New World Update 1.6 Patch Notes (July Update) – July 28, 2022

New World patch 1.6 is available to download on PC. According to the official New World patch notes, the latest update added a new Summer Medleyfaire event to the game. Apart from this, today’s New World update 1.6 also includes a long list of bug fixes and adjustments.

Previously, a major update added the Winter Convergence Festival with the new winter event packed with quests, special activities, and more. Recently, a hotfix was also released.

Unfortunately, players are still experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s New World game update 1.6 will address a few of these errors.

New World Patch Notes – July 28, 2022


A band stands in front of a musical tent at the festival. One character holds a sitar, one a guitar, and one a large bass. Adventurers stand to the side, listening.

Celebrate the Summer Medleyfaire with fishing and musical events throughout Aeternum. Summer Villages have been erected in Brightwood, Everfall, Weaver’s Fen, and Monarch’s Bluffs. Raise your reputation with the Maestro through quests like catching the famed Aeternum Sturgeon to net special seasonal rewards. You can even frame your favorite catches for your home at new Mount-A-Catch stations found in every village.


Musical instruments are a new trade skill that make the world your stage. There are 5 instruments to pick up and learn, plus an initial 31 songs to collect and master! You can play solo, or as a group with up to 5 Adventurers. These musical instruments include:

  • Guitar

  • Mandolin

  • Upright Bass

  • Drums

  • Azoth Flute


A dark tide rises in Aeternum with the arrival of Admiral Blackpowder and his dastardly crew! Quest givers in the Cutlass Keys settlement and the new docks on the territory’s eastern shore will be looking to offer you loot and renown for defeating the despicable evil within the new Barnacles & Black Powder Expedition —unlocking one week after the release of this update.

Rumors suggest there might be an even greater power within the Admiral’s hold. Not to mention, more than meets the eye…

  • Expedition Mutators

    • Barnacles & Black Powder will be mutated 2 weeks after its release

    • 3 new Mutations will also join the mutation rotation:

      • Icebound:Icebound features mutations that deal Ice damage, apply slow, and spawn glacial crystals with area effects.

      • Oppressive:Enemies gain powerful abilities like mana drains and zones of silence, which prevent ability usage for a short period of time.

      • Frenzied:This variant applies Curses to players that dodge. Curses stack up and deal damage over time. When Frenzied reaches 3 stacks, it detonates. This explosion deals additional damage to the player and leaves an elemental damage area of effect.


New quality of life features have been introduced to alleviate some points of friction for our Expedition explorers.


Finding a group to run Expeditions with while solo isn’t always easy when you need to ask through chat. So we are excited to release our first version of the Group Finder tool for Expeditions! With this feature, you’ll be able to access a specific Group Finder for each Expedition (accessed through Expedition entrance UI or related Expedition map icons), browse listings created by other players, or post your own request to join other players on your server. The tool allows players to declare their preferred team role — such as DPS, Tank, or Healer — and recruit based on those roles. You can also set recruiting requirements like minimum Gear Score and level, then inspect members to learn their average GS, weapons, and mastery levels.


We’ve removed Expedition Tuning Orbs and replaced them with daily limits for Normal and Weekly mutated Expedition runs to make all Expeditions easier to access. Players can participate in:

  • 15 Normal Expedition runs per player per day or 105 per week, per player.

  • 25 Mutated Expedition runs per week.

In order to honor the value you’ve put into acquiring existing Tuning Orbs, any orbs in your inventory upon the update will be replaced with caches that give loot appropriate for their Expedition. While you won’t get a full run’s worth of coin and drops, the rolls will include boss drops for weapons and armor in addition to opportunities for Expertise bumps.

  • For Normal Expeditions, caches will reward a roll from the sub-boss and main boss found in that specific Expedition, and grant coin equal to 50% the cost previously associated with buying that specific type of orb from the Faction Shop.

  • For Mutated Expeditions, caches will reward 4 boss rolls off the final boss of 4 eligible Mutators, and coin equal to 50% the cost previously associated with buying that specific type of orb from the Faction Shop.


With the accessibility changes to Expeditions, we’ve moved roughly 50% of coin generated from Expedition bosses and have instead spread it out to coin drops from Elite Chests and Corrupted Breaches completion bonuses to help compensate for the reduction. Twice a day, players can loot elite chests in the open world or complete minor or major Corrupted Breaches to earn a bag of coins. Each bag contains 500 coins.

Along with that, we have introduced a new method to help the player overcome the randomness of Expedition Loot. Materia is a new type of resource that can be used to craft your desired drop. There are two ways to obtain this resource. Any named item obtained from an Expedition can now be salvaged into Materia of its corresponding Expedition type in addition to receiving Materia when defeating the main boss of an Expedition.


We’ve shifted the difficulty levels at which loot will unlock. The system was originally intended to give players a sense of rewarding progression as they play through the different difficulty levels but lower levels didn’t feel particularly good due to sparse rewards. We’ve therefore changed what items unlock at which difficulty level, which should result in a wider variety of lower level rewards. In addition, we’ve also added another accessory to each Mutator. Previously, each Mutator dropped 2 of the 3 types of accessory. Now every Mutator can drop all available types.

Download free New World game update 1.6 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.