Pokémon Legends Arceus Update 1.1.0 Patch Notes – Official

Pokémon Legends Arceus update 1.1.0 (Daybreak Update) is now available on Nintendo Switch. According to the official Pokemon Legends Arceus 1.1.0 patch notes, the latest update lets players address issues causing mass outbreaks of Pokemon across the Hisuian region (Hisuian Growlithe and Zoroark). Apart from this, Pokémon Legends Arceus version 1.1.0 also includes more chances for players to battle Legendary Pokémon and wardens. Players can take on new Pokemon battles with allied Pokemon at the Training Grounds.

Previously, a major update added various tweaks and changes. Today’s Pokemon Legends Arceus patch 1.1.0 will resolve a few of these issues. Check out more details below.

Related: Pokémon Masters EX Update Ver. 2.18.0 Patch Notes

What is new and fixed in Pokemon Legends Arceus version 1.1.0? – February 27, 2022

  • The update lets players take on a new investigation involving a phenomenon causing mass outbreaks of Pokemon across the Hisuian region. You can also take on new Pokemon battles with your allied Pokemon at the Training Grounds.
  • Adds brand new content
    • Trainers will begin investigating mysterious mass outbreaks of Pokémon that are popping up all over the Hisui region
    • Players will also have a chance to battle powerful opponents—like Legendary Pokémon and wardens—adding yet more options to the Pokémon battle experience
  • Addressed a bug that was caused by catching Cresselia before talking to Warden Meli in Mission 23: The Plate of Moonview Arena, which prevents you from progressing.

  • Added stability and performance improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

Players can also receive 90 free Poké Balls (30 each of Ultra Balls, Gigaton Balls, and Jet Balls) — by using the “ARCEUSADVENTURE” Mystery Code.

Full Changelog

– Newly Added Requests

New requests you can enjoy after viewing the game’s end credits have been added.* Some of these requests will task you with surveying occurrences of the mysterious Massive Mass Outbreak phenomenon, in which simultaneous mass outbreaks of Pokémon occur throughout an area of the Hisui region. You can keep enjoying Massive Mass Outbreaks even after completing the related requests.

*If you’re using a save data in which you’ve have already viewed the game’s end credits, you can enjoy post-credits content immediately after updating the game.

– The Newly Added Eternal Battle Reverie

After viewing the game’s end credits and completing all of the requests added in this update, you will be able to access the Eternal Battle Reverie. In the Eternal Battle Reverie, you’ll be able to meet Arceus in your dreams and attempt a test of strength. Hone your Pokémon battle skills and see how long of a win streak you can earn.

– New Battles Added to the Training Grounds

After completing all the new requests regarding Massive Mass Outbreaks, you’ll be able to participate in the Path of Solitude or the Path of Tenacity at the Jubilife Village training grounds.* In the Path of Solitude, you must choose one Pokémon to use in a difficult battle tailored to that specific Pokémon. When you complete one of these battles, your Pokédex will be updated with a new mark.

In the Path of Tenacity, you will be able to enjoy battling the wardens and other characters you met during your journey.

*To participate in all Path of Tenacity battles, you will have to complete several newly added requests in addition to those pertaining to Massive Mass Outbreaks.

– New Features Added to the Photography Studio

Once you complete the new requests mentioned above, people that you’ve met during your travels will come visit the photography studio, and you will be able to take photographs with them.

– New High-Difficulty Balloon Race Added to Coronet Highlands

After completing all the requests added in this update, you can try your hand at a new balloon race challenge in the Coronet Highlands. Utilize the various Pokémon you can ride and aim to complete the challenge.

– An Additional Special Berry Harvest at the Farm in Jubilife Village

You can now request a new special Berry harvest at the Jubilife Village fields and grow Berries that you previously could not.

– Changes to the Function of the Ginkgo Guild

When you buy items from Ginter at the Ginkgo Guild cart in Jubilife Village, you will now have several options to choose from.

– Other Update Details

We have fixed an issue that kept players from advancing the mission “The Plate of Moonview Arena” if they took a specific action within that mission.
– We have fixed an issue in which under certain conditions, the weather could become stuck in one state.
– A number of other issues have also been fixed in order to improve your gameplay experience.

Download free Pokémon Legends Arceus update 1.1.0 on Nintendo Switch.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.