Nioh 2 Update 1.28 Patch Notes for PC – Sep 9, 2021

Nioh 2 The Complete Edition update 1.28 (Sep 9, 2021) is now available for download on PC (Steam). According to Nioh 2 patch notes, the latest update added new cross-play features to the game. Apart from this, Nioh 2 patch 1.28 also includes various bug fixes.

Previously, a big update added Darkness in the Capital DLC and a long list of bug fixes. The last patch also added a new High difficulty mode as well as new weapons, armor, and accessories.

Unfortunately, players are still facing multiple issues with the game. Nioh 2 patch 1.28 will fix a few of these issues.

Nioh 2 1.28 Patch Notes – Sep 9, 2021

Added features

Implemented cross-play with the Epic Games Store version
Crossplay settings can be changed from System Menu – Online Settings.

Note: To enable Crossplay, an Epic Games account is required.

Note: If you enable Crossplay with the Epic Games Store version, you will no longer be able to be matched with users for which Crossplay is not enabled.

Note: If you enable Crossplay, when attempting to match with a friend, your Epic Games account will be referenced.
You can issue Character Creation codes for use with the Epic Games Store version.

Bug Fixes

  • Addressed a bug in which the batch check filter for a Soul Core at a Storehouse at a Starting Point would not behave correctly.
  • Addressed a bug in which, if an item set as a Favorite Item from a Storehouse at a Starting Point was moved to an item box, the item would no longer be a Favorite Item.
  • Corrected an issued in which, when controlling the game using a keyboard and mouse, if a specific button was held down while attempting a Yokai Shift, it could not be performed.
  • Addressed a bug in which, when playing movies from, for example, the Skill Customization menu, shadows in stages would display incorrectly.
  • Addressed a bug in which some of the Amrita Crystals placed in stages were not displayed correctly.
  • Addressed a bug in which, for the character Minamoto no Yoshitsune, the effects of a specific attack would not be displayed correctly.
  • Addressed a bug in which, after joining the Underworld as a visitor, the game could sometimes no longer be advanced.
  • Addressed a bug in which, even if Kashin Koji, a boss that appears in a Picture Scroll Mission, was defeated, the defeat would not be counted for “Bosses defeated” in the player’s gameplay record.
  • Other minor issues were corrected.

Download free Nioh 2 update 1.28 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.