New World patch 1.7 is available to download on PC. According to the official New World patch notes, the latest update added Brimstone Sands zone with new enemies, a new territory, and new stories. Apart from this, today’s New World update 1.7 also includes a long list of bug fixes and balancing.
Previously, a major update added the Winter Convergence Festival with the new winter event packed with quests, special activities, and more. Recently, a hotfix was also released. Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s New World game update 1.7 will address a few of these errors.
Read more details below.
New World Patch 1.7 Notes – October 18, 2022
Brimstone Sands is a new zone unlike anything else in Aeternum. Roughly the size of 2.5 Everfalls, it features new enemies to fight, a new territory to control, and new stories to uncover.
Delve into Ancient Ruins to face the vigilant Anubian Guardians and solve hieroglyphic puzzles to achieve new power.
Players will explore ancient mysteries with Imhotep, battle powerful Sand Demons, and perhaps, if they persist, restore the rightful ruler who can finally bring order and hope to the region after centuries of chaos.
The latest update completely redesigned the early levels of New World, so players who start the game or roll a new character will experience brand new stories and quests.
- Quest flow through zones has been optimized, with NPCs who move around with a story that takes players through each region of the game, unlocking side content to pace out the experience.
- Added a variety of new quest dynamics, from wave events to tracking and traversal challenges, puzzles in the ruins, unique interactions with the world, and dynamic events players will encounter.
- Revised onboarding to stay focused on the central storyline, introducing the legacy of King Arthur in Monarch’s Bluffs and a curse and famine from the sorceress Medea in Windsward.
- Added a lot more character to the zones and settlements in Monarch’s Bluffs and Everfall, with new enemies, new major locations, and new challenges in the quests and open world.
Aid Salvatore the Mad in his quest to banish these foul terrors and collect a bounty of limited-time Nightveil Hallow rewards. This event will run from the launch of Brimstone Sands until November 1. Characters must be level 35 or higher to start the questline.
Learn the risks and rewards of each option to survive in battle.
Both Weapon Skill Trees feature versatile tactics for varied playstyles:
- The Onslaught tree embodies relentless offense and focuses on defeating enemies before they can take you out.
- The Defiance tree excels at aggressive defense that can survive and deal damage against multiple opponents.
The Greatsword scales evenly with Strength and Dexterity, making it a good pair for many other martial weapons.
Adventurers can now further customize their playstyle through Heartgem Abilities:
- Detonate:Overload yourself with Arcane energy to detonate and deal significant damage in a large radius around you. Players can move and attack while the ability is active.
- Grasping Vines: Punch your hand into the ground to unleash vines around you and root all nearby enemies.
- Stoneform: Turn yourself to stone and become immune to staggers, knockdowns, stuns, roots and slows. Players can move and attack while this ability is active.
- Cannon Blast: Whip out a large, handheld cannon and fire a cannonball that deals significant damage on impact.
- Dark Ascent:Sprout Corrupted wings and fly up into the air, hover briefly, and then slam back down into the ground, staggering and dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
Bug Fixes
- Addressed a bug that caused Mutator Boss Loot to sometimes not award anything to players. This change also slightly restructures the way Mutator loot is provided. Bosses at difficulty 10 now provide an additional roll for a piece of their unique armor and weapons.
- Addressed a bug that caused Captain Thorpe and Empress Zhou to not drop Timeless Shards at the correct rate.
- Addressed a bug that prevented the Invasion Void Gauntlet from dropping.
- Addressed a bug where quest rewards displayed in the Journal and when accepting quests would not show item quantities above one.
- The Named items Malevolent Defender and Elegant Lamplighter were previously not dropping correctly. They have been fixed and can drop from the Protector’s Equipment Cache.
- Addressed a bug with Legacy Wild Rage War Hammer having an armor perk.
- Addressed a bug that caused Invasion Shields to drop from the wrong table.
- Addressed a bug that caused War named items to not drop from War reward chests.
- Addressed a bug where “Armored Hide of the Scorpion Queen” used the item description instead of its name within its tooltip.
