New World Update 1.8 Patch Notes (Winter Event)

New World patch 1.8 is available to download on PC. According to the official New World patch notes, the latest update marks the end of the Turkulon event, making room for Winter Convergence world events. Apart from this, today’s New World update 1.8 also includes quality of life improvements to Trade Skills, Companies, and the Group Finder.

Previously, a major update added the Winter Convergence Festival with the new winter event packed with quests, special activities, and more. Recently, a hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s New World game update 1.8 will address a few of these errors.

Read more details below.

New World Patch 1.8 Notes – December 6, 2022


Icy winds and glimmering Gleamites fill the air once again as Winter Convergence returns to Aeternum. Visit Winter villages in Everfall, Monarch’s Bluffs, Weaver’s Fen, Brimstone Sands, and Brightwood to meet the Winter Wanderer and carry out his holiday quests. Players can also collect Winter Tokens to earn new, limited-time rewards including festive skins, emotes, housing items and more.

The Winter Convergence Festival comes to Brimstone Sands.


The Winter Warrior and his legion of Frigid Folk are on a relentless mission to spread a Forever Winter across the land. Rally a party of 20+ players to defeat this brand-new world boss wreaking havoc throughout Great Cleave, Brightwood, Edengrove, Ebonscale Reach, and Brimstone Sands for new seasonal rewards.

The Winter Warrior stares menacingly.


This new take on Starstone Barrows includes a special appearance. Players will revisit parts of the Amrine Expedition and face both the intrepid Simon Grey and Foreman Nakashima. Challenge the Expedition to find out more.


We are making two major changes to improve the Trade Skill leveling experience:

  • The Forge, Outfitting Station, Workshop, and Arcane Repository now offer Azoth discounts for relevant recipes:

    • Tier 3 = 20% discount.

    • Tier 4 = 30% discount.

    • Tier 5 = 45% discount.

  • Certain recipes are now no longer gated behind tiers:

    • Crafting Stations

      • Most procedural weapon and armor recipes.

      • Arcane Repository – Stat potions (Health, Mana, Regeneration, and Focus) and elemental recipes.

      • Kitchen – Health and mana foods

    • Refining Stations

      • Tier 3 unlocks – Recipe level is less than or equal to 100 and not legendary.

      • Tier 4 unlocks – Recipe level is 150 and not legendary.

      • Tier 5 unlocks – Recipe level is 200 or legendary at any recipe level.

      • Stonecutting – All gemcutting is no longer gated, but gem fusions remain gated behind relevant tiers.


Players no longer need to be in a Faction to join a Company, but Companies must still declare a Faction. Non-Faction-affiliated members may not become the Governor or participate in Wars.


Players can now see the number of active lobbies for each Expedition, both on the Map tooltip and the Expedition Entrance screen.


We will implement the following changes to make shell Companies less effective at owning multiple territories:

  • Daily War Limit

    • Players will have a limit of 1 defensive War and 1 attacking War per world (resets daily at 5AM server time). These limits will apply to both even if you have two different characters in the same world.

  • War Roster Restrictions

    • Participating Companies will have a limited number of Mercenaries they can recruit.

      • Attacking Companies: Up to 25 mercenaries.

      • Defending Companies: Up to 10 mercenaries.

      • The remaining slots are reserved for their Company members.

  • Company Switching Cooldowns

    • When leaving a Company, players will start a 72 hour cooldown on fighting in a defensive War and earning Influence for any Company toward War declaration eligibility. The cooldown begins once a player leaves. Any Influence earned will still count towards the player’s Faction.

  • Server Transfer Cooldowns

    • We have increased the cooldown on all server transfers from 3 to 30 days.


Use the new Bile Bomb Heartrune to give yourself the gift of projectile vomit. On impact, it creates a diseased cloud that infects targets with lingering damage-over-time and reduced healing. The cloud also sticks to enemies on direct hits, infecting their allies if they get too close. This makes the Bile Bomb particularly potent in group fights and finishing off foes that are trying to heal. Complete the new mutated Starstone Barrows Expedition for a chance to get your own Bile Bomb Heartrune!

Gleamite meteors fall over Brimstone Sands.
Mining Gleamite in front of the Shattered Obelisk.
Gleamite meteors fall over Brimstone Sands.
Mining Gleamite in front of the Shattered Obelisk.



  • Removed the X,Y and Z player coordinates from the “Show FPS” option in visual settings.


  • Fixed an issue that caused auto-run to disable after using portals or gates.

  • Fixed an issue that caused players to continually slide while in Death’s Door.

  • Fixed an issue that caused resources to be obstructed by camps.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to enter the Ennead without completing the pre-requisite quest.

  • Fixed an issue that caused scoring in Dynasty Shipyard to use incorrect values.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Settlement and Outpost Inns to have the incorrect names.

  • Fixed issues with visual effects, materials, and collision in Brimstone Sands.

  • Updated Mountain Temple stairs and surrounding cliffs for smoother pathing.

  • Updated Remnant boss encounter cooldown.

  • Added a message if a player attempts to Fish or start a Musical Performance while in combat.

