinking animation
  • Fixed incorrect crosshair reticle position on multiple scopes
  • Addressed an issue where Improvised Stab-proof vest was stronger than the regular ones
  • Addressed an issue where you couldn’t place any items in the improvised raincoat
  • Addressed an issue with crafting the Island Special cocktail
  • Addressed an issue where Hemostatic dressing wasn’t showing properly in the vicinity
  • Addressed an issue where tooltip entries wouldn’t update properly
  • Fixed multiple level, foliage and terrain design bugs
  • Addressed an issue where you were not able to use handgun on hellrider bike
  • Addressed an issue where items would stay in hand while picking up a bike
  • Addressed an issue where metabolism tab would overlap over other tabs
  • Addressed an issue where the health panel button was glowing when health panel was open
  • Addressed an issue where magazines in throwing slot was not updating when filled with ammo
  • Addressed an issue where cocktails would have no usage after crafting
  • Addressed an issue where puppets didn’t drop clothing properly upon search
  • Addressed an issue where parts of the interaction menu would sometimes appear out of the screen bounds
  • Addressed an issue where player would sometimes recover form knockout on the other side of the wall
  • Addressed an issue that would cause you to die in Single Player by falling out of the map


  • You can now perform bondage using wire and tree bark rope
  • Magazine icon will now show if there are bullets in the magazine
  • Rag shoes are now easier to craft
  • Improvised Bulletproof armor, Improvised raincoat and Improvised shotgun are now easier to craft
  • Endurance skill experience gain is faster now
  • Radio and Music Player volume increment/decrement step is now smaller
  • Quick access bar and its accessories will be hidden when any UI tab is open
  • Motorcycles decelerate less when having a handgun out
  • All dances are now looped
  • Increased Wine Cork spawn rates
  • Adjusted rain falling intervals

Other Changes

  • Endurance skill now properly affects energy/water usage speed
  • Drinking gasoline will now make you vomit earlier
  • Buffed 9mm damage (a tiny bit)
  • Tooltips for Running skill, Endurance skill and Stamina have been improved
  • Improved weapon magazine, bolt and arrow icons
  • Strength gain now reduces if strength is above 4 and reduces further as STR approaches maximum
  • Audio optimizations

Download free SCUM update 0.6 for PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.