- Addressed a bug that caused the music pages for “Path Less Traveled” to not display their page numbers.
- Addressed a bug with Low level regeneration potions dropping at high levels
- Addressed a bug with the Engineer Hat item icon.
- Fixed the tooltip on the Taxidermized Blue-Blooded Barb.
- Fixed typos on varying Blunderbusses.
- Addressed a bug that caused certain crafting clothing to have stretched icons in the Outfitting Station.
- Fixed icons for the Dragatacht PvP armor.
- Fixed the Tier 5 Jewelcrafting and Tanner pants icons.
- Addressed a bug with Thunderous Rebuff’s icon.
- Fixed a visual issue with the Forgotten Helm Tier 4 icon not matching its model.
- Fixed a visual issue and added cloth to the Armorer armor set.
- Fixed a visual issue with Azure Plains Twitch armor.
- Fixed a visual issue with Dancing Flames skirt.
- Fixed a visual issue with Death’s Beckoning chest apparel.
- Fixed a visual issue with Death’s Beckoning cape.
- Fixed a visual issue with Smyhle Breastplate apparel.
- Fixed some cases where cloth objects on characters were deforming incorrectly.
- Fixed the icon for the non-Prestige PVP armor sets.
- Addressed a bug that caused Tier 2 Weapons to have a perk removed. These will now spawn as Tier 4 weapons with the expected rarity and number of perks.
- Fixed the missing textures for the Hatchet “Blood and Flesh”.
- Addressed a bug with Switcher’s Revenge having an armor perk.
- Addressed a bug where certain armor/armor skins would clip through your arms on the Main Menu if you did not have any gloves equipped.
- Addressed a bug where a few new MTX weapons were missing their sheathing sound effects.
- Fixed an unintentional indent in the Void Gauntlet description.
- Fixed a visual issue with the Verdant Trapper Coat.
- Fixed dye channels for Nereid Shields.
- Fixed stretching and clipping issues with the Alchemist Set.
- Fixed a visual issue with Engineer’s Set apparel.
- Fixed a visual issue with the Tainted Coat when players enter their inventory.
- Fixed multiple issues with bows that were assigned gauntlets instead of quivers.
- Fixed a visual issue with the Anubian Conquest Armor Skin that caused the skirt to temporarily become invisible.
- Deft Soft Boots can now be salvaged.
- Addressed a bug that caused some gathering armor to not use the perfect salvage system when salvaged.
- Outpost Rush and War gear rewards can now be perfect salvaged.
- Fixed legendary fishing poles not giving proper salvage scrap.
- Addressed a bug that caused perfect salvage to not occur on PvP items from the reward track.
- Addressed a bug that caused the confirmation popup for a salvage to report items as guaranteed drops when there was a less than 100% chance for the item.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Chain of Zane named amulet to not salvage in Expedition Materia. It can now also be crafted at an Outfitting Station with Lazarus Materia.
- Based on player feedback, we’ve added Salvage Lock to furniture items to prevent accidental salvages.
- Modified the description of housing trophies that provide crafting benefits to be more clear.
- Updating Housing Storage Chest strings to more accurately display their storage values.
- Resolved an issue that caused the Singing Fish housing item to stop playing music.
- Addressed a bug where abandoning a house while on max settlement storage would drop housing items as a dropped bag, potentially causing the player to lose the items. Players must now have at least one unique item slot on settlement storage in order to abandon a house. Excess items will be added to hidden storage.
- Fixed multiple issues with Housing Guide tooltips.
- Fixed an unintentional indent in the Ray-Finned Barb and Blue-Blooded Barb housing item descriptions.
- Fixed a situation that prevented players from leaving their houses.
- Outpost Rush Shields no longer become legendary when upgraded with Umbral.
- Runeglass Gems
- Players can now combine ancient Glyphstones, found in secret locations, with Charged Sand they refine from Sandstone to craft powerful Runeglass Gems. These resources can only be found in Brimstone Sands.
- Runeglass Gems combine the effects of any Gem with an additional power depending on which Ancient Glyphs are used to craft them. Players can then slot their Runeglass Gem into any armor or weapon Gem Slot to receive both effects.