  • Added the ability to invite players without Factions to Companies.

  • Changed wording to more accurately reflect the cooking of baits that can be crafted.

  • Fixed an issue that caused animation glitching when clicking on an open song title in the song select menu.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Grace O’Malley’s Polish voice over to cut off.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Faction Control Point color to change if the owning Company changed their crest or name.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Windsward War Camp to not appear on the map.

  • Fixed some issues where removing a player from a performance sometimes results in an infinite recursion.

  • Increased Fay the Last Protector’s spawn rate when there are multiple players in the area.

  • Prevented Musical Performances from starting inside houses.

  • Removed an invisible tree in Ebonscale Reach.

  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in sprint animations when trying to place buildables.

  • Removed a lore note in First Light which could no longer be read.


  • Added a Gypsum Kiln to the Brimstone Sands settlement.

  • Adjusted cutscene for Unraveling the Mystery quest to allow for full voice over duration across all languages.

  • Adjusted drop rate on Cactus Flower item for ‘Flower of the Sands’ quest.

  • Adjusted map pin for “Unraveling the Mystery” quest.

  • Adjusted Mature Highlands Scorpions in Brimstone Sands.

  • Sands Beds of Ta-Bitjet: Removed Slimy Affix from Young Scorplings that spawn out of Putrid Egg Clutches. Ambient Young Scorplings in the POI are not affected and are still Slimy.

  • Fixed an issue that caused screen blur when opening journal during ‘Head of the Snake’ quest.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the interaction at the Temple of Thoth teleporter to duplicate.

  • Fixed an issue where not all Servus were marked for the “Honoring the 19th” quest.

  • Fixed an issue where the map pin was not present in ‘The Demon’s Cauldron’ quest.

  • Fixed an issue with the animation for Sand Soldiers in Jupiter’s Grove.

  • Fixed an issue with the visual effects in Apophis Trial exit portal.

  • Fixed incorrect target AI name for the ‘Gods’ Demand’ quest.

  • Hellmouths now have the correct compass icon.

  • Players can now chart Sculler’s Rare Fishing Hotspot and Oasis Secret Fishing Hotspot without wading deep into the water.

  • Removed line breaks from Imhotep’s dialogue to improve subtitle display.

  • Removed redundant map pin during The Antiquarian’s Dream quest.

  • Removed redundant task pin on Ancient Code Pillar interactable object.

  • Removed unnecessary map pins from the ‘Power of the Ancients’ quest.

  • Set the pin for the entrance of the Ordeal of the Nine Gates to persist through the duration of the puzzle.

  • Updated Imhotep respawn rate.

  • Updated map pin text for “Eye of Horus” quest.


  • Fixed an issue that caused some of the Young Alligators attacks to deal zero damage in Barnacles and Black Powder.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Admiral Blackpowder’s barrels to get stuck in walls and go through gates.

  • Fixed an issue that caused boss music in Dynasty Shipard to stop playing if the party died during the boss fight and attempted it again.

  • Fixed an issue in Garden of Genesis that caused the The Blighted Greenskeeper’s poison pool to persist after a party wipe.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the interaction for using the purifying flame to sometimes not happen in Garden of Genesis.

  • Music now plays in Garden of Genesis.

  • Fixed an issue where Chardis’ beam attack in Lazarus Instrumentality did not damage players that run against a wall.

  • Fixed a collision issue that allowed players to bypass the mist wall in Starstone Barrows.

  • Updated the description for The Starstone Barrows Expedition.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Reliquary to disappear when the carrier died.

  • Toned down the brightness on High Maiden Lai’s Spinning Dragon attack in Tempest’s Heart Expedition to be more friendly for players with photosensitivity.

  • Updated collision to be more accurate in Isabella’s arena in Tempest Heart Expedition.

  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect footstep sound effects to sometimes play in Expeditions.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Thorpe’s Hunger of the Void attack to not disable upon his death.

  • Added some additional lighting to Commander Thorpe’s room.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to fall out of the Expedition in the Thorpe fight.

  • Added rock footsteps to the Ennead Expedition.

  • Fixed an issue that caused enemies within the Terrace of the Creator to have problems reaching players behind obstructions.

  • Fixed an issue that caused General Crassus to miss subtitles for his death.


  • Fixed an issue where the Combustible Mutation tooltips showed outdated information about damaging AI. Removed the damaging AI portion and added clarification to these tooltips.

  • Minor changes to the drop behavior of Mutator Unique Named Items.

  • Added custom sound effects for the chest celebration that occurs at the end of a Mutated Expedition.


  • Added missing voice over for the following NPCs: Watcher Lin, Watcher Reynolds, Commander Hakim, Alchemist Zhi, Hughes Ducquet, Yonas Alazar, and Adjudicator Hansen

  • Clarified location for completing specific Syndicate Faction Quests.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Plunder Kelleher Farmstead” quest to have a marker placed outside of the map.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing Foreman’s Ledger Amrine quest.

  • Fixed an issue where completed quest pins did not appear on the map or compass.

  • Fixed an issue where the bones were not counting for the “Bones for Barkimedes” quest. Re-enabled quest.

