New World Update 1.0.1 Patch Notes (Official) – Oct 6, 2021

New World update 1.0.1 is now available to download on PC. According to the official New World patch notes, the latest update added quality of life changes, AFK preventions, and bug fixes. Apart from this, the New World game patch 1.01 also includes general stability fixes.

Previously, a major update added a long list of quality of life improvements.

Unfortunately, since the last patch, players are still experiencing several issues since the last major patch. Today’s New World patch will address a few of these errors.

New World Patch 1.0.1 Notes (October 6, 2021)


We’ve implemented the groundwork for the character server transfer, and you may see elements of that work in the in-game store. We’re continuing to work on this feature, and will have more information on how the system works later this week when we release server transfers.


Changed turret projectiles in War from physical projectiles to use hitscan detection. This should help performance in War, with fewer objects being spawned in the world.


In an effort to ensure players can’t stay AFK, especially in higher population servers, we’ve made the following adjustments to the AFK prevention system.

  • Added additional AFK prevention to ensure players cannot fool the existing system with simulated mouse movement.
  • Shortened the AFK warning message from 20mins to 15mins.
  • Shortened the AFK disconnect from 25mins to 20mins.

We added a confirmation screen when a player attempts to leave the queue for a world, asking the player to confirm if they’re intending to leave the queue. This should help ensure nobody accidentally leaves the queue and misses out on their spot in line.


  • Fixed a rare issue causing the interact key to not properly function on various objects in the world.
  • Addressed a bug causing the barrel to not appear in “Pirate Stance” emote.
  • Addressed a bug where players did not receive coin as a reward from some activities.
  • Fixed a bug where interrupting the fast travel animation may cause the player’s character to become stuck inside of a house.
  • Addressed a bug in Territory Standing rewards where some localized text was missing.
  • Addressed a bug where players are asked to claim achievement titles multiple times after logging back into the game, despite already having claimed the rewards.
  • Addressed a bug causing leg animations to freeze.
  • Fixed game crashes related to the New World Twitch integrations. Integrations have been re-enabled in this update.
  • Fixed a rare issue where players could enter state where they could not be hit by most attacks.
  • Addressed a bug where certain item containers could be looted infinitely.
  • Addressed a bug where the abandoning event notification could sometimes persist after the player abandoned the event.
  • Addressed a bug causing Pastor Walsh to spawn aggressively at the Walsham point of interest (POI).
  • Addressed a bug causing enemies to spawn slower than intended in the Bullrush Wash POI.
  • Addressed a bug causing Overseer Zane to respawn slower than intended in the “Something to Prove” quest.
  • Addressed a bug where Master Zindt could have duplicated respawns at the Kannan Tomb POI.
  • Added missing journal information about the recommended quest level for players attempting to unlock the second faction rank.
  • Addressed a bug where resetting the “Blessings of Earth” quest when you have gained any of the blessings will block progression in the Main Story Quest (MSQ).
  • Addressed a bug where the “Azoth Fulminate” quest will be unavailable to players if they first complete other Windsward quests.
  • Addressed a bug where completing the “Goodwill Squashing” quest prevents the player from obtaining the “Arruda Jam” quest.
  • Addressed a bug where the barkeep conversation state in First Light can enter a state where quests cannot be obtained from the barkeep.
  • Addressed a bug where completing the “Taste for Revenge” quest prevents the player from obtaining the “Predator, Prey” and “Great Expectations” quests.
  • Addressed a bug where completing the “Curse of Ebony Hawk” quest prevents the player from obtaining the “Bond’s Gambit” quest.
  • Addressed a bug where completing “The Expedition into Saircor” quest prevents the player from obtaining the “One Threat at a Time” quest.
  • Addressed a bug where completing the “Strength of the Earth” quest prevents the player from obtaining the “Fading Lights” and “Azure Tears” quests.
  • Addressed a bug where completing the “Twisted Metamorphosis” quest prevents the player from obtaining the “Blessings of the Fallen” quest.
  • Addressed a bug where completing the “Facets of Light and Darkness” quest prevents the player from obtaining the “Descent to Frosted Slumber” and “Transmuting Iron to Dust” quests.

Download free New World game update 1.0.1 for PC.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.