- Perks provided by the Glyphstones always grant an offensive bonus, even when applied to armor. This gives players new strategies to consider when setting up their Gear.
- Runeglass Gems and the resources used to craft them can also be freely bought, sold, and traded to support gatherers and crafters.
- We have added a “First Craft” Trade Skill XP bonus that takes effect the first time you craft a particular item.
- We want to encourage players to craft a variety of items rather than the same ones over and over, so we have added a 2x Trade Skill exp bonus for the first time you craft an item.
- This will speed up crafting leveling for players that utilize this effectively.
- Items that provide a first craft bonus will be identified with a chevron icon on the crafting selection to denote its availability. This icon will disappear once the bonus has been consumed.
- We have added a “First Craft” Trade Skill XP bonus that takes effect the first time you craft a particular item.
- We have added a new crafting item, the Golden Scarab.
- This item, when used in special crafting recipes, will give the crafter the ability to pick 2 crafting perks for their craft.
- These recipes will also require 3 timeless shards and 25 crafting mods.
- The Golden Scarab can be found in the new zone, Brimstone Sands. They are rare drops in Glyph, Sulfur, and Elite chests.
- This item, when used in special crafting recipes, will give the crafter the ability to pick 2 crafting perks for their craft.
- New consumables recipes
- Players can cook new attribute-boosting recipes using fresh scorpion, armadillo, and enriched red meats they attain from animals that call Brimstone Sand’s home.
- Cactus flesh can be used to mix a refreshing “Desert Sunrise”, which will minimize any DoT afflictions the player may suffer.
- Aloe gel can be gathered from desert succulents to produce Alkahest or Acid tincture. The latter is especially helpful when braving the dangerous acid pools found in the zone.
- Three new dye colors celebrate Brimstone Sand’s desert culture: Turquoise Oasis, Cactus Sage, and Baked Red Clay. These new colors can be crafted almost entirely from pigments harvested from the Desert Rose Prismabloom — a plant indigenous to the zone.
- Culinarians in Brimstone Sand’s have a secret ingredient that gives their dishes a unique flavor: fish sauce. This new ingredient gives anglers a new way to get value from their daily catch.
- Chitin
- Harvested from scorpions, this new resource can be used to craft Chitin armor sets, which have increased Acid resistance.
- Chitin can also be used to craft Chitin Padding, which can be slotted into armor pieces to provide Acid resistance.
- Chitin can also be refined to create a new T5 material, Chitin Plate, which can be used as a Tier 5 material in other armor recipes.
- Made rarity of Tier 5 weapon schematics consistent.
- Addressed a bug that caused crafting recipes to not properly highlight in the crafting screen when they were part of an active quest.
- Added messaging for crafting recipes when the resulting item’s Gear Score is based on your Expertise.
- Crafted named items have had their required Trade Skill level reduced. Tier 2 now requires level 1, Tier 3 requires level 50 and Tier 4 requires level 100.
- Crafting a Pristine Opal Earring with a Runestone Stopwatch no longer gives a Pristine Onyx Earring.
- Crafting a Pristine Onyx Earring with a Runestone Stopwatch no longer gives a Pristine Opal Earring.
- Crafting skills can now be hovered on the Crafting Screen to view the amount required to reach the next level.
- Addressed a bug that caused Garnet Gypsum Orb recipes to display the recipe name incorrectly.
- Addressed a bug that caused the incorrect attribute chances to appear on crafting items using the Runestone Stopwatch.
- Lowered material requirements on Expedition replica heavy boots to be consistent with other crafted boots and replicas.
- Non arena legendary pattern crafting costs have been reduced by 66%
- Topaz Gypsum Attunement Potions now grant Arcana trade skill experience when crafted.
- Fixed certain Dynasty furniture granting lower Furnishing XP when crafted.
- Stamina will now regenerate while Gathering.
- Adjusted the level requirements for some of the gatherable resources to either increase accessibility, or to make room for the new materials from Brimstone Sands.