  • Fixed an issue with Faction quests not showing the correct location on the map.

  • Fixed an issue with the Reaper Locus Expedition quest so it no longer requires the player to be at the Shattered Obelisk location. Now the player can join the quest into the Expedition from anywhere in the world and it will successfully progress.

  • Fixed several issues with missing/mislabeled lore pages around Aeternum that blocked players from completing achievements.

  • Fixed a typo in Lore “Between Colleagues”.

  • Fixed typos within Main Story Quest rewards.

  • ‘Grasping Twilight’, ‘Dusky Focus’, and ‘Hold Back the Night’ quests can now be reset to re-grant the required quest recipe.

  • Removed Lore Note in First Light that left players stuck in a reading animation.

  • Removed the lingering corruption at the Daughterwell after completing the quest Adiana’s Fountain.

  • Removed the weight from the Transference Seal, Transference Charm, Transference Icon, and Transference Ward used in the Protective Wyrd armor, the Darkened Agent , Shadowed Agent, Shaded Agent, and Tenebrous Agent used in the Shrouded Intent armor and the Spark of Battle, Spark of Adrenaline, Spark of Willpower, and Spark of Impulse used in Battle’s Embrace.

  • Removed Cleave the Corrupt (Elite) Faction Mission quest due to a missing interaction point.

  • Southguard Scout kills now count toward Wooden Hearts and Iron Heads in the quest “Forging the Azure Ravager”.

  • Tiger now drops Large Fang.

  • William Heron’s last two side quests that delve into Amrine and Starstone Barrows are now accessible to all players who’ve completed the Everfall Main Story Quest.

  • Empty Faction mission quest loot is no longer shown as lootable and cannot be looted until they reset.

  • Fixed an issue for quests that required players to enter an Expedition as a step. They can now be completed through either Group Finder or door usage.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Town Projects in Brimstone Sands to target the wrong wildlife.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Faction Kill missions targeting “The Spread” from being completed.

  • Reduced Kill and Collect Counts in Legendary Weapon Quests.

  • Moved Captain Korrapati and Susanna nearby to avoid spawning issues.

  • Fixed an issue that cuased Putrid Egg Clutches to not re-appear after being destroyed.

  • Fixed an issue that caused “Tracking The Huntress” to not progress after ‘The Huntress’ weapon was created.



  • Fixed an issue that caused Cloudhulk’s animation to stutter during patrol navigation.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Corrupted Cyclop’s eye beam attack to not deal damage.

  • Fixed an issue that caused smoke trails from Lost Navigator’s pistols to originate from the wrong gun.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Ancient Mage’s spawns to not immediately die when they reached 0 health.

  • Improved pathing of Wolves and other AI creatures while patroling to ensure they more accurately reach their destinations.

  • Reduced the range on camera shake applied by the Corrupted Cyclops to 7m.

  • Fixed an issue that caused AI to sometimes veer to the left when moving.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Corrupted enemies to not play their running animation while navigating.

  • Fixed an issue that caused enemies to show a “Stunned” Icon when they were not successfully stunned by an attack.

  • Fixed an issue that caused lasers to pierce the Arcane protection barrier.

  • Removed Ebonscale Enemies from Everfall.

  • Adjusted Archer spawn positions on Entropy wave event in Malevolence.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Anpu’s Inferno Slam to kill players through Death’s Door.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Archdeacon Azamela to not trigger a victory wipe properly when all players were at Death’s Door.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the fire from Thorpe’s Darkness Calls to not apply continuous damage to the player.

  • Fixed an issue with passive AI in Tempest’s Heart ignoring threat and taunts.

  • Reduced the damage dealt by Heru’s Divine Doom.



  • Fixed an issue where rapidly canceling a Light Attack while rolling multiple times caused Stamina to enter an Exhausted state.

  • Fixed an issue that caused you to get stuck in the dodge roll animation if you rapidly swapped weapons.

  • Interactions are now disabled while aiming.

  • Status effects will now apply the strongest stack instead of the most recent stack to targets.


  • Fixed weapon coating not always displaying correctly after moving the weapon to a different equip slot.

  • Updated all magic weapon buffers for weapon swapping. Swapping from magic weapons should now be more predictable.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to Claw Shot to their own Ice Pylon.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the effects from the Blunderbuss Ultimate “Unload” to persist through weapon swaps.

  • Fixed an issue where Splitting Grenade Mini Grenades would not always detonate in sync with each other.

  • Fixed an issue where the effects from the Blunderbuss Passive “On a Roll” persisted through weapon swaps.

  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect arrow projectile sizes when using the Bow passive Arrow Range. Now all primary arrow shots will have a radius of 0.15 and all charged shots will have a radius of 0.33.

  • Updated Evade Shot projectile to work correctly with passive Arrow Range with a radius of 0.33.

  • Updated Explosive Arrow projectile size to have a radius of 0.33 from 0.05.

  • Fixed an issue that caused unnatural animations to trigger after firing Explosive Shot while idle or strafing backwards.

