Mortal Online 2 Update Patch Notes – February 3, 2022

Mortal Online 2 update is now available to download on PC. According to the official Mortal Online 2 game patch notes, the latest update added confirm buttons to leaving & disbanding guild, new gatherable resources to Myrland, and much more.

Since the last patch, players are experiencing problems with the game. Today’s Mortal Online 2 patch will fix a few of these issues.

Check out more details below.

What is new in Mortal Online 2 February 3 Update?


  • Added confirm buttons to leaving & disbanding guild.
  • Added new gatherable resources to Myrland
  • Added a few more roaming bandits on Haven

What is fixed in Mortal Online 2 Patch


  • Rebuilt the queue system to be more reliable and informative. You can now see your position and an estimate of the time you will have to wait. The new system also keeps connections alive in a better way. Part of this change made the “logging in” sequence longer but just let it do its thing and you should correctly connect. You also keep your spot in the queue for much longer now. If the game crashes while you are in the middle of the queue you now have 10 minutes to login to keep your spot.
  • Added 2 more nodes to help balance the players better in the world. This makes it so that we can take in a lot more players.
  • Improve load balance that decides when the server queue should start. This should make it so that the server only starts a queue when it needs to, leading to more players on the server.
  • Improved the startup sequence for the server to make sure that it has fully started before starting the startup queue.
  • Myrland queue message is now shown as a popup that you need to confirm in the haven city selection UI.
  • Increased some fishes strength
  • Lowered some fish values
  • Updated taming and domination messages to make them a bit more clear


  • Multiple crash fixes in the UI.
  • Fixed issue where clicking the vertical border of the window would be detected as a drag input causing the user not to be able to stop dragging the window.
  • Fixed the correct vendor value on Clothos animal parts.
  • Fixed house doors and keep gates playing the opening animation incorrectly while loading in.
  • Fixed being unable to upgrade your house in certain rare instances.
  • Fixed decoration mode not activating while standing on top of furniture inside a house.
  • Fixed instant respawners in Myrland.

Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
Jack focuses on sports games, covering everything from FIFA and NBA 2K to arcade-style hits. When not analyzing roster updates or gameplay mechanics.