- Logging
- Added Young Cacti at 0.
- Added Mature Cacti at 50.
- Ironwood is now 150, was 175.
- Mining
- Added Sandstone at 105.
- Added Brimstone at 130.
- Lodestone is now 75, was 105.
- Orichalcum Ore is now 150, was 175.
- Harvesting
- Added Aloe Gel at 105.
- Wirefiber is now 150, was 175.
- Based on PTR feedback, we compressed the level buckets for the Skinning Tradeskill from 16 down to 4. This substantially expands the availability of creatures for players of all levels. The new buckets are as follows:
- Trade Skill level 0-49 can skin animals up to level 30.
- Trade Skill level 50-99 can skin animals up to level 45.
- Trade Skill level 100-149 can skin animals up to level 60.
- Trade Skill level 150 can skin animals up to level 67.
- We have added new recipes, all known by default, to Refining Material Conversion, giving players an additional avenue to created a limited number of rare resources per day.
- Addressed a bug that caused accepted notifications to not properly interrupt Fishing when opening other screens.
- Completed Fishing quests now award Fishing XP.
- Fishing now remembers your last selected bait.
- Addressed a bug that caused a player to enter a bad character state when teleporting while Fishing.
- Addressed a bug where the bait menu could still be accessed when exiting Fishing mode.
- Legendary fish now count toward Fishing quest progression!
- Addressed a bug with players’ movement while holding a fishing pole.
- Added a back-end check to prevent players from activating Fishing while actively in combat.
- Fixed erroneous “Requires Fishing Tool” message when you enter Fishing mode with a full inventory.
- Addressed a bug where the Fishing Hotspots label in the Gathering Skill screen were illegible in some languages.
- Certain actions (eg. camping) no longer get queued if triggered right after creating a Musical Performance.
- Fixed broken animations when accepting a musical performance invite while resting at a camp.
- Addressed a bug where the client could potentially crash in rare cases, when in a musical performance.
- Addressed a bug where in rare cases two musical performance zones could be created right next to each other.
- Fixed the music performance floor effect from projecting down to all floors of a multi-story house.
- Musical Performance buffs are now sorted alphabetically with No Effect listed first.
- Added an X icon for songs/instruments that are unavailable.
- Polished results banner by reducing overall size, updating placement, and adding glowing stars / a glyph circle frame.
- Reduced exit performance hold time to 0.5s.
- Added a back-end check to prevent players from activating Musical Performances while actively in combat.
- Addressed a bug that caused a disappearing performance zone when rapidly switching from zone to zone.
- Addressed a bug where players dropping from performances could cause other players to unequip instruments during a performance in progress.
- Removed redundant text from musical performance buff tooltips.
- You now cannot access PvP toggle popup while in a Musical Performance.
- Changed musical performance song book player count from displaying max count to displaying range of players supported (e.g. “1-5”).
- Addressed a bug where unlocking multiple music sheets would show overlapping text when playing in German.
- Fixed errant UI message when attempting to start a musical performance during an Invasion/War. This seemingly indicated that Musical Performances are allowed during Invasions/Wars when they are not.
- Fixed grammar issues found within several Musical Instrument achievements.
- Added prevention to stop players from performing a song if there was an object placed above them that would prevent them from standing.
- Added progression achievements for the Music trade skill at 20/40/80/140/200 skill level.
- Updated Instrument crafting and salvaging recipes. Tier 2 to Tier 4 Instruments now Salvage into a new Instrument trinket that is used for crafting their higher tier Instrument. The Instrument itself is no longer used. This change was made due to issues with the previous crafting recipe potentially causing the wrong item to be consumed when crafting. We really like the idea of upgrading, or “leveling up” a single instrument to higher tiers, and believe this change still captures that flavor while being a safer way for players to manage their items.
- Updated performance note bar to be colored based on the equipped instrument’s Gear Score and influence on hit zone.
- Updated size, font, and artwork for reward banner at end of the performance.
- Addressed a bug that caused Coin to disappear when receiving Coin in the middle of a trade if the amount sent to that player would push them over the wallet cap.