  • Increased the recovery prior to the dodge cancel window after the final shot of Bow’s Rapid Shot. Dodge cancel window was previously too short after the shot, which allowed players to easily bypass the final shot’s recovery, as well as exit the action prior to the arrow hitting the target.

  • Fixed a typo in the Relentless Refresh upgrade tooltip.

  • Added clarity to the Faultless Defender’s passive tooltip.

  • Fixed a typo in the description for the Greatsword’s Intimidating Roar mastery node.

  • Updated the Faultless Defender Tooltip to clarify that the Rend only applies to attackers that hit the player while the effect is active.

  • Updated the Greatsword Ultimate Undying Defiance tooltip to include additional clarity on the healing bonus that requires a successful block.

  • Updated the Relentless Power tooltip to better describe functionality.

  • Fixed a typo in the Relentless Refresh upgrade tooltip.

  • Reduced the power of the Crosscut ability upgrade “Cross Execution” from 100% to 50%.

  • The “Tough Times” Greatsword is now craftable using Materia.

  • Blackguard’s Greatsword is now available to craft using Expedition Materia.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Maelstorm ability to absorb friendly and neutral projectiles.

  • Added clarity to the Hatchet Feral Rush tooltip to indicate which attack staggers.

  • Added clarity to the Hatchet’s Persistent Hindrance ability description.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed Defy Death to trigger while down.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Hatchet Aimed Throw animations to deform the player’s face.

  • Updated Rending Throw to not interrupt player movement during the throw. Adjusted some timing of the attack and cancel windows to better fit with the new functionality.

  • Updated Social Distancing to not interrupt player movement during the throw, if the player is moving forward/sideways, but if they are strafing backwards or standing idle, they will perform the backwards dodge.

  • Adjusted the timing of the attack and cancel windows to better fit with the new functionality while moving. Removed the Stagger from Social Distancing to compensate for the added versatility and ensure the ability remains mainly focused on zoning. Also increased the damage from 100% to 115% weapon damage and increased the Slow from 25% to 30%.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Divine Embrace upgrades Shared Struggle and Rebound to not consistently bounce to nearby targets when activated.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Life Staff Intensity passive to trigger off of DoTs from Runeglass Gems.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the impact effects for the Musket to play even if the shot missed.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Musket’s Shooter’s Stance to not always go on cooldown.

  • The player can now move while throwing Sticky Bomb.

  • Removed the stagger from Sticky Bomb to compensate for increased usability.

  • Allowed the loading of both Power Shot and Powder Burn to be performed while moving.

  • Adjusted the Musket damage falloff to reduce the damage by 60% at the full 125m, and 30% with the Ballistic Advantage Passive. This is increased from the previous 37.5% and 18.75% with Ballistic Advantage.

  • Ballistic Advantage Passive:

    • Updated passive to no longer remove damage fall off entirely, but reduce damage fall off by 50% after 50m.

  • Hit your Mark Passive:

    • Updated passive to apply to all hits and not just headshots and critical hits.

  • Updated the functionality of the Empowering Shooter’s Stance Perk. Previously it would give one powerful empower on every hit of Shooter’s Stance. This was incredibly strong in PvP. Updated effect to now grant a stack of 4%-15% empower (Depending on Gear Score and if on weapon/armor) for every hit while in Shooter’s Stance.

    • Effect can stack up to 4 times.

    • Extend the duration of the empower buff from 3s to 6s.

    • Buff is now removed when exiting Shooter’s Stance.

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn’t buffer basic attacks during Javelin recovery.

  • Made it so movement speed is not completely halted while tossing the Spear’s Javelin. Additionally made it so tapping the ability button while aiming now throws the Javelin instead of sheathing it.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Essence Rupture upgrade, Overflowing Essence, to not trigger if the enemy died before the debuff ended.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Void Gauntlet’s empowering proximity passive name and tooltip to display incorrectly in French.

  • Delayed ability input from exiting Entomb after activating the ability to match behavior prior to release 1.7.0.

  • Increased the damage of the “Smolder” damage over time effect applied by the Flamethrower ability, and the Singe and Watch it Burn passives from 6% to 10%.

  • Increased the base damage of the Fire staff weapon by 3.5%.

  • Updated the Meteor Shower description to include information about how the initial burst of damage is upon entering the volume and not just on initial cast. Also updated tooltip to include casting distance.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Fortifying Whirlwind perk to combine the Slash damage bonus and Fortify into a single effect, resulting in players not obtaining all of the benefits of each. Separated the effect into two effects and properly categorized each properly.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Runeglass Taunt gems to not work properly with Berserk, Riposte, and Defender’s Resolve AOE Taunts.

  • Fixed an issue where the Shirking Elemental damage perks applied damage to all targets hit by the next attack and not just the next hit.

  • Fixed an issue where perks that provide additional damage instances (e.g. Chain, Keenly Jagged, Augmented Frozen, etc) were not providing Heartrune charge.

  • Fixed an issue where the base duration and max duration of the Shirking Fortification perk was set to the same value. Base value was meant to be lower. Reduced duration of Fortify from 6s to 4s.

  • Updated the Keen Speed tooltip to match the updated duration of 5s. Also increased the max duration so that any effect that extends the duration of haste effects can extend Keen Speed’s duration.

