NBA 2K22 Update 1.06 Patch Notes (NBA 2K22 1.06) – Oct 22, 2021

NBA 2K22 update 1.06 is now available to download on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. According to the official NBA 2K22 1.06 patch notes, the latest hotfix added some minor changes to the game. Apart from this, NBA 2K22 patch 1.06 also includes performance improvements.

Previously, a minor update was released with stability and performance improvements. Recently, a hotfix was also released.

Unfortunately, players are still facing several login and disconnection issues. Today’s NBA 2K22 patch 1.06 will fix a few of these issues.

Read more details below.

NBA 2K22 1.06 Patch Notes – October 22, 2021

  • Addressed the badge-related issue. The badge issue was a cosmetic display issue.
  • Added fixes for crashing issues.
  • Addressed some game loading issues.
  • Added online stability and performance improvements.
  • Other minor bug fixes.

NBA 2K22 1.05 Patch Notes

The following changes were added previously.


  • Adjusted the logic for several shooting badges (including Chef, Limitless Spot-Up, Difficult Shots, Circus Threes, Rhythm Shooter, Catch & Shoot, Set Shooter, and Stop and Pop) so that each one triggers under the intended conditions and at the proper shooting ranges
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing shimmy hooks to play from the 3PT line
  • Signature animations will now properly reset after using the Build Tester in MyCAREER


  • Various improvements and support for Unlimited and Triple Threat Online: The 100
  • Added support for Recurring and Event Exchanges
  • Various additional improvements to The Exchange to improve the overall user experience
  • Fixed an issue with MyCAREER Player Cards being available in unintended modes
  • Added Event Card support for Auction House searches from My Collection
  • Restarting during Skill Challenges should now work as intended
  • Signed Player Cards will no longer have distorted backgrounds in-game
  • Boosts applied to Shoe Cards will now correctly be applied in games
  • Added support for searching for Shoe Colorway Cards by brand in the Auction House
  • Prevented a case where players could accidently select multiple packs at once in MyTEAM: Draft

Download free NBA 2K22 update 1.06 on Sony PlayStation 4, PC, and Xbox One.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.