- Corrected “Cheers!” and “Mic Drop” icons.
- Blocked players’ lobbies will no longer appear on the Group Finder list.
- Changed notifications that appear when a player is kicked from their group to better convey that they were kicked from the group as opposed to leaving voluntarily.
- Addressed a bug that caused Store items to be marked as quest items in the tooltip.
- Fixed the Character Transfer Store item to properly show the number of Character Transfer tokens credited to your account.
- Addressed a bug when previewing weapon skins that caused the weapon to not appear in the player’s hands.
- Addressed a bug that caused crashes when using the Store.
- Selecting a weapon skin, when one isn’t already equipped, will no longer transition the character from unsheathed to sheathed when previewing skins. The base will be selected and shown instead.
- Store search is no longer case-sensitive.
- Addressed a bug that caused a rare crash when previewing items in the store.
- Addressed a bug that caused cloth from skins to persist on armor while dying.
- Addressed a bug that caused offhand arm animation breaks after previewing Shield skins.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Perk list in the Trading Post to have no information about Perks that scale higher on weapons.
- Addressed a bug that caused expired contracts to show an invalid completion time.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Trading Post to stop processing queued actions if the player teleported.
- Addressed a bug that caused items with perks to incorrectly display their rarity as Common.
- Players can now bind arrow and ‘end’ keys to actions.
- Blocked players’ lobbies will no longer appear on the Group Finder list.
- Fixed the rotation of the Forsaken Great Axe icon.
- Addressed a bug that caused cooldown for abilities to not display properly if the player swapped weapons outside of combat.
- Changed font of rewards in journal.
- Fixed faction rank advancement reward to show correct rank name.
- Event currency icon no longer disappears when scrolling quickly in the event shop.
- Faction Initiation quests are now labelled.
- Fixed notification messages to properly display what changed the company name.
- Addressed a bug that caused the aim reticle to sometimes show ammo count for melee weapons.
- Addressed a bug that caused an item’s tooltip to show the skin icon when the item was not using a skin.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Blunderbuss’ Mortar Charge ability to display inconsistent ammo count when nearing an obstruction.
- Addressed a bug that caused the targeted Healing Group Member’s display to remain on screen in Menus.
- Addressed a bug with stack splitting for Azoth Vials when you are at or near your Azoth cap.
- Fixed the icon for the Orichalcum Heavy Greaves.
- Fixed the icon for the Orichalcum Tower Shield.
- Fixed the time penalty for going over Mutated Expedition clear times.
- The Musical Performance user interface no longer overlaps with the Faction Control Point user interface.
- Addressed a bug that caused objective markers to disappear upon returning to the Main Menu and logging back into the game world.
- Addressed a bug where right clicking on map would occasionally fail to place a waypoint and the cursor would jump to a random spot on the map.
- Help, Recruitment, and Trade chat now default to feed instead of alert.
- Global Refining Yield Boost translations have been updated for all languages so that there is no text overlap.
- Changed the Help Chat to be Territory bound based on the Game Mode the player is in.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Login Queue to not report the correct information.
- Addressed a bug that caused objective markers to disappear when returning to the Main Menu after logging back on.
- Addressed a bug that caused a song title to go outside of the scroll box when selecting a song for Musical Performances.
- Music rewards now refresh when the player’s music skill levels up.
- Addressed a bug that caused notification banners to reappear after entering game modes.
- Addressed a bug that allowed players to continue moving while interacting with Storage Sheds.
- Fixed a typo in the “Missions” section of the Achievements panel.
- Addressed a bug with default data appearing on friends list.
- Addressed a bug that caused the loot ticker to fill up after constantly picking up items, but not update with new ones.
- Addressed a bug that caused only Invasion themed loading screens to appear after a player participated in an Invasion.
- Addressed a bug that prevented players from opening Reward Containers if they opened ones that contained Coin/Azoth/Azoth Salt too quickly.
- Addressed a bug that caused the map to open when pressing (i) in the Tutorial.
- Addressed a bug that caused prices for Faction items to not update if you were in the Ebonscale Reach Faction Shop while the territory changed owners, thereby changing the discount.