  • Updated the Mortal Empowerment perk’s tooltip to add clarity into its functionality.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Energizing, Siphoning, and Leeching Runeglass Taunt gem cooldowns to prevent Threat generation and Taunts from triggering if the cooldown was active.

  • Updated triggering logic for all perks and passives that activate on ability start or finish. This update will fix perks activating when abilities are not performed.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Lasting Consumption perk to not affect the Desert Sunrise food duration.

  • Corrected the Strength Perk for Iceburst of the Soldier swords. It is now in-line with other Swords.

  • Corrected the Constitution Perk for Frigid Bulwark of the Sentry, Aegis of Ice of the Sentry, and Festive Sled of the Sentry Shields. It is now in-line with other Shields.


  • Heartrune ability Vine visual effects are now viewable at a distance of 75m.

  • Fixed an issue where the Cunning Heartrune of Stoneform didn’t follow the same naming convention as the other Heartrunes.

  • Heartrune: Stone Form: Fortifying Form now applies Fortify separately from the Stone Form status effect.

  • Cannon Blast:

    • Increased base damage by 20%.

  • Detonate:

    • Reduced critical damage multiplier from 1.3 to 1.2.

    • Reduced Escalating Explosion damage bonus from 30% to 20%.



  • Fixed an issue where multiple Void Destroyers could overlap each other.


  • Fixed an issue that caused other group member’s invites to be withdrawn if another member accepted an invite.

  • Fixed an issue where healing numbers were visible when the buff from killing Baroness Hain in Outpost Rush was obtained.

  • Fixed an issue where the queue window wouldn’t always close after invites pop up for 3v3 Arenas and Outpost Rush.

  • Removed the Infused Endurance Potion from the Armory.

  • When killed by a factionless player in Outpost Rush, the player’s icon will now display appropriately on the Death’s Door screen.

  • Speculative fix for a rare issue that causes players to only see a “Random” option (that does not work) when attempting to respawn in Outpost Rush.

  • Fixed an issue that required double keypresses to show the Outpost Rush scoreboard.

  • Fixed an issue where Main Story Quest waypoints would show in the compass during Outpost Rush and 3v3 Arenas.


  • Fixed an issue that caused attributes to not display properly when players were in the spectator box.

  • Fixed an issue with accepting an Arena invite while in an Expedition. Opening an Expedition now removes active invites from the player.


  • Fixed an issue where War invites wouldn’t display if a player was logged out or backed out to the Main Menu when they were sent.

  • Fixed an issue that caused certain War & Invasion defensive structures to sometimes start on cooldown when they shouldn’t.

  • Fixed an issue with Wars sometimes failing to reschedule properly after a server crash.

  • Fixed an issue where active Wars may incorrectly show “Dec 31” for their date.



  • To mitigate a reduction in completed Town Projects after removing XP from the Town Board missions, we lowered the contribution amount required to complete Town Projects. In the event a Town Project would have met the new criteria before the update, and the timer does not end until after the update, the Project will complete at the end of the timer but the UI may show it as still in progress.

  • Increased Territory Standing gained from Town Board Quests by 40%.


  • Added the Smelting Refining crafting clothing to some Named enemies in Brimstone.

  • Adjusted the rarity for certain schematics from Epic to Legendary to match the craftable item.

  • Adjusted the tool tip for Umbral Shards. The tool tip on Umbral Shards should now be easier to understand.

  • Items rolled from Gypsum Casts now have a chance to roll an empty gem slot, instead of a filled gem slot. This fixes an issue where certain types of items rolled from Gypsum Casts were unable to roll at Legendary due to issues with gem slots.

  • The Bow Fangs of Setcheh has had its Plagued Strikes perk swapped for Plagued Crits. The Life Staff Petra Ataraxia has had its Plagued Strikes perk swapped for Refreshing.

  • The Prerogative Gauntlet has been renamed to “Naturally Cold” and the text has been changed to “Some things are just cold by nature.”

  • The Static Shock Hatchet should now have the expected attribute values.

  • Updated crafting schematic icons for weapon schematics to make weapon icons more recognizable.

  • Updated Infinitum Band so that the first perk is now additional Health instead of Luck.

  • Updated the crafting recipe for specific crafted weapons with a filled gem slot to include the gem in the crafting recipe.

  • Updated the name of the perk “Spirit Alignment” to “Soul Alignment” and adjusted the description.

  • Updated the War/Invasion ammo to no longer have weight.

  • The Heart of Maahebgal no longer has an increased critical chance perk. Instead it now has a reduced poison duration perk.

  • Updated Runeglass Icons to make the symbols easier to read.


  • Adjusted loot buckets to make more Named Items available to drop. These items are now in the global bucket, but may be added to specific bosses or creatures in the future.

  • Added Fishing Gathering set to the Named enemies in Brimstone.

  • Adjusted rare Trophy component drops to be less frustrating to obtain.

  • Armadillos now drop Game Meat when skinned, while still dropping Armadillo Meat as a rare drop.

  • Epic Weapon Quests now reward one Gypsum Orb per completed quest in each quest-line.

