New World Update 1.3.1 Patch Notes (February Update) – Official

New World patch 1.3.1 is now available to download on PC. According to the official New World patch notes 1.3.1, the latest New World February update gameplay optimizations, bug fixes, and adjustments. Apart from this, today’s New World update 1.3.1 also includes stability fixes.

Previously, a major update added the Winter Convergence Festival with the new winter event packed with quests, special activities, and more.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues with the game. Today’s New World patch 1.3.1 will address a few of these errors.

What is fixed in New World 1.3.1 February Update? – February 3, 2022

  • Fixed a bug where rapidly dropping and picking up items from could cause them to disappear from the bag and inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where collision geometry could disappear at region borders.

To prevent limited time bags of Juniper Berries from being exploited, and to add a layer of progression and potential for extra coin for players at end game, we updated the coin rewards payout from the as follows:

  • Level 1-9 – 1-5 coins
  • Level 10-19 – 5-15 coins
  • Level 20-29 – 10-30 coins
  • Level 30-39 – 20-50 coins
  • Level 40-49 – 30-75 coins
  • Level 50-59 – 40-150 coins
  • Level 60 – 50-200 coins
  • Housing system has had an overhaul on how data is being stored. This is to prevent issues with players losing their houses or items therein.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not fast travel to home or respawn at home after relogging from exit to desktop.
  • Known issue: The weekly Mutator schedule rotation may fail to rotate. We have added additional code to help us track down the issue.
  • Speculative Fix:

Fixed a bug where the UI could incorrectly select an incorrect item briefly after scrolling. Now, wherever the cursor currently is at the time of the click is the item that is selected. We suspect this was leading to players salvaging an incorrect item on accident.

Combat Updates

  • Void Gauntlet: Fixed an issue where Mending Evasion would reset your lowest active cooldown.
  • Rapier
  • Fixed an issue where sheathing the Rapier after triggering Evade would result in the player getting a persistent movement speed buff.
  • Ice Gauntlet: Fixed an issue where the Ice Gauntlet’s Punishing Storm was increasing all player damage and not just the Ice Storm’s damage.

Download free New World game update 1.3.1 on PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.