- Addressed a bug that caused a blank rewards screen to appear when quickly opening Reward Containers.
- Addressed a bug that caused you to start walking while trying to split stack in the Inventory via the split hotkey (Ctrl).
- Addressed a bug that caused the “Completed” title of the town project tile to not localize.
- Addressed a bug where the button to leave an Invasion did not appear in the Escape Menu during an Invasion.
- Addressed a bug that caused the item rarity animations to be incorrect if you opened multiple Reward Containers in quick succession.
- Addressed a bug that caused the text of Fishing Hotspots in the Fishing trade skill screen to overlap for some languages.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Town Projects Board scrollbar to block the total progress and part of mission cards during an event.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Victory Screen to not show the proper negative value when players completed a Mutated run over the goal time.
- Addressed a bug that caused the wrong player animations to trigger while previewing weapon and tool skins.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Open Next button on the Reward Container Opening popup to not choose the same container type you had previously opened.
- Addressed a bug that allowed players to use the Recall to Inn button in their starting area before they reached the town.
- Addressed a bug with inconsistent coloring between Orichalcum Ore and Ingot icons. Updated the Asmodeum Ingot icon to further distinguish it from the Orichalcum Ingots icon.
- Addressed a bug that caused text to overflow on the event button on the main menu in some languages.
- Fixed unnecessary capitalizations in loading screen tips.
- Fixed various inconsistent capitalizations within the Settings Menu.
- Fixed various messages that incorrectly referred to Wars when trying to leave 3v3 Arenas.
- Addressed a bug that caused equip and unequip sounds to not always play.
- Addressed a bug that made some players unable to see their company members in the “Members” list.
- Addressed a bug with chat character count becoming inaccurate when deleting linked items from the chat text.
- Addressed a bug that prevented players from interacting with NPCs when standing too close.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Remnant visual effects to remain after they should be destroyed.
- Fixed some lighting issues inside of the Malevolence point of interest in Edengrove that previously caused some rectangular, unnatural looking light patches to show.
- Fixed the visuals of a Fishing Hotspot that was underwater in Cutlass Keys.
- Addressed a bug that caused players to not receive the “Move Away” prompt when they were obstructing their camp from completion.
- Addressed a bug that allowed players to place camps in settlements under certain circumstances.
- Addressed a bug that caused the dialogue screen to fail to re-appear after turning in a quest.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Ancient Bridge in Weaver’s Fen to not appear on the map.
- Addressed a bug that caused players to get stuck in certain locations within the Ebonscale Settlement.
- Fixed several Fishing Hotspots that did not appear on the map.
- Fixed the spawn location for Timeless Lion.
- Addressed a bug that triggered the falling sound twice when jumping down stairs.
- Addressed a bug that caused chat delay settings to reset to a lower number when set to a value above 255.
- The “Retry Connection” button found on the main menu during connection issues has been localized in all languages.
- The Housing purchase screen now shows your correct amount of Coin.
- Addressed a bug that caused pinned Quest Objectives UI to overlap with the Armory UI during War preparation.
- Addressed a bug that caused enemy nameplates to display over the Invasion HUD.
- The status effects on boss nameplates no longer cut off when the nameplate is at its highest point on the screen.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Battle Bread tooltip to show an incorrect damage absorption value. It now shows 5% instead of 15%.
- Added a two second delay between instrument changes for players to alleviate issues with too many simultaneous notifications.
- Added additional gear scaling messages to the Expedition Mutator screen.
- Added highlights to all weapon ability tooltips to emphasize important keywords and numerical values.
- Addressed a bug that caused a completed PvP Reward Track to not show the bonus Azoth Salt received for unselected rewards. This was purely a visual issue. You still received the correct amount of salt.
- Addressed a bug that caused the crafting recipes to change order after opening a new crafting station.
- Addressed a bug that caused the siege weapon health bar to improperly align.
- Improved messaging for notifying players of the Coin cap while Salvaging.
- Improved the opening sequence for learning schematics, recipes, & music sheets to resemble the flow of opening a chest.