  • Glyphstones now have the same chance to drop from containers as from enemies. Boosted drop rate for Glyphstones that drop in particularly small POIs.

  • Music pages awarded by crafting stations now only drop once per day per station.

  • The music sheets for Weaver’s Webb, Soup of the Day, and My Home can now be acquired by using the Loom, Cooking, or Engineering crafting station. The player’s first craft at each station has a 20% chance of resulting in a music sheet.

  • The quest “Search of Plunder” now rewards a ring.

  • Updated the Named Greatsword Wodao to properly display as Tier 5 in the crafting menu.

  • In order to prevent bots from farming early quests for coin, we have reduced the amount of coin given during the onboarding quests until players reach their first settlement.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hatchet Agonizer to have the incorrect strength attribute.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Hatchet Culling Burn to have the incorrect strength attribute.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mirage Elemental to not drop Obsidian Gypsum.

  • Fixed an issue that caused many of the Named Quest rewards to not properly display as Named items.

  • Fixed a typo on Chitin armor pieces.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Greatsword Wodao to drop at T4 from the Dynasty Shipyard Mutator.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the icons for some items to display incorrectly.

  • Fixed an issue with localization where the Tormentors Finger Curse ring was incorrectly named as the Heralds Finger Curse.

  • Fixed an issue with the Crystalline Crusher War Hammer not using its updated appearance.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Named PvP items to not have animated frames.

  • Resolved cloth crafted dresses not using the correct attribute and gem slot chance based on player feedback. Great catch, Adventurers!

  • Adjusted the crafting recipes for Greatswords for both Timeless Shards and Golden Scarab so the attributes require the correct crafting mods.

  • Fixed an issue that caused some level 60+ Named Elite enemies to not drop Obsidian Gypsum.

  • Fixed an issue that caused some Small Cactus to not give the bonus Motes when using a 600+ Sickle with an Alignment perk.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Expedition Entrance user interface to not show certain items with the correct Gear Score.

  • Fixed an issue that caused some items from Casts to not give the proper Salvage items.

  • Fixed an issue that caused certain items (Desecrated Maul, Dark Pyromancer’s Spellstaff, Abyssal Strike, Frostwall, Heart’s Tendril Trinket, Tundra Warden’s Rifle, Cave Crawler) to not drop as expected from The Depths Mutator. These items should now drop more frequently in that Mutator.

  • Fixed issues that caused AI to drop items within a wide Gear Score range if your Expertise was high.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Mutator-specific named items to not display on the user interface for the Expedition.

  • Fixed a visual issue with the following:

    • The Fallen Spirit’s Breastplate apparel skin

    • The Metal Raven gloves

    • The Bloodthirsty Count apparel skin

    • The Death Coronation Boots

    • The Forsaken Cloth Shirt

    • The Hypatia armor skin

    • The Deepspring’s Succor helmet

    • The Frostwall and Creeping Cold Ice Gauntlets

    • The Shroud of the Pharaoh pants

    • The Titania and Dark Scion Leggings skins.

  • Fixed a visual issue that caused the Wicked Warrior’s Great Axe to be held incorrectly.

  • Fixed an issue with the facial animation for the Headbanging Emote.

  • Adjusted the Scout Hood to cover hair.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Shruggy Dance emote to play the incorrect animation.


  • A schematic is no longer required to craft the Mother’s Love statuette.

  • Ash Casual Chair now uses Ash Wood Stain instead of Maple Wood Stain in its crafting recipe.

  • First house purchase is now a flat 5000 coins. Tier 1 houses now unlock at Level 1 territory standing (previously Level 10).

  • Fixed an issue that caused housing score to not update after purchasing a house.

  • Disabled the use of Territory Standing for housing score. This is a temporary measure while we work to improve the scoring system.

  • Housing decorations will no longer appear in the decoration menu before loading is complete.

  • Players can now remove all furniture in their house via the house management screen. Removed furniture is returned to settlement storage.


  • Changed requirements for achievements “Handy Person” , “I Got This” , and “General Contractor” to be more reasonable based on player feedback.


  • Removed the Change Taxes/Fees button at the Governor’s Desk now that those rates are fixed.


  • Adjusted the station tier requirement and lowered the Trade Skill requirement for material conversions from 150 to 0 as we no longer have tiers of refining materials.

  • Description for Runeglass Cases now indicates that players can embed a gem at a Stonecutting Table.

  • Fixed an issue that caused crafting higher tier breach materials to give less Stonecutting experience than crafting lower tier materials.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Expedition Replica Greatswords to have Engineer Salvage tables instead of Weaponsmithing Salvage tables.

  • Removed the three recipes for Shields that allowed the use of the Runestone Stopwatch since there isn’t a point in crafting a 600 Gear Score Shield, because Shields can’t roll Legendary.

  • Reworked the Crafting Categories for Weaponsmithing and Engineering.

  • Runestone Stopwatch corrected to require Tier 5 Stonecutting table.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from earning XP through certain crafting stations.

