Propnight Update 2.0.1 Patch Notes (New Changes) – February 18, 2022

A new Propnight update 2.0.1 is now rolling out on PC(Steam). According to the official Propnight patch notes, the latest update added various changes, fixes, and gameplay improvements.

Previously, a major update was released that added a new killer mechanic, a new survivor mechanic, a new survivor item, unlocked FPS, and much more.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Propnight patch 2.0.1 will fix a few of these issues.

What is new in Propnight Patch Notes? – February 18, 2022


• Multiplayer – Killer hit processing is now done on the server which fixes situations where a Killer could hit Survivors from afar

• Quick Play – now Castle has a standard chance of appearing

• Chest – now selected item goes directly to the Survivor’s inventory if there are free slots

• Chest – now the same type of items will not be able to appear in Chest

• Cryosphere – reduced the duration from 2.5 to 2 seconds

• Cryosphere – now when a Survivor is affected by the Cryosphere, there will be a freezing effect and timer on the screen

• Banshee – reduced Scream radius from 10 to 7.5 meters

• Banshee – the Flight charge depletion was reconfigured so that it goes fast for the duration of the first 0.5 seconds, but in general, the time to full consumption remains the same

• Banshee – now you cannot use Curse on Exit Doors

• Impostor – reduced the delay of turning into a prop after hitting

• Akasha – Blade Dance no longer resets Hunt level if Akasha misses

• Props – removed the super jump from the walls

• Camera and Yellow Jar – now a Killer, whom Camera and Yellow Jar are used on, cannot hit for 1.33 seconds, and if they are carrying a Survivor, the Survivor will break out of their hands

• Building Set – increased the area of destruction of wooden barricades by 2

• All maps – adjusted locations of Killer Stores

• Settings – added the ability to adjust the volume of the music from the radio


• Quick Play- fixed that players could not form a team with players whom they played with in the previous match

• Quick Play – fixed that if a player accepted an invitation to a team while searching for a game, they would leave their current team but would not be able to join the new team and the search would not stop

• Custom Game – fixed that the Last Survivor mode did not work if the game started with one Survivor

• Gameplay – fixed that after opening the Exit Doors the match time could still be increased to be longer than max time (1 min)

• Killer Store – fixed the red light on the screen

• Chest – fixed that items could be duplicated in another Chest if multiple Chests were opened at the same time

• Banshee – fixed an exploit that allowed Banshee to jump in the air after using Flight

• Impostor – fixed an exploit which allowed Impostor in Survivor form to jump far with fully depleted stamina

• Akasha – fixed an exploit which allowed to use Blade Dance while jumping

• Akasha – fixed that Blade Dance could be shorter after a regular attack

• Akasha – fixed that if Akasha used Blade Dance with Boots of Speed equipped, her movement speed could drop to her regular speed

• Props – fixed prop controls being less responsive

• Props – fixed that some props could not move normally while holding Shift

• Survivors – fixed an exploit that made moving backward faster

• Survivors – fixed that it was sometimes possible to turn into an invincible prop

• Building Set – fixed that if a player pressed on the inventory slot of a different item that has charges while in building mode, a barricade would be built and a charge of the different item would be spent

• Medkit – fixed the possibility of camera and item drop window being broken if Medkit was used right after being picked up

• MVP – fixed that one of the Survivors would be shown close to the camera if Killer left the match

• UI Killer Store – fixed Killer’s item purchase notification only showed the name of items in English

• UI Killers – fixed UI sometimes remaining on the screen after resetting of the Hunt level

• Minor fixes to gameplay, UI, audio, maps, and localization

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.