Predator Hunting Grounds Update 2.46 Patch Notes

Predator Hunting Grounds update 2.46 is now available to download on PS4 players. According to the official Predator 2.46 patch notes, the latest update added a new DLC with a new playable Predator (Wolf).Apart from this, Predator version 2.46 also includes some minor stability fixes.

Previously, a major update added a new paid DLC which added 3 new Predators (Captured, Falconer, Mr. Black) and much more.

Unfortunately, since the last major update, players are experiencing performance issues. Today’s Predator Hunting Grounds version 2.46 will fix a few of these issues.

Predator Hunting Grounds 2.46 Patch Notes

Paid DLC

  • New Playable Predator – Wolf

Free Update

  • New Fireteam mask “Nolan” is now available at Level 250


  • Various Crash Fixes
  • Backwater (Night Variant) has been reenabled and will once again show up in the map rotation
  • Fixed an issue on the Excavation Mission “Compromise of Safety” where objective markers were appearing at the wrong time/out of order


  • General
    • Fixed an issue with Dante’s death cry not playing during Long Claim cinematics
    • Last Man Standing now properly plays a sound when activated


  • General
    • Fixed an issue where the “Scars” customization option was not working properly with the Captured mask
    • Fixed an issue where the Falconer Predator’s Plasma Caster would clip through the shoulder
    • Fixed an issue where Mr. Black’s predlocks were behaving erratically in the Customization menu
    • Fixed an issue where Exiled Predator Armor Styles “Requiem” and “Nova” were using the same swatch
    • Fixed an issue where the Steam exclusive Exiled Armor skin was displaying the incorrect pattern
    • Fixed an issue where the Falconer Predator and Mr. Black’s predlocks were not displaying properly
    • Fixed an issue that allowed the Predator to equip the War Club variant Hook while in Predkour
  • Weapons
    • Hand Held Plasma Caster
      • Increased Base Damage
      • Increase Splash Damage
      • Increased Magazine Size

Download free Predator Hunting Grounds patch 2.46 on PS4 and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.