  • Upper-tier Protective Wyrd outfitting items (earned via quests given by Violante Severino in Weaver’s Fen) can now be crafted without consuming the lower-tier clothing item. Blocked players should now be able to complete this questline.

  • Fixed crafting interactions timing out and failing under network conditions with high lag or packet drop.

  • Harvest Barley Dye was previously available at Tier 3 Kitchens, but its level requirement meant it was intended for Tier 4 Kitchens. It will now be unlocked at Tier 4 Kitchens.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the crafting screen to show the wrong perk as disabled unless the item was crafted at a higher Gear Score. Similarly, the tooltip in the crafting screen was updated to hide the correct disabled perk.

  • Fixed an issue where the Tier label was shown for items with no Tier in the Kitchen, Smelter or Gypsum Kiln crafting stations.

  • Adjusted Fishing to cast when standing farther back from the edge on raised platforms above water.



  • Fixed an issue that caused item skins to unequip when players log back in.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the incorrect preview animations to play when cycling through weapons quickly.

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the wrong world name to display in the World Transfer Confirmation Popup.

  • Fixed an issue where the player would repeatedly reload the Blunderbuss during skin previews.

  • Fixed an issue where weapon idle animations wouldn’t play properly after previewing Shields in the store.

  • Fixed an issue with the store preview not showing the correct preview if you already have a skin equipped.

  • Fixed an issue with animations not working correctly when previewing emotes in the shop. Hovering into and out of an emote icon will no longer end the preview animation.

  • Players can now search for words that include accented characters without using the accents.


  • Contracts viewed at the Trading Post will now correctly display Expertise scaling information.

  • Updated error message when joining a Musical Performance while using the Trading Post.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Attribute items to not display their icon correctly in the Trading Post.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Extra Pockets perk icon to show the wrong icon in the Trading Post.


  • Fixed an issue that caused block players to not show up in the blocked list.

  • Fixed an issue that caused players who were removed from a Company to still see Company specific messages in chat.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented characters in friends list from being removed after a world merge.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Azoth vials and Azoth currency to share the same icon. Azoth currency now has an icon of a blue crystal.

  • Fixed an issue that caused currency ingredients to not list correctly in the crafting menu.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Territory Standing shown on Town Board projects to not reflect the Territory Standing bonus from Musical Performance buffs.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Settlement name instead of the Expedition name to show in the Compass when entering Expeditions from other locations.

  • Fixed an issue that caused The Pharaoh’s Longsword to show the wrong icon.

  • Updated inconsistent fonts in pop up dialogs that appear when in combat and attempting to fish or play music.

  • Tier labels will no longer appear for items with no Tier in the Kitchen, Smelter and Gypsum Kiln crafting stations.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the HUD to overlap multiple notifications during Invasions.

  • Icons for Instruments are now larger, making Instruments easier to identify.

  • Revised Camp skin tooltip to reflect how it currently works in-game. Players can apply skins at the Campsite instead of their Inventory.

  • Unfactioned Company members now display their Company crest and Faction colors.

  • Updated the Infused Silk icon.

  • The “Regular Expeditions Remaining” counter is now removed from the Soul Trial “Necropolis of Sutekh” since it does not spend an Expedition counter.

  • Added a dark background behind the newsletter button on the main menu to make it more visible.

  • Added a new unread icon to lore pages.

  • Added a warning countdown timer to Musical Performances when an inactivity timeout is imminent.

  • Double-click to learn the recipe is now gone from the action menu while the item is in Settlement Storage. Player can still learn the recipe while it is in Settlement Storage by choosing the option in the item action menu, but double-clicking only moves the item to the Player’s inventory.

  • Fixed flicker when Always Show Weapons is off. Hide weapon abilities when using a gathering tool.

  • Fixed a capitalization issue in the PvP Arenas spectator message.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Engineering icon for the Forge header to not use the correct icon.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Store, Crafting, and Settings screens to not close when clicking outside their main window area like all other screens.

  • Fixed an issue when unlocking the first Mutated Expedition. The reward is now properly centered on the rewards banner.

  • Fixed an issue where Attributes wouldn’t display properly if a Shield was equipped without a Sword.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Platinum to use the incorrect icon when tracked on the Compass.

  • Fixed an issue where Runeglass items and Chitin Padding stated they could be socketed in any item with a socket. Updated text for each item to mention the specific types of items they can be socketed in.

  • Fixed an issue with Misaligned Legendary Fish Icons to now match the in-game model.

  • Fixed some instances where an item would show a lower rarity than it should.

  • Instrument recipes now properly display the correct rarity.

  • Map Filters now save across sessions.

  • Updated Trade Skill screen to show three reward markers instead of four.

  • When crafting with your last crafting mod item, it will now properly be cleared before your next craft.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the warning about checking into an Inn to appear incorrectly when leaving town.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an ability specific perk to display the wrong icons.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the dropdown menu to not properly function when selected.

  • Fixed an issue where the conversation window with an NPC briefly re-displays after completing a quest.

  • Fixed an issue with inconsistent fonts appearing when players tried to fish or play music while in combat.

  • Aegis of the Father Kite Shield and Orichalcum Kite Shield can now be dyed.