- In the ‘select ability’ flyout in the Mastery Tree menus, the abilities are now sorted in the same order the abilities are elsewhere.
- Musical Performances now have an updated audience interface with song difficulty colors and cleaner labels.
- Reduced the frequency of the spend points banner appearing in the HUD.
- Territories are now sorted by name in the Storage Shed.
- Updated numerous Perk icons with more accurate icons.
- Improved batch crafting items to have a more efficient flow when crafting items in bulk.
- Improved the in-combat icon with new animations when the player enters and exits combat.
- Removed the hotkey binding for the Take All button from Storage to avoid players accidentally triggering it when opening the Storage.
- Updated Progression Milestone Icons to emphasize the primary rewards.
- UI alerts for War and Invasion declarations will no longer trigger when players are inside an instance, such as an Expedition, Outpost Rush, or a 3v3 Arena match. These will instead be queued up and played once the player leaves the instance.
- Certain non-English characters can now be used for new character names, such as ß.
- Changed the Azoth cost to switch Factions to zero.
- Retreating enemies now show “Immune” when they are hit.
- Added a sound effect for when a new Inventory slot is unlocked.
- Removed deprecated information from the War Declaration menu.
- Removed a chest that would decrease the weight capacity of the settlement Storage below the current usage. Excess items will no longer be placed in a drop bag.
- Added a missing Water Fowl compass icon.
- The same popup when inviting a player to a Company from the Company flyout was added to the Social flyout.
- Added a minor notification when trying to use a consumable that cannot be used while in combat.
- Added audible cues when a respawn point is on a timer or becomes unlocked.
- Added Faction colors to Faction Token icons.
- Improved the character list box in the main menu to make its presentation consistent with the character dropdown.
- Increased the maximum number of status effects to display for Boss markers to five.
- Opening Inventory is now allowed in all water depths, up to Deep/Drowning. Inventory and Fishing state will now exit upon drowning.
- Disabled the opening of craftable containers in the Crafting screen, as it doesn’t currently support opening more than one stacked item.
- The Faction Mission Board will now show territory standings instead of Invasion messages.
- Added weight displays for each Storage Locations in the Storage dropdown to make it easy to see where you’ve stashed your items.
- Players on probation are now forbidden from interacting with the Company Wallet for War declarations.
- Addressed a bug that caused Player Damage Numbers to not display when the player disabled Floating Damage Numbers.
- Addressed a bug where multipliers on the experience bar would show more than two decimal points.
- Addressed a bug with the AFK warning not working properly after entering an Expedition while the AFK warning was active.
- Addressed a bug where some Wars were being cancelled instead of rescheduled if a server crash happened.
- Claim Point markers will now always be visible in Outpost Rush.
- Addressed a bug where changing ingredients in a way that lowered the potential Gear Score of the item would not update the amount of Azoth you could spend on the craft.
- Addressed a bug where players weren’t getting progress towards equipment attribute Achievements.
- Addressed a bug where players would lose Musical Instrument buffs after logging out or a crash.
- Addressed a bug where some Achievement completions wouldn’t count towards the total completed Achievement count.
- Addressed a bug where audio would occasionally drop out when switching to lower-end settings.
- Game Mode music (Duel, PvP Arena, Dungeon, Outpost Rush, Siege War, and Invasion) now resets when the loading screen appears.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Barnacles and Blackpowder Expedition to use the ambient music from Cutlass Keys territory.
- Added new sounds for escaping and continuing in the character select screen.
- Addressed a bug that caused currently playing voice lines to have priority over new voice lines when a player interacted with a different NPC.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Fishing Pole to use the wrong equip and unequip sounds.
- Addressed a bug that caused sounds to not play during the Mortar reload animation.
- Lowered the sound of the Sad Violin emote.
- Updated the ambiance audio within various settlements in Aeternum.
- Updated detection for what kind of surface a player is walking on to better align audio.
- Addressed a bug that caused the Corruption Breachmusic to keep playing after the event was completed.
Download free New World game update 1.7 on PC.