Pokémon Masters EX Update 2.20.0 Patch Notes – Official

Pokémon Masters EX patch 2.20.0 is now available to download on Android and iOS. According to the official Pokémon Masters EX update 2.20.0 patch notes, the latest update added champion stadium changes as well as battles improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last update 2.18.0, players are still experiencing a number of issues when trying to play. Today’s Pokémon Masters EX patch 2.20.0 will resolve a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Pokemon Masters EX 2.20 Patch Notes – April 27, 2022

Champion Stadium

  • You can now check the types of pieces you have obtained for the Champion Stadium (Hard Lv. 1) Medal on the battle prep screen.
  • If you complete the battle, the pieces you would obtain by entering the Hall of Fame are marked as “In progress,” and you will receive them once you have entered the Hall of Fame.
  • Note: If you are unable to enter the Hall of Fame within the week, the “In progress,” marks disappear.
  • Note: You can view the medal pieces you have obtained by tapping the Pieces button on the battle prep screen and checking the Medals prompt that appears.
  • Note: You will not be able to check completion progress for Medals of any regions where you have already completed the Champion Stadium Medal by filling in all 18 types of pieces.

Improvements to Battles

  • Expanded the kinds of battles that will display a confirmation prompt when quitting the battle upon defeat. By selecting Battle Again following your defeat in an eligible battle, you can retry the battle from the beginning with the same team. Selecting Back will confirm your defeat.
  • Note: This improvement applies to the following battle types: Battle Villa, Legendary Arena (and Legendary Gauntlet), and Full-Force Battles.
  • Unusable Sync Pairs will now appear at the bottom of the list on the Edit Team screen displayed before setting out for certain battle areas.
  • Note: This improvement applies to the following battle types: Champion Stadium, Legendary Arena (and Legendary Gauntlet), and Full-Force Battles.

Other Updates

  • Using the skip function for certain areas will now skip to the end of the story. This will apply to areas in the categories listed below.
    • Main Story Villain Arc
    • Sync Pair Stories added after this update
    • New event stories released after this update
    • Note: This does not include returning events.
    • Note: This function will not apply to certain areas that include tutorials within the story, receiving items, or speaking to Sync Pairs, even if the area falls into the categories above.
    • Note: Please note this function may not apply to certain areas, even if they fall into the categories listed above.
  • In regards to the Sync Pair Filter function, the content in the Move Target section of Known Moves has been updated to allow for more detailed filtering.
  • A button has been added that lets you check the contents of your Bag while in the Training Area. You can also check your current quantity of the items that can be obtained from each area.
  • New songs have been added to the Jukebox.
  • Note: You can exchange for newly added songs in the Unlock Songs menu of the Jukebox or the Exchange Items menu in the Shop.
  • A dialog box will now appear when you obtain an item but are unable to acquire it, as you already have the maximum allowable number of that item.
  • Note: No dialog box will be displayed if the item is sent to your Present Box.
  • Note: You can choose whether to display these dialogs or not by going to Item Limit Notifications in the Settings section of the Poryphone menu.
    Fixed an issue in which some Pokémon that hatch from Eggs obtained by completing battles in places such as the Main Story or Training Area were incorrect.
  • Made minor text changes.
  • Other minor bug fixes and improvements have been implemented.

Additional details:

  • Sync Pair Filter Update
    • The Sync Pair Filter has been updated. This allows for more detailed filtering by Move Target in the Known Moves section, so we hope you make use of it when editing your team.
  • Behavior of the Story Skip Function
    • For some areas, using the Skip button while playing will skip to the end of the story. This updated function will apply to stories to be added in the future (excluding some areas with special formats).
  • Easily Check Unobtained Medal Pieces for the Champion Stadium
    • You can now check from the Edit Team screen if you’ve obtained the pieces corresponding to each type for Medals in the Champion Stadium on Hard Lv. 1.
  • Battle and Team Editing Update
    • To immediately improve the usability of future Legendary Gauntlet events, we’ve updated the game’s battle loss prompts and Edit Team screen.
      • We’ve expanded the kinds of battles that will display a confirmation prompt when quitting the battle upon defeat. By selecting Battle Again following your defeat, you can retry the battle from the beginning with the same team.
      • Unusable Sync Pairs will now appear at the bottom of the list on the Edit Team screen displayed before setting out for certain battle areas.

Download free Pokémon Masters EX update 2.20.0 on Android and iOS.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.