  • Corrected which Gauntlet Ring renders for Stormbound Void Gauntlet.

  • Discarded item bag now shows proper weight limit.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Bacchanal and Conviviality Armor sets to display as Medium equipment load instead of Light.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Amethyst-based Runeglass from applying proper visual effects when slotted into weapons.

  • Fixed an issue with the Company roster Faction icons not updating to reflect current affiliation.

  • Removed the unusable dye slots from Stormbound Kiteshield, Roundshield, and Towershield.

  • Fixed an issue that caused player’s weapons to not be hidden when viewing the Faction Mission Board.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Summer Medleyfaire Food items to give the Well-Fed status effect for too long.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Orichalcum Kite Shield from being dyed.

  • Fixed an issue with animation breaking after an AFK kick while in the store.

  • Fixed an issue with armor dyes that caused cloth from an applied skin to not be cleared from your underlying armor when opening the dye window.

  • Fixed an issue with clipping when crouching for Baalphazu’s Mantle.

  • Fixed an issue with clipping while holding a weapon for the Twitch Drop armor skin ‘Death’s Beckoning’.

  • Fixed an issue with Imhotep’s Sandstorm phasing.

  • Fixed duplicate crest image in the Plant Crest pack to show the appropriate Hemp Plant image.

  • Fixed French localization for “Amrine” so the Expedition is capitalized.

  • Updated descriptions for Named weapon schematics for consistency.

  • Updated naming of Scorching Sand apparel skins from “Sand Dune Explorer” to match Scorching Sand apparel name.

  • Updated Ponder emote so that its sound effect ends at the same time as the animation.

  • Weapon previews no longer break if you have no weapons, but a Shield equipped.

  • You can longer access the inventory while under objects that prevent you from standing.

  • Fixed an issue that caused crashes.

  • Fixed an issue that caused some Faction Shop Shields to be labeled as the incorrect Shield type.

  • Fixed an issue where a player’s camera & speed got stuck in a bad state if teleported into or out of an instance when aiming down sights for some ranged abilities.

  • Fixed an issue where new Brimstone Sands food was giving “Well-Fed” for 70 minutes instead of 60.

  • Fixed an issue that caused an error message in the “purchase transfer” tooltip to localize incorrectly.

  • Crafting and Trade Skills Event user interface now clearly explains experience gain and bonuses in the toolip.

  • Updated Greatsword Icons to improve visual quality.

  • Updated Sword and Shield Mastery images to include a Shield.


  • Fixed an issue on the container opening screen that caused stackable items to show more than once if you created a new stack.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Musical Instruments to show weapon attributes in the Crafting Screen.

  • Inventory and Storage now allow for sorting in Ascending and Descending order.

  • Redesigned the presentation of Journal Documents.

  • The Territory Planning screen now shows coin total.

  • Updated the Trade Skill recipe list to show more accurate tooltips for unlocked items.

  • Weapon equipped Tooltip no longer appears after interacting with the Craft button.

  • Updated messaging for error when player cannot chat.

  • Added new messaging for when a player is on a full server.

  • Updated error messaging for when players are unable to create a character on a full world.

  • Improved loot ticker presentation to highlight top items.

  • When players do not have any other items to compare, tooltips now only show the item’s info with no comparison UI.


  • Fixed an issue with NPC Tomash Kovalenko’s voice over.

  • Fixed issues with French voice overs for various NPCs.

  • Fixed an issue that caused audio and player animation to stutter when attempting to Fast Travel.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Dusk Spirit camp skins to play campfire ambient audio despite having no campfire.

  • Audio now plays when using the Dig a Grave, Panic, and Stab emotes.

  • Polished the sound effects for the Hellmouths.

  • Fixed an issue that caused impact effects to not always play when taking melee damage from the Warhammer Lost Knight.

  • Fixed an issue that caused certain camera angles to muffle the sound of the Grimoire Lectern.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Singing Fish housing item to stop playing music when players left the area and came back.

  • Fixed an issue where the unsheathing sound did not always play when selecting an Instrument in Musical Performances.

  • Removed the clapping sound effect from Musical Instruments.

  • Updated the Turkey housing pet to have unique sound effects.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the sound effects for destroying nodes in the Blossoming Threat quest to not play.

  • Polished several impact sounds within Brimstone Sands.

  • Polished the sound effects for the Turret Beam in Brimstone Sands.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Azoth reflector sound effects to be too low.

  • Fixed an issue that caused Corruption Nodules to not play sound effects during Adiana’s Fountain quest.

  • Updated the sound effects for Bandits in Brimstone Sands.

  • Updated the sound effects for several Ancients in Brimstone Sands.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Rotating Puzzle Rings to not play sound effects.

  • Adjusted timing and polished some of the sound effects for the Sandworm.

  • Fixed missing voice over for Johanna Maes.

  • Fixed voice over for Commander Maximo and Imhotep.

  • Players will no longer hear Music Instruments when interacting with quest NPCs.

  • Fixed cutoff dialogue for Imhotep in localized languages.

  • Adjusted the volume of the thunder that plays in the Intro Cutscene.

Download the free New World game update 1.8 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.