Mortal Online 2 Update Patch Notes

Mortal Online 2 update is now available on PC(Steam). According to the official Mortal Online 2 game patch notes, the latest update addresses critical gameplay issues, including fixing a bug that incorrectly labeled players as criminals for attacking red players, and improvements to game performance and environment.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Mortal Online 2 patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

Mortal Online 2 Patch Notes – December 21, 2023

Flags and Standing
  • Fixed issue causing you to become criminal when attacking red players.
  • Mounts and Pets
  • Fixed a bug where the jump apex for a player would remain if they mounted a horse while jumping or falling. Doing a jump before mounting a horse and then riding down a mountain would make dismounting fatal.
Tasks and Bounty Hunting
  • Updated Hunter task pools for each town to be more regional.
  • You will no longer get the message you were rewarded 0 glory from creatures.
  • You will now have to gain 5% of the total glory of a creature in order to progress your boss task.
Buildables, Houses and Territory Control Structures
  • Fixed an issue causing some buildings to be allowed to be placed too close to other buildings.
  • Lighting, Weather and Environment
  • Removed some trees in jungle cliffs.
  • Moved a few Points of Interest.
  • Updated collision on meshes in one of the ruins points of interest.
  • Updated lighting transition in one of the mining caves.
  • Game Performance
  • Applied a temporary fix so that the game does not crash in the landscape system. You might see landscape artifacts instead. We are working on identifying the root cause of the problem.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.