Read MIR4 November 1 Update Patch Notes here

MIR4 update is available to download on PC, Android, and iOS players. According to the official Mir4 patch notes, the latest update added a new clan challenge Stage (Stage 6), an expedition boss, and a new attendance event (Bunny Guru Hoppy’s Check-in).

Previously, a major update added World Boss ‘Black Flame Arch Demon Nerkan’ to the game. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s Mir 4 patch will address a few of these errors.

MIR4 game servers are currently down. We will update the Mir4 server status details here.

Mir4 Patch Notes – November 1, 2022

◈In-Game Updates◈

  1. New Clan Challenge Stage: Stage 6
  2. New Clan Expedition Boss: Sanguinary Serpent Scorpion
  3. New Attendance Event: Bunny Guru Hoppy’s Check-in
  • New 28-Day Attendance event ‘Monthly Attendance Event with Horyong’ will end and the new event ‘Bunny Guru Hoppy’s Monthly Check-in’ will take place.

Download free MIR4 update for PC (